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Everything posted by Lincoln

  1. In a vacuum yes, but in the retro gaming community "repro" is the term most often used when discussing bootlegs, typically small scale amateur productions. @TDIRunner was on point. Furthermore I'd classify the Sega CD version as a reissue since it's not using the original design.
  2. yikes. i've had a bunch of stuff in storage for several years and i'm kinda terrified to get back into it. i fear stuff it not going to have held up well.
  3. that is bonkers. no pity for lrg on that. how could you possibly think that's going to be profitable at they scale they do business.
  4. @phart010do you have a source on the $100k figure? That is an absurd amount to dump into something like this. You're talking like 10s of thousands of units sold to break even
  5. No you really haven't. Just because someone else is selling the same thing doesn't prevent them from also selling it. It makes it harder for them, but if they have a better product there will be a market for it. They'll be kept in check though. If they can't compete at all with someone selling a good quality product that's entirely on them. And nothing was made clear here since nobody said they were using those cases in a release when I posted. I tend not to follow along with them anymore so that's news to me. I remember then talking down on the guy and that being unprofessional but I don't have a source handy so I cant say anymore on it.
  6. Are you referring to lrg being angry? Did they give up on it altogether after the other guy released his? That's the only way they're gonna have a total loss on this. And I might be mad if a competitor beat me but I have no right to take it out on him, which lrg totally did in my mind. They were acting like they were entitled to corner that market.
  7. This seems exaggerated from what I remember. There were issues with some cases, but many we're fine. $10k sounds about right but $100k definitely doesn't. If someone in China decides it worth their time to steal someone's design its gonna happen sooner or later. Manufacturing in America can delay that but it's not a permanent solution. All lrg's comments at that time were very negative and came across as them being salty about someone stealing their thunder.
  8. The other guy (don't remember name) had the idea and got his out the door without lrg ever mentioning they were working on it, and lrg seemed to take great offense to being beat to market and talked all sorts of shit about him. IIRC he had some quality issues in the first batches but it got sorted out pretty fast. Idk how lrg's efforts turned out but personally I'd avoid them on principle.
  9. Putting that label on someone else is putting the blame on them for derailing the situation, rather than acknowledging everyone's part in pushing it that direction.
  10. I think this is a bit too hardline. I'd bet most of us made an inappropriate joke at some point, probably out of ignorance. Whether or not a person is willing to reconsider or adjust their behavior is more telling of that person being a bigot or just uninformed.
  11. Dismissing someone as emotional when they are forced to defend themselves from a bunch of people arguing it's ok to denigrate them is a pretty shitty thing to do
  12. jfc how did this turn into someone talking down to a member in a minority group without a hint of self awareness
  13. We have cancel culture because people are finally able to speak out against celebrity rapists without being ostracized
  14. You think it's bullshit you can't dictate what's offensive to other people?
  15. When you put in your order was there any language about 30 days being an estimate? Or they claiming that after the fact?
  16. Didn't David Duke endorse Trump in 2016? And Trump didn't bother to distance himself from it?
  17. Ahh ok. Well personally I'd rather pay less in taxes than my insurance premiums cost as well as not being at risk of bankruptcy if I ever had serious medical issues. Also free tuition is totally doable. Georgia for example (a red state no less) pays tuition for in state kids assuming they keep up their gpa or whatever conditions they have. All paid for by lottery income iirc. I'm 100% on board for that, especially versus the alternative of saddling kids with crippling debt just to get started with their life. I haven't heard about the childcare thing so no comment there.
  18. I mean are you unaware how your comments read? I will try to annotate and we can go from there.
  19. It is baffling how you can accuse the candidate with the largest base of buying the election while giving props to the guy with unlimited funds who can outspend everyone else combined without breaking a sweat.
  20. Bidding has to start somewhere. Why not get your bids in now? Not like anyone is gonna snipe this. Owner has claimed he's turned down million dollar offers already. It is one of a kind because it's the only one known to exist. Maybe there's a warehouse full somewhere but nobody has claimed to have another one let alone provided proof of it.
  21. Demolition Man is excellent on the Sega CD. Highly recommended.
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