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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. Right, I get that and agree that is the rational thing we'd all do. And I wouldn't take issue with that as long as it was presented that way up front, rather than "everything goes but not really"
  2. The dishonesty of it mostly. Stating that prices would be lowered until everything was gone. To be clear I have no proof that's what happened, I just hold a slightly negative impression of him for reasons I'm not sure I could enumerate. The most salient though would be he never presented himself as a collector, only as someone trying to extract money from collectors.
  3. So tin foil hat time: he had a buyer for the property lined up ahead of time, used the "going out of business" sale to unload the excess filler titles, and marked up all the good stuff since he could get solid value on those from the new buyer if they didn't sell on the store. Anyone wanna take bets on how close to truth that is?
  4. You're right that could be the case. Did he end up clearing out his inventory? I forgot to check the last couple days but based on others' comments it sounds like a lot of prices never got anywhere reasonable.
  5. Oh you're serious. WTF. So going out of business is just more bullshit. He's selling it, not closing up shop. What an ass.
  6. Does ocd reproductions still have a web store? It's a basic repro that's been around forever, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding someone to make one
  7. I would try whatever component cables you can get your hands on and see what your monitor does with that before investing in anything else. I wouldn't even bother with high end, just get something to try. IIRC you need to enable progressive output from the wii's menu after it's connected via component.
  8. Which pcb are you saying is bootleg? I'm not seeing it.
  9. I got an email update on project blue last week. They are looking to have digital rewards out this month yet.
  10. I have a regular group I played squads and we had a lot of fun doing that. We've moved on to newer games though. Squads were definitely more fun than solo.
  11. Back on to president stuff, it seems like the Iran stuff is a non starter after they shot down that jetliner. Although it recently came out the attack was in the works for several months exposing the "imminent threat" rhetoric as bs. I saw some speculation there could be new articles of impeachment based on all this but it seems like everyone is more or less going to move on now.
  12. Nobody is making that argument. The argument is you're trying to redefine racism to be dependent upon privilege, which it isnt in the generally accepted usage.
  13. It doesn't matter what I think people are when what they do is a very good indicator. Having and opposing viewpoint doesn't make your argument invalid. making broad statements that can't be reasonably proved or disputed is a problem though. Not that I'm innocent of that, I probably need to work on it too.
  14. I actually agree with this. Systematic racism requires an imbalance of power but any individual can be racist regardless of color or standing.
  15. Hearts and minds are irrelevant if your actions are hateful. And your constant broad accusations on the left are so generalized as to be meaningless at this point. Which is again Republican propaganda 101.
  16. There were issues a year or 2 back where switches were getting bricked after an update and they traced it to an aftermarket dock. I would avoid.
  17. It's not anything loading. I can make it happen on this page after scrolling the entire page to make sure everything is loaded. I actually got a video of it happening but I'll have to wait until tonight to put it up somewhere to share. It seems to snap the "follow" button to the bottom of the view
  18. I'm noticing this again a lot. I feel like it might have calmed down after I made the initial post but idk. Anyway I get the sense there's some js running at or near the bottom of the page that's modifying scroll position, and it's bad or slow at it so things get jumpy. Haven't verified though.
  19. Search works but full lists still won't load for me viewing from multiple machines. I also no longer get suggestions when typing in something to search for. I wasn't paying attention but I think it's been an issue for at least a week. So, it's not completely dead yet. Someone has to maintain it though and that doesn't seem to be happening.
  20. can't get a full list of games for any console to load. eg super nintendo breaks in the K's. looks like it's drifting into disrepair, and given gocollect's track record of managing acquisitions i don't expect to see anything fixed.
  21. I expect vgpc to continue on in some fashion. It's not anchored to the real world the way game selling is.
  22. Lol what? Like he decided and proceeded with that plan at some point in the past? Or he's coming up shop now to facilitate that?
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