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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. Great dude to deal with. Sent me money even after i shipped his stuff love me some @OptOut very trustworthy dude!!!! No issues with the deal and will do business with him in the future! +1 positive transaction Hope u enjoy the games and glad I could help you out!
  2. @Gloves when is ur next livestream i wanna watch!!!! please let it be on a day im off so i can watch u play games lol
  3. Cheapest way is to get it pulled. No suffering from there, but depends on if you you need the molar......I had several backteeth pulled because I still had my wisdom teeth. I basically made room for my wisdom teeth to come in. Just know that if you have a gap, dont eat hard stuff on that side or you will jab the shit out of your gums not thinking about it, done it a time or two myself. I had one pulled and have a slight gap, if nothing else, just get a bridge or implant later when you can afford it. Only other option is loan to get root canal/crown. Unless you have insurance that will cover, a good crown will be expensive. I say get it pulled so you aint suffering anymore. Several years back I had to pay 1400 in total, with insurance covering half, so would have been 2800 in all for a root canal and gold crown, went gold because the dentist said being one of my grinding teeth the other crown would be replaced because it would break, gold being stronger. So i honestly don't know your situation, but if you dont get it taken care of soon you will be very prone to infection and will lose the tooth anyway.
  4. Just wanted him to know that u were the reason why he got pinged damn it!!
  5. @Gloves Might look into dark mode for blogs. Don't know if it is something the blog poster is doing or what, but it doesn't look like it plays well with @OptOut's top ten snes list article. K Thanks bye! Edit: Ok, maybe its just @OptOut's blog, all the others seem fine, but his two articles text stay the same as the background, or damn near!
  6. Welcome, hopefully I can hit u up again shortly for some more games You seriously have quality stuff.
  7. Jeevan

    WTB Map for DW 4

    Thanks @ap123 for helping a fellow VGS'er out!!
  8. Perfect seller!!!! Sent as many pics to show any damage to the map, albeit just wear and tear. Will do business again if there is anything that you have that I need!!!! Packaging was perfect!! Seller was very honest about the whole thing and very pleasant to deal with. Made sure I knew what I was getting into before any transaction was sent. Thanks again!
  9. Multiple monitors? IDK, just saying, im watching stuff and typing right now......Also, might clutter up mobile, so not something I would wanna see on there. Maybe just come up with a way for users to show they are streaming. I guess if this is an optional thing to turn on then ya, make it a thing.
  10. Jeevan

    WTB Map for DW 4

    Do we say lock this topic or let it goto the bottom? Or do we just post that we made a deal?
  11. Ok, I know they aren't as old, but dry erase marker I used on my n64 carts i just received took them off after 1 or 2 times. IDK if it would work for you, but it sure did for me. Good luck, maybe try it, who knows. BTW I used an expo from work!
  12. super lovely I remember kroger here did rentals, but never was able to because we never got a rental membership for them . Always went to a local store called Jerrys or Video Game World!!
  13. First off, thanks @Megamanfan!! I would like to say also, that you really shouldn't have done it . I went to open this box from good ole' Megamanfan: Fine, I get it overpack and make sure it is safe much appreciated! When I lifted the box from the resting place by my desk, I thought it felt a little heavy. You will see why I thought that in this pic. This is what I wanted from him, minus the Nintendo sticker. This is all the extra that I got, and I really laughed out loud when I first opened the box and seen why it was so heavy : Yes that is a toys r us sale ad and yes it is from 2017 . Now I love ya Andy, but why did u do this? You do realize that you paid extra for shipping and that this prolly tripled the amount you should have spent........maybe not tripled, but wtf! I do appreciate it, but next time don't send all this so you can actually not spend as much in shipping . Thanks again for the game, I will cherish this until I am able to get the cib that you have .
  14. Well written good sir. I honestly am more informed now . Sorry it took so long to read, I been a busy boy. Looking forward to reading more!
  15. wish i could afford that, but i am trying to do my part
  16. ***Disclaimer: I asked gloves if I could do this, so with his permission here goes. This is for site costs and to get you guys something in return besides this cool new forum we have .*** So, Seeing as how there has been interest in this, lets see what you all think. Teespring.com seems to be what lots of youtubers, etc. use. --What is everyone's feelings on this provider? --Is the merch. quality? --Has anyone ever ordered off of their site and got a quality T or other merch? --Offers more than just t shirts!! Want a mug, get one with the logo and enjoy your morning brew! --One up side is that they seem to ship worldwide so that is a major plus. --Any negative results from teespring? Post feedback in the thread and let lets see what we can come up with.
  17. I'm sure more will be implemented in time, but thanks Glad we can at least get something going!!
  18. Feedback for my transactions! Positive Neutral Negative 5 0 0
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