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Everything posted by barrels

  1. true story: Doug didn't have a beard when he launched VGS. Let the poor guy get some sleep.
  2. And you look like you’ve got a lot of interesting stories...
  3. barrels

    Leg Washing

    employees at Fox News maybe? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-47201923
  4. I know right? I just watched all of summoningsalt's videos and tucked my tail between my legs.
  5. You make a cute couple. You sure he doesn't cheat on you though?
  6. I was at 38 before I accidentally saw spoilers on this thread. I feel ashamed though, even with 10 mins left.
  7. I was very excited to make one of VGS’ first Trailer Park Boys jokes but realized this wasn’t the J-roc I was thinking of. cool, though.
  8. You win the internets for today.
  9. I agree with you 100%. Was just passing that info along to those that were curious and no longer logging in.
  10. Not trying to fan the flames of hatred or anything but the following update was posted to Jim's thread: http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?StartRow=1&catid=7&threadid=189079 Update (10.23.2019): The GoCollect team has been hard at work getting everything migrated over to the new platform. We've had multiple people reach out to us asking if we've heard about the new forum that was launched by some of the previous admins and moderators. The answer is yes, we saw it pretty much right away. The reason why we haven't deleted any of the previous posts promoting the new forum is that we genuinely care about the video game community and if people want to join another forum, we support that. That said, NintendoAge will only be bigger and better in a short period of time. Starting shortly, we will no longer allow any type of spam or promotional posts about the new forum. I will start answering questions as well as give you all other updates either Friday or Saturday this week. The reason for the delay is that I want to make sure we give you all accurate information and we need a little more time. ...and the announcement thread for this forum was locked: http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=7&threadid=189068
  11. I'll be watching this thread. I needed something quick so bought a $15 set off of Amazon solely to just to mod one of my Atari 7800's. While I was ultimately successful, a real station would have been a godsend. A cheap setup and old solder points to remove is a bad combination.
  12. noob, I bet you don't even have a ridiculously gigantic video game collection.
  13. the pixels are killing me, hah. Use a bigger version
  14. whoa that shelving is bad ass. Good to see you here!
  15. Had to look you up but recognized you instantly from the avatar. Glad to see you here.
  16. It took me way longer than it should, but yeah it's a small set. I finished mine within the last 6 months, here's the money shot (didn't bother with PAL exclusives or the diag/monitor carts, for now):
  17. Food Fight FTW. It gets more action on my 7800 than the rest of the library combined.
  18. quoted for truth. Only 5 or so games will give you a hard time. The hardest hurdles for me were (a) seeing some games pop up at all, and (b) finding titles loose (e.g. there are 5 sealed copies of Midnight Mutants for every loose copy). Mean 18 was super-elusive, at least when I was searching. Also, yeah, I had a hell of a time finding a legitimate Tank Command to complete my set. Fortunately someone on NA had one and the long search was finally over.
  19. Thanks for making this thread. Big Atari fan here. And that Haunted House one is fantastic. I'm not even a huge fan of the game but I'd pay that to have that in my gameroom.
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