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Everything posted by Kguillemette

  1. Trump is Mr Economy. If he is endorsing shutting big chunks of the economy down to deal with this virus, it probably needs to happen.
  2. If they did not suspend trade ins I could at least buy the argument of being essential as a sort of pawn service for people who need cash. But they aren't, so they may as well close. Are they even making any sales?
  3. I manage a local sub shop take out counter that's in a gas station. First, let me say that I am thankful to have work to do. But the business is in survival mode all of a sudden. I've had to slash hours, which sucks. Not only am I running it solo for much of the day, which is stressful in itself, I have to tell some great employees they aren't gonna make ends meet this month. I dont like having to do that. Also, we are probably the third or fourth choice for a lot of customers we have. Sales have dropped 20% in store, but 40% company wide. Every customer that comes in is on edge. So many are nervous about being shut down including tradesman that figured they were safe. One of my regulars is an electrician that just rewired a house to make it pass a building inspection. After he was finished, the city suspended all of its non-essential employees, so the building inspector can't do the house. The lady who owns the house can't go back and needs to live in a hotel until this is over. Customers overall have been extremely rude in comparison to normal. I usually get screamed at by an irrational customer maybe once a month. It has been once an hour now. And there are lots more sanitation restrictions to follow that slows down service. Every hour I need to stop production and orders to disinfect the front counter, gloves are now used on the register, which makes counting money very difficult to do and the gloved fingers are ineffective on computer screens. In addition, I had a homeless guy come in and start stealing beer and being belligerent on the gas station side of the store in an attempt to get arrested. A cop happened to be there filling his tank at the time and explained that he was instructed to not arrest people if possible because the court system is suspended at the moment, meaning he would just remain in jail. So the homeless guy tried to steal more stuff, but the cop pulled him outside, the manager gave him the beer as a favor to the cop so he wouldnt have to arrest him. And it's only just starting. If the business closes, it's not up to me. But Manchester, NH already has a serious problem with heroin and homelessness. The corona virus is going to make the desperate even more desperate and it will be a rough ride. And after that, I get to come home to begin homeschooling my 3 kids while trying to mask the anxieties of my work day so they don't see me all strung out. But I have today off, so I get to decompress a little bit.
  4. Classic American big breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes
  5. I have survived week one of the madness. This was one of the most challenging weeks of my life, right up there with when my youngest was born.
  6. I have to imagine they are trying to stay alive long enough to get to the launch of ps5 and new xbox for one final big cash in before they shutter it. I give them 4 years.
  7. Having to snap turn around and homeschool 3 kids after working 9 hours in a sandwich shop largely by myself with a rushed curriculum from 2 separate schools is overwhelming. I've been taking lots of deep breaths lately and praising Jesus for still having a job right now.
  8. I do. Its rough out there. But when everyone reopens, they buy from pfg. In the meantime, hospitals and pizza joints are gonna keep them going. Sysco has the worst customer service. Pfg has been siphoning their market share pretty steadily for over 15 years now. Id be shocked if they go much lower. Too much infrastructure to crumble.
  9. Bought some shares of pfgc. Performance Foodservice Group is the second largest foodservice group behind Sysco. Dropping to $11 per share is way to low. Restaurants are gonna take a beating shutting down, but in a few months when corona virus fears wear off, restaurants start coming back to life, schools and cafeterias reopen, it will come back very steadily.
  10. He can't go to a rival. No teams in the NFL are considered a rival.
  11. God bless Tom Brady. Up here in New England he gave us something to distract us from covid.
  12. And Sununu just called it. No dining our or bars in NH. I am busy praising Jesus right now. I still have income. I need to figure out how i can help my friends though. This hits so close to home.
  13. I'm concerned. This is my industry. My hearts go out to my industry brothers and sisters that are in fine dining. They'll be the ones hit hardest. Im blessed that i essentially work at a take out counter. Order take out everybody! Every sale helps us!
  14. I respectfully disagree with the entirety of your world view. Elderly go out every day. But that's not not the main risk. If a carrier visits an AL facility or nursing home. This is the risk. Also. This does not affect children. Total deaths worldwide for children under 10(as of 2 days ago) is a fat goose egg.
  15. I'm glad that we have some governors with the balls to make the tough calls. Even a conservative like Gov Sununu made the call to close schools for 3 weeks. If both sides of the aisle agree on something like this, it's time to get in line like a good little American. We can't afford our hospitals to get overwhelmed with bullshit like COVID. What do we do if someone has a stroke but the beds are full of corona virus complications? God forbid this gets into another nursing home and causes absolute devastation. If 40 residents of a nursing home/ assisted living facility need to get sent to the ER at the same time... Just overwhelming. If 2 nursing homes in the same area get hit we are talking unthinkable devastation that could have been potentially prevented by shitting it down for a few weeks.
  16. My advice is to be gracious you have work to do. If you get sick, you get sick, but this disease is not some massive killer. Unless you are immunity compromised or live with someone who is, there really is not any sort of risk of death. Ride it out and keep collecting paychecks. Sales in my company is down close to 30% right now. I'm concerned of the possibility of consolidating the stores from 4 in manchester to 3. My store would likely be the odd man out if that were to happen. I have already been instructed to cut labor aggressively to ensure the viability of business. My coworkers/employees will be feeling the squeeze pretty soon.
  17. The virus has been very unkind to my industry, restaurants and hospitality. But the reality is that all these precautions are to protect our elderly. And my industry would not survive without them.
  18. Am employee of the DMV tested positive and now schools in the city of Manchester are closed for the next two weeks as a precaution. This is just the world we live in now. We are just very fortunate to not be reliant on the school system as a caretaker in any sense, like so many parents are. Edit: as I typed this up, the governor took it a step further and closed all schools in the state until April 3rd. Crazy.
  19. If you want a good laugh, check out completed listings on eBay for toilet paper.
  20. I get that. Last thing any parent wants to see is their child suffer. Or deal with a lack of child care. In other news, just got back from Wal-Mart. I managed to snag one pack of baby wipes. Everything non perishable was pretty much gone. Dairy was pretty much gone. It was crazier than black friday. I had to be very aggressive to get the pack of wipes that I did!
  21. It was an eh. 5/10. It was a fun movie but pretty dumb. I liked the scene (spoiler) with Luke projecting himself as a hologram while everyone escaped. Having to die as a consequence of doing so was pretty dumb though. Pretty lazy storytelling to ensure Kylo Ren maintains the upper hand against the resistance.
  22. I'm looking at GME right now pretty good. Not because of bringing Reggie on board or any other restructure, or strategy they have, but the ps5 is due out and they spiked super hard with the ps3 and 360 launch and again with ps4 and Xbox one. Perhaps worth a flyer to sit on for about 18 months and see what happens.
  23. Plushies, merchandise, t-shirts, toys, other licenced products. So much more than games. Brand exposure having nintendo logos and characters plastered around shopping centers and malls over the country. There was a survey showing mario to be a more recognizable character than Mickey mouse among toddlers. Nintendo would like keep it that way. Gamestop dissapearing would hurt that.
  24. Also. The disease is out there in the community already and it's airborne. You can't hide from it forever. People you know will probably get sick, I may get sick. My kids may get sick. We'll get better if we do. Life will suck for a week then will go on. If that happens, I'll avoid my grandmother and other high risk people. Same rules that apply every cold/flu season. This widespread panic is too much!
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