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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. in, but only because of peer pressure and im interested to see how an online version of werewolf works
  2. when i finally decide to get off my ass u decide to go a diff. route, and u say u love 64
  3. What other maps do u have? You say this is the most unusual, but I have honestly never really seen anything like this that was an actual item.
  4. haha, that is super neat, thanks for the share! Only the original or are there more out there. I would want one, but like others i have nowhere to display it.
  5. gratz!! But please make sure the sage has a place in all this, he was our first
  6. Might take a lot of work on the selling inventory. Not sure how Nintendo licences stuff out. All that aside tho, it would be pretty neat, but not enough business around my parts to do this.
  7. i know a guy that could bring an n64 all in one @LambBrainz
  8. Do it gloves!!!! I love to give u shit over gaming knowing i would do the same thing you do!! haha
  9. Donated for ya bud, hopefully it helps a kid in need. I know it wasn't much but thanks for doing this. I expect to see a vid . Love the fact this is a thing, maybe i'll do it next year, if not i will work a day of OT and donate it to ya .
  10. it prolly wouldnt be too bad @Bearcat-Doug but who wants no meat, when u can have meat
  11. Super mario world for sure, but rpg and 64 close second/third
  12. Actually my sister sent my wife a cookbook with cauliflower everything so it is carbless since im a fatty with blood pressure issues I love cauliflower, but love me some carbs way more!!!! plus im not a vegan or veggie so ya f*** the cauliflower pizza crust!!!!! Also, best cauliflower is deep fried at a fair or what not!!!!!
  13. https://www.foodservicedirect.com/tonys-smart-pizza-whole-grain-sausage-pizza-96-per-case-21202925.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiArdLvBRCrARIsAGhB_szCzlCImkOVq6OfEVUZ4-N-V7NNdUaOEK-bpo_xUmew_iX3v0Sem7saAsKaEALw_wcB there u got @RH haha
  14. I found the rectangular pizza's once at schwanns, which is a local, maybe nationwide not sure, food delivery business.......not sure how they still do it, but they carried them. They came in a bag like a loaf of bread.........so delicious yet so horrible at the same time lol.
  15. jacks is cheap @skinnygrinny and pretty ok on the taste too I mean 2.50 for a nice little 'za is not too shabby really and it is a 12" pizza!!!!
  16. u are a cool mofo opty glad i could help ya out b!!!!!!!
  17. do u at least add something to it? cheese only son, wtf hahahahahahahaha
  18. Never heard of lou's I love giordanos tho. I know not frozen, but u can get frozen ones shipped I believe anyways, i might have to try out lous sometime!!
  19. honestly haven't opened a single game, but i just started collecting............Most i have bought off NA when I joined if it was an expensive one. Others I go cib with high feedback on wherever i purchase. I might just start doing it to do it though, but I really kinda worry about it since I haven't really done it before. Just don't wanna break anything. Also, Need to learn to replace batteries sometime in the future. Any good tutorials for this?
  20. If you could do a little vod and if i get a chance i will watch it if not no worries. Not sure of the logistics of doing a vod on twitch
  21. jack's pizza is a very cheap and quick pizza. I especially like the mexican one. My mother bought mexican pizza as a kid and its pretty decent. Also digorno stuffed crust is a decent little pizza. Both go well with !!!! Helps to sober u up and not get a hangover
  22. Damn it!! hahaha, no worries b, ill go donate this weekend. Good luck on ur goal and enjoy the game play! Wish i could be there to give u a little banter and what not but alas i will be working then, might be able to stop in for a few, but we will see.
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