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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Nah don’t run away you’ve got to double and triple down until you get banned. That is the way. That would be the most entertaining course of action to me. Sega reference before you dip.
  2. Nobody wanted SF to win that except you spoiled punks. You’re hurting America. Why do you hate America? Mccaffery is basically Osama Bin Laden.
  3. As a half-jew I find it completely abhorrent and the worst kind of disingenuous that any criticism of Israel’s atrocities gets painted as anti-semitic. My grandfather didn’t die in Dachau so that these fucking hucksters could leverage the Holocaust as political cover for their bullshit.
  4. You can always vote for me. I’m running on a platform consisting entirely of promoting the death penalty for anyone that doesn’t use their blinker.
  5. Ive Never played the original. Only ever played the Greek one and some of the Viking one. Those were both pretty fun. What was this PS3? I’m pretty sure no one even played that generation of systems.
  6. Poultry no bones. Beef usually no bones. Pork it depends on the form. Oh, except wings. Wings are good.
  7. These kind of get uneven after 7 don’t they? Different release schedules. Comparing DQ8 a ps2 game vs FF8 a PSX game seems a bit weird. Dragon Quest XI should be compared to that piece of shit Final Fantasy XV to get accurate comparisons
  8. Not on this one. There’s comradery amongst Lake Erie bros. Behind our city motto, “At least we’re not Detroit” is compassion for mutual suffering. Really. I swear.
  9. I usually root for the 49ers because Phil Dawson (even though you failed to get him a SB ugh friggin jobbers) but I’m looking forward to Goff laying the smack down on your asses.
  10. Not as big as it used to be. It’s „curated“ now. What I do track of it I track with Retro Game Collector app. I only track my PSX and Boxed NES stuff. And that’s pretty loosely done. I was a GVN user but ya know. Now anything else is tracked by eyeballs.
  11. Are his prices ebay priced? Lol that was one hell of a rant to justify higher than pricecharting prices. I mean if this was my first day sure advice against taking pricecharting prices as monolithic is fair but the argumentation presented is not really sound and in the intro paragraph to your FS thread is hardly an attractive place. At the end of the day condition is king if you’re trying to squeeze every penny out of your sales. Also there are no eBay fees here so…
  12. Beyond how I feel about Vanilla Ice because of the 90s I have a special memory of this song in my pocket. The most fun I’ve ever had sitting in traffic was listening to this and Ninja Rap in the car on the bridge waiting to get in to the amusement park with the kiddos blasting the tunes and singing along. This was the anthem of last summer.
  13. I’m willing to rock some Herbert Grönemeyer with him. Welcome.
  14. Ahh nu metal. Pretty typical if you ask me. The thing about it is that there was a whole period where we all were supposed to pretend that making annoying noises on the guitar was a valuable skill.
  15. Probably help if Waddle didn’t take himself out of the game after every catch. Team is definition of glass cannon.
  16. I have to assume that classic rock radio is still the same handful songs they always played on repeat 10+ years ago. Jesus h crist there are other Rush songs than Tom Sawyer. Or is classic rock like 90s tunes now and my classic rock is golden oldies?
  17. I was going to give it an 8 and as I was thinking about what I would say I threw the song on. From the solo break to the end of the song it’s a banger no matter how many times I’ve heard it. That guitar solo is tasty as fuck and one of the greatest rock and roll solos ever written. 9.
  18. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304511811531?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1nSBZh2DSQG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Cb-WHZBETpm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY lol
  19. Very well done. Entertaining and colorful to watch. One of Johnny Depp‘s roles where his Hunter Thompson fixation was a benefit to his performance.
  20. I mean you can let your next of kin know about the theoretical value of what they’ll receive if they do the work but ultimately it’s their decision how much of this received asset is worth their time to put in the work for? Uncle Steve‘s weirdo game collection is worth $100k?! I have to do what to get 100 for it?! Oh yeah dude take it off my hands 45 cash. You, the person to whom this is an important topic, will not give a shit for a variety of reasons.
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