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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. My experience with the community outside of here is exclusively Reddit so it may just be a there thing. While it does seem NES collecting has some level of prestige I see a whole lot more upvotes for look at this pile of DS games I got at GameStop. We all sort of knew that would be the case though as NES collectors aged and the younger folks started collecting what they remember.
  2. Nice. Two thumbs up for the Jorn Lande love. The first Masterplan album is one of my all time favorite power metal albums.
  3. Is it? Genuinely curious. The kids all seem to be into DS and GameCube these days.
  4. One of my favorite collecting things is finding a nice priced/condition box lot btw.
  5. No love for the IB? I love a nice IB score. Then I get to cart hunt; it’s almost always the other way around. Nice change of pace.
  6. This is a distinction I make as well. In fact I will list my listings here with C - I - or B depending on which pieces I have.
  7. Lol I had to google that. Never heard the term. Slivovitz. I don’t know man you’re standing outside 711 drinking plum booze taking pictures of cockroaches.
  8. Holy FBI raid Batman.
  9. This post was definitely made at the bottom of the bottle of plum brandy. The only roaches I’ve ever seen not at the zoo are in my ashtray.
  10. Marriage has nothing to do with people’s commitment to one another. I’ve been with my significant other for 15 years have 2 children and have never been married. Marriage is a tax filing status and nothing more. Always has been since the days of her dad will give me 15 goats if I take her off his hands.
  11. That’s not true. My grandfather’s generation definitely thought it was ok to pop her in the mouth if she talked back
  12. What does her tax status have to do with it?
  13. I’d like to vote for confused dumbass please . There’s way too much reasonable and thoughtful advice in here. I’m a bit concerned that the SNES is having a negative impact on men’s testosterone levels. You mean to tell me nobody else wants to slip the ol salami to dog walker lady from down the street?
  14. Never mind the whole part about fucking around and finding out; my question here is, isn’t dating 3 women at the same time a shit-ton of work? At 40? That shit sounds horrible. Feelings shmeelings. Cut that down to 1 married woman and take a nap.
  15. It’s never happened to me but as a basement collection guy I feel your pain. Was always paranoid about that. As such Ive always avoided putting anything on the bottom shelf. Stick some old books or something down there. My neighbors have apparently had issues with water in the basement before but fortunately I never have.
  16. I really wanted to vote for Reservoir Dogs, Inglorious Basterds or even Django as best film but man is Pulp Fiction a good movie. That „Say What Again Mother Fucker“ scene is one of the best of all time.
  17. Finally saw this. It was good. My expectations were low because my last Mario movie experience involved John Leguizamo. It was cute and enjoyable. They did a good job of putting together a silly story that allowed them to squeeze in all of those game references.
  18. It seems he feels very strongly about his right to play out of time.
  19. I had a buddy who had this back in the day. One of the 4 N64 games that made me want one.
  20. I’ve got a real soft spot for hair metal. Some solid stuff but not my favorite. 7.
  21. That was pretty good. Reminds me of a heavier Social D kind of thing
  22. @Reed Rothchild really? I mean it’s iconic and a huge part of a pivotal moment in the genres history but better than Thriller? C’mon
  23. Oh Yeah and don’t let that Influencer language fly. It’s a rebranding of “minor celebrity” or “d lister” or whatever terms were in fashion previously for people with a fringe amount of followers. Part of the Great American Con. Friggin waste management specialist ya know?
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