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Everything posted by Kguillemette

  1. Bernie is an established brand, though. It's a lot easier to do work when you all ready have that brand built in. Pete has work to do. More so than Bernie. I know Pete gets picked on for accepting donations from the wealthy, but he doesnt have nearly the network that bernie does. It costs a lot of money to run for president. Myself being a capitalist libertarian, i dont judge him for it. But amy was completely unknown here in NH. I dont see tons of Amy signs and rallygoers everywhere I go like with Bernie. And she still got 20%. Pete may make some serious noise in the coming weeks.
  2. Im stunned Bernie diddnt do better in nh. He cleaned up against Hillary 4 years ago! A bigger surprise was the turnout for Amy. I just don't see a lot of people for her in manchester. She must be getting a lot from Biden's implosion last week. If i had to pick a Democrat, personally at this point, i'm with Pete. I would pick Pete over trump any day. From the little I have read about Amy(seriously, where the hell did that come from?!) I would pick her too.
  3. Chrono Cross could have been so good! It's such an example of trying to do way too much and what should have been a killer plot got muddy with a half asked tie in to trigger. The bridge to a great continuation was right there! They just had to cross it rather spend time trying to develop 20 Plus irrelevant characters.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theblaze.com/news/2020/02/09/trump_registration_site_florida_attacked/amp
  5. Edit: I'm trying to help you guys moderate a debate that is going nowhere.
  6. Oh for heaven's sake. Everyone is wrong here. New topic. Pry my gun from my cold dead hand. Go.
  7. When someone says concentration camps, i immediately think holocaust. I think Wandering tellurian deserves a little bit more empathy for his reaction to the term.
  8. This isn't some trick where we are about to get into an argument about what semantics means, is it?
  9. I've eaten most organs. Kidneys, which are pretty good, beef liver, veal sweetbreads, cow brain( the worst...) RMO, duck liver(which is amazing as a spread on toast with goat cheese!) Can't do foie gras anymore. Its just a fucked process used to make it. I love lots of different cheeses, though I'm not sure how odd they would be considered. Maybe something a little unique like Boucheron, a ewe's milk cheese, which is one of my favorites. I also love D'affinois and other rinded creamy cheeses.
  10. Ill be honest, you lost me after the first line. I had to go back and re-read it. There is good content there. I disagree with you on how to spend the money, but you do have good ideas on how to get it.
  11. If you want change you need to effectively sell it. Appeal to the everyman. I suggest dropping the condescending tone if you want to be taken seriously. That goes for those on the other end of the argument also. That being said, you seem extremely knowledgeable on economics. What is your background? Or do you follow politics as a hobby?
  12. You won't sell many on decreasing military budgets. People enjoy the security a strong military brings. Increase marginal rates, you mean raise taxes? Thats another tough sell. Finally, isn't closing tax loopholes a big part of the tax cut from a couple years ago? Lower the corporate tax rate while closing loopholes? At least that's how it was sold.
  13. Ive been reading Babylon Bee a lot lately. They have been spitting out hot sarcastic conservative fire lately. Like this gem from a couple days ago. https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-to-deliver-state-of-the-union-in-scuba-gear-to-avoid-drowning-in-liberal-tears
  14. Hear hear! I don't agree with a lot of your politics I have read, but I am totally with you on this one. I don't recognize either party anymore. I've grown from near poverty having to sell my collection just to stay afloat and brought up 3 kids and supported my wife using the status quo. Plain old hard work got me here. Plain old hard work is what allows me to continue climbling the ladder of the middle class, allowing my income to steadily outpace my cost of living. I feel as if the social democrats want people to skip the whole "hard work" step. I stood with democrats for over a decade because they were the party of opportunity and equality. It seems that Republicans want that more now. Both, however, have boiled their entire party into maybe 3 or 4 hot buttons. Edit: on a side note, I just realized the all is off topic, I'll move any further posts to the politics thread.
  15. If they suspend instead of drop out of their campaigns, does that mean they can keep their contributions to run for their local office? Probably would help a ton if you ran for statewide office like Senator or governor compared to the the campaign dollars your likely opponents would have. Campaign finance laws are silly and hard for me to understand.
  16. One great thing about BOTW is when you are bored of questing, you can just storm the castle and take on the final boss whenever you want.
  17. I totally get that. The PSP is a great machine to play rpgs on.
  18. If you have the choice, i would go with the playstation version. I've played the psp version as well, and the added voice acting is pretty bad. Other than that it basically is a carbon copy port of the ps1 version. Still a great game.
  19. All i know is that in 10 days, all these clowns will finally leave town and quit bothering me.
  20. Ps1 games can be downloaded to a ps3 and synced to a psp memory stick using the USB port on top. Here I am being a grandpa doing things the way they were in 2008.
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