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Everything posted by Kguillemette

  1. Im not sure the point, but if it helps with context, maybe? White, Male, 34, and 0. White privilege is real. Subtext, when with my wife (Black and Mexican mixed) probably discriminated a dozen times. Mostly getting ignored in restaurants because "Black people dont tip" or harassed in places like shopping malls making sure we don't steal anything. It's happened much less since having kids and going places with them.
  2. Hmm. Perhaps I need to do a bit of research, but I believe it stands to reason that any trans woman (or man, for that matter) is unequivocally equal emotionally, spiritually, and most important legally to their identified gender. I believe that this is without question. Biologically and physiologically, however, there is more convincing to do. People see a more masculine, built body on a trans woman and they immediately think about unfairness in athletic competition. Especially when the select few trans athletes that there are and allowed to compete tend to outwardly dominate the competition. I think back to a few years ago with the female state wrestling champion in Texas as an example. Or was it that as a minor, she just wasn't far enough along in her transition to truly be balanced as you say? Like I'm not sure if she had completed her hormone therapy , etc. On a side note, I have been following these instance for the last few years, as I love sports and am fascinated by the subject of where trans fit in to it. I have not, however, heard of and trans males outwardly dominating athletics like females have.
  3. @kuriatsu I don't know any trans women in real life(but if I did I promise I would ask them too! I'm always curious about how people feel from all backgrounds!) One of the big controversies surrounding trans women at the moment are athletes that have gone through male puberty before transitioning. It is widely considered that they biologically have a distinct advantage over women born female and therefore unfair to allow them to compete in female athletics. This was recently again a mainstream question with the trans cyclist from Canada that absolutely dominated last year and carried a very cavalier attitude towards the women she competed against saying something to the likes of "you all need to stop hating and train harder." This incident was lampooned on an an episode of South Park portraying Macho Man Randy Savage as having come out as trans, thus dominating a female athletic contest that her ex girlfriend participated in. What's your opinion on the matter? I'm genuinely interested. Other people can chime in, I'm most interested in the opinion of a trans woman on the subject, however.
  4. I do not disagree. The judicial branch has been used as a political weapon for some time. Republicans/McConnell have been much better at politics and lawmaking than democrats have this past decade. Why else would Obama issue tons of executive orders? The Senate would have turned him into a lame duck.
  5. Trump appointed and the legislature confirmed a vast number of pro life and pro second amendment judges, as well as a very strict constitutionalist justice to the Supreme Court in Gorsuch. I think that counts as doing lots for the movement. Some states now have some of the most restrictive abortion laws we have ever seen, and the judicial branch isn't questioning whether or not those laws are constitutional. And If Ralph Northam's bill to restrict assault weapons were to pass, I have a strong hunch it would be challenged on appeals court. With so many judges having been appointed to the Appellate court that historically show restraint, it has a better than 50% chance to be shot down. And you are right that it comes down to a few hot buttons and sound bites. On the other hand, if Bernie were to pull through the nomination and be super pro NRA, 2nd Amendment, etc, he would probably flip enough rural voters to take down Trump. Fat chance of that happening though.
  6. My picks: Golf Story!(spoiler) The Rap Battle that came out of nowhere in tidy park about killed me(/spoiler) BFD diddnt have me in stitches, but it was very amusing! Radiata Stories had a few goofy moments that got some chuckles out of me as well.
  7. New topic then! Trump is going to win. He has been staunchly pro 2nd Amendment and pro life. This is close to 40% of the National electorate all by itself. His supporters are very passionate and will turn out for him in droves. The democrats may crush him in CA and NY, but there is 48 other states, and he has a comfortable enough lead in enough of him where the political math vastly favors him in the electoral college. There is one factor that needs to come in to play for the Democratic candidate to have a shot. The urban black population, who historically stays home on election day, needs to turn up and go blue in droves like they did in 08 and 12 for Obama. At the moment, there isnt any candidate that really fires and inspires them like Obama did. There is a chance that Bernie or Biden may pick up a higher margin than Hillary. The question is, will it be enough to flip the rust belt back to blue? My thoughts. Discuss.
  8. You know, if they were purely instrumental, i would like them more. 3/10.
  9. Is Trump a racist? I won't say. But he absolutely understands that a racist vote is still a vote and panders to the racist crowd accordingly.
  10. Nice! Only reason I dont cook gnocchi as often as id like to is there's a lot of cleanup for my tiny kitchen. And no dishwasher. I have to keep everything I cook at home as simple as possible or I wind up spending 2 hours a night in my kitchen. I cook professionally also. Right now it's a nice little gig making breakfast sandwiches for a sub shop in gas station. Not my most glamorous job, but it pays the bills and it's a nice schedule. Plus I get to feed people these bad boys all morning!
  11. Man after my own heart. I love homemade gnocchi.
  12. Smothered garlic beef tips with onions and peppers. Me and the wife will probably make salads out of these over the course of the week and perhaps steak fajitas
  13. Back in culinary school we need to have out chef coats super bright white and clean. One of my roommates soaked his whites in a tote filled with bleach water in the bathroom. One night after way too much drinking I had to puke up the 15 or so beers my 19 year old self foolishly drank and completely mistook the tote with his chef clothes for the toilet and completely let it fly. I was so blackout hammered that i was the last to find out that i did that. Fortunately for me he wad very forgiving being an older guy and said he probably had it coming since he ruined lots of peoples bathrooms and furniture back when he was my are. Still, everyone at the school picked on me for that for the whole year. Never had more than 2 beers the rest of my time there outside of my 21st birthday.
  14. Michael Brown robbed a convenience store and bum rushed a cop. He was hardly acting like the gentle giant the media, and subsequently, BLM claimed him to be. The support he received on the matter really discredited this extremely important movement. Especially since the whole BLM movement really took off with him. Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Philando Bastille, et all, needed justice. The attachment of those guys to Brown was such a slap in the face. Made me sick. I remember Obama commenting on the matter Of Trayvon saying something to the effect of "that could be my son." He's right. I look at it the same way. Trayvon could be my son too in 8 years walking to the corner store to buy some candy only to get harassed and ultimately killed by some busybody with a weapon. And the law being what it is would favor the busybody. BLM was very important. It created the whole idea of being "woke" to the way the world actually is. Duray McKesson was being hailed like a modern day MLK preaching peaceful protests to get the word out of the social injustices going on the the world. Hence the term Black Lives Matter. What it really means isn't that some lives matter more than others. What it mean is Black Lives Matter Also. Because as the deaths of Freddie Gray, Philando Castille, and Trayvon Martin have shown us, they in fact do not matter nearly as much as they should. Then Colin Kaepernick took a knee and made the movement all about him self. Trump, sensing national controversy that he could capitalize on took an opposing interest in it. And the media forgot why the movement began in the first place and it has all but been forgotten. Long story short it is such a disrespect to refer to it as the "only some lives matter" movement. That is the exact opposite of what BLM means. And I am by no means a Bernie fan, but he is the only politician in the running who understands the purpose of BLM. He proved it during the first democratic presidential debate 4 years ago.
  15. When I was 6 I got as far as level 6 and 8. I found the entrance to Death Mountain. It took me several years to find the entrance to level 7. No help. I did help some of friends with some of the secrets I found, though!
  16. Its such a sad thing. This title was on my radar and was gonna be one of my next purchases. I really really like his artwork, too. If I had one, I would sell it to you. I dont judge people who want it or own it. I dont judge people that can separate the artwork from the artist and still enjoy it for what it is. And some people really enjoy having a bit of notoriety in their collections. I get that and respect it. It's just not for me. This must be how people who grew up huge fans of bill cosby and r Kelly must feel. Ugh.
  17. They're fun! Nothing groundbreaking, but very fun!
  18. I guess it was okay. I saw it like 15 years ago, but never felt a need to rewatch it.
  19. Oh wow. fuck him. I never knew. I used to really like Ren and Stumpy too. Ill skip this game in my (slow) quest for a complete GC set. I just can't bring myself to own something a child predator made. As far as I can guess, he focused on kid shows to lure little girls. Predators do shit like this.
  20. One thing about the tattoo is i would have liked to see the image rounded a bit more. Sephiroth and Cloud are hidden by the shoulders.
  21. Pretty much that I identify myself as a capitalistic libertarian. Pretty much the exact polar opposite of Bernie's politics.
  22. I take back what I said about Pastor Pete having read more. He really has no business being here. I call him Pastor Pete since my wife played a Christian podcast that ripped apart his scripture interpretations that he loved to use so much as he described his Christian faith, which i always suspected to be as much of a sham as Trump's. That being said, I would still vote for Pastor Pete over Trump. I may start pulling for Amy though. I'm not, nor ever will be a Bernie guy, however. (Disclaimer, I am registered as a Republican in NH, so I had no horse in this race.)
  23. Bernie is an established brand, though. It's a lot easier to do work when you all ready have that brand built in. Pete has work to do. More so than Bernie. I know Pete gets picked on for accepting donations from the wealthy, but he doesnt have nearly the network that bernie does. It costs a lot of money to run for president. Myself being a capitalist libertarian, i dont judge him for it. But amy was completely unknown here in NH. I dont see tons of Amy signs and rallygoers everywhere I go like with Bernie. And she still got 20%. Pete may make some serious noise in the coming weeks.
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