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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. I like the tubs @OptOut keeps the dust off them and keeps them organized
  2. im slowly getting there. level 5 second area i believe
  3. got both sarges heroes in the other day, imma start working on them and continue with tetrisphere in between. Mix in some goldeneye even tho @Gloves beat me to it which is ok kuz i have been sucking at it and taking forever. I thought it would be a quick play, but apparently 10+ years of saying i need to play it was just too much.
  4. army men air combat no save pack so had to write down codes in between cooking and eating
  5. working on army men air combat and I got sarges heroes 1 and 2 in the mail lol
  6. ugh finally lol took me like 12 tries on last bowser fuck me haha prolly kuz of the empty glass @OptOut
  7. That bad eh? Don't you take mario 64 away from me, or are you playing snes mario world? I hope its the latter kuz ill have to hurt ya if you take mario 64 from me, this is my first participation
  8. Ya b, leave us some Working on mario 64 right now. Hopefully have that one and at least one more this weekend
  9. needs to be added definitely because the only store I know is a little independent owned one and they have a facebook only!
  10. That is a beautiful collection!! That being said, sorry to hear bout the job, and hope you can get stuff figured out. If you do decide to part it out because you can't sell let me know. Anyway, good luck and hope you get what you need/want out of it!!
  11. I have never played either! Just join, I'm sure they will be very helpful here! I've seen enough played to be dangerous so here is hoping .
  12. maybe see if you can get this pinned @Mega Tank so it is easy to find if we need it??
  13. what happens if we dont get the 20 people u have needed for this?
  14. Dave's video of Muncie Indiana has a fb as far as i know that is all they have. https://www.facebook.com/davesvideomuncie/ @Mega Tank
  15. Wrestler Name: The "Man" Wrestling Style: Hardcore Gimmick/Persona: Large and in charge. Always tellin' you how to do it. Never wrong! Carries a whip to keep you in line! Finishing Move: "The Lashing" aka whipped! Theme Music: "Work Bitch" by Brittney
  16. I mean it is fine, but a minor inconvenience
  17. Should be text in the line but can't see it without highlighting it
  18. It's cool, here is an example tho. Just found it in the werewolf thread.......
  19. Um, Something I have noticed is that the white drowns out some of the text. For instance, the n64 2020 thread I can't see the games on the white bars. Also in clubs, the members don't have any names visible due to this. My settings or settings of night mode? Anything that can be done, like forcing it to a diff. color on night mode scheme? K Thanks! I did notice a little difference on mobile........I can see the n64 2020 thread white box text, but
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