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Everything posted by RH

  1. I love the idea of this topic. On my top 10 list of favorite childhood games, I'm guessing 3-4 of them I didn't own, but a friend did and we'd play them at their home, or they'd let me borrow it because swapping games was something we did and respected one another's stuff. The following games might not be on my top 10 list, but the feelings are strong with these since they were games of my buddies that I enjoyed either borrowing or playing with them. 1. California Games - Had friends come over when I finished the 5th grade. We played this all night long. 2. Fester's Quest - A cousin of my owned this. It was a favorite to borrow. 3. Contra - Yeah, who's 80s childhood would be complete without this game? Well, I never owned it but I remember borrowing it every chance I got. I loved this game and I didn't own it until I won a giveaway on NA. It's always been a fun one to play though! 4. TMNT (and Fall of the Footclan for GB) - I'll put these together as one because I LOVED both of them, but I always had to borrow them. 5. Tekken 1 & 2 - Me and my best friend in high school LOVED the Tekken series. He had the first two, but I bought 3. Between GoldenEye and Twisted Metal 2 sessions, we would play this. 6. Mega-Man ? - Honestly, I can't recall which one but it was probably 1, 2 or 3. I remember playing it at some buddies house and thinking it was "a lot like DuckTales", which I had for the Game Boy. Little did I know, it's because it was built on a Mega-Man engine. 7. Rescue Ranger & Adventrues in the Magic Kingdom - There was a kid in our neighborhood that lived on the block behind my grandmother's house. In the summer, we'd go over to his house on occasion, or he'd come over to ours. The two games he had my brother and I loved playing were these. 8. Sonic 2, 3, Sonic & Knuckles and Virtual Bart - Yup, all four of these are grouped together because when I was old enough to have my own car, I'd drive over to the other side of our town to spend the weekend at my Uncle's house. My cousin had these 4 games and we rotated them all out quite often and LOVED them. The three Sonic games are probably the 3 favorite games from my childhood that I didn't own. I was a "Nintendo" kid, but even back then I'd argue that my preference was Sonic. Mario games are fun in their own way, but the Sonic franchise mechanic is completely different and I preferred it as a kid.
  2. Yeah, I mean, if you can knock out the top 10 most expensive NES titles, all of a sudden, getting a complete set doesn't seem THAT difficult! That's something along the lines of what I might do too.
  3. If they can make "Ax Cop" a TV show, I'm just saying, this should be one too.
  4. You expect me to play games from my (near) complete set? Ok. Seriously, though, I'll see what I can do. Do you have to beat these titles, or just show your best scores, cause I suck at games.
  5. Even though I made my "be a do-gooder" post, if I received a ridiculous amount of money, we'd definitely have a little fun. I very likely might just say, "fudge it", throw out my standards of not wanting to pay people who expect ridiculous amounts of money for their petty trinkets... and drop $1,000,000 for the SNES PlayStation. No... I wouldn't. Even with $1B, I can't do that, but I'd probably find a way to have some gamer fun.
  6. Were at a point with inflation and life that "$1,000,000" isn't a LOT of money. Granted, it's more than I have in all of my combined assets, but it's not really enough to setup a young person "for life". With that said, whether I were to come into $1,000,000 or $1,000,000,000, I feel like the answer would generally be the same. I'd want to make a minor upgrade in our living arrangement/home, and my wife and I would want to give significantly. Can we get a "give a lot away" category? If it were $1,000,000, my wife and I would probably sock most of it (maybe 50-75%, after taxes) and the rest we'd give away. If the sum were considerably more than that, we've actually discussed that we'd want to put the overwhelming majority of it in the bank for a year. The next year we'd quit our work, lay low, research long term money management and spend time strategizing how to effectively live off of that wealth for the rest of our lives, while giving away the rest of it, slowly, over the course of the next 50 years, or so, to charitable organizations we support. You can't take it with you, and we'd much rather do something like give to every crisis pregnancy care center in the US, assist in ending human trafficking or help provide fresh water to villages in places with the greatest needs for such things.
  7. It doesn't appear to always be the case. It really is an enjoyable show and my wife keeps watching it for the same reason why probably every other not-to-nerdy wife or girlfriend is watching it, which is baby Yoda. And why not? That thing is legit possibly the cutest thing I've seen in media in decades. After three episodes I'm starting to feel that it's becoming a bit of a crutch, though. It's definitely helped the series have wider appeal, which is good if we hope for more than 2-3 seasons because it can get people sucked into the story and when the child is gone, then it can carry the story along, but it still feels like the "cuteness factor" is giving each episode an addition 2-3 points of awesomeness/fun on a 1-10 point scale. But, that's really just a minor complaint at the moment. I do think the kid is going to be past off at some point and I don't know if it will come back around in the upcoming film, but having a little-Yoda character, already showing force capabilities, means that in future-stories, once the Skywalker saga is completed, we could see Rey in comics or cartoons meeting the child, and it becoming part of the new Jedi heritage. This also means that they could also have future-cartoons/films/comics set 500-800 years into the future and, guess what, the staple of the Force Universe, Yoda II, will be there.
  8. I agree that this is an interesting thread and one worth following. I'll say as a casual observation about SEGA, though, is their stuff has always seemed way less tracked and quality-controlled than NES. I wish SEGA had serials on all of their materials, but since they don't even have that on their labels and manuals, keeping track of this stuff can be difficult.
  9. I think I might have casually asked this question ages ago on NA, but I'd like to have a seasoned veteran discussion about buying and selling. I don't consider myself an eBay seller but I have often bought lots of stuff, knowing that the few items I wanted would often near-cover the other stuff and with time I'd sell of the extra items to recoup some money. I never need to sell my back inventory (well, not for money but some times I do just to make room), so I have the luxury to just by and "HODL". Conversely, sometimes you want to buy stuff that's semi-common but it's not at the top of your list. In that case, you might want to wait until the right time to pick up that item, especially if it's not a hotly sought after item. So, in this specific context, when you can wait to buy or sell, when are the best seasons of the year to engage the video game market as a buyer or a seller. I'm looking for general guidelines to this question, however, if there are nuanced exceptions to specific types of games, genres, systems or even rare vs. uncommon vs. common titles, feel through out any other points of wisdom coming from your years of buying and selling.
  10. Half-Life died with Sierra. I'm not saying it won't be a good game but... yeah.
  11. I'm not specifically interested in that and, technically, the Arcade titles either. I'd just like to gauge and see how many I have and if it's worth going for all of them for console/PC. Basically, I'd be interested in anything that's not an arcade unit or a weird one-off thing... or I guess the watches which would count, but a complete list could always be filtered on my end.
  12. It was a bit of a joke. The only people I imagine "stocking up" on these are those hoping to sell to newbs 5-10 years from now that may not know to look for the change on older, graded titles.
  13. Sorry guys for the late entry. Been working on this one a while.
  14. I'm curious if anyone has compiled a complete list of North American Nintendo games. Specifically, I'm not talking about third party titles made for Nintendo systems, I mean every game that Nintendo, the company, has made? I am only interested in North American/US titles, but if it's a complete list with every known title release, with region details on the list, that would work.
  15. So, 20 years from now, everything NOT marked like this will be an error. Time to stock up on IMPs from WATA, boys!
  16. RH

    WTTF: Some GB Games

    bump, updated and added more games to my secondary list.
  17. We're kind of the "wait until it's at the dollar cinema" type of family, so we'll probably see it in 6 months.
  18. Welcome, and I think we're all feeling that pain. NA does, sort of, exist in a form of forum archive over there on GoCollect but... yeah, that's not NA. Glad you're hear though. We're swimming in blue oceans over here and the future is lemonless!
  19. I could have typed out the exact same response. This is a better forum regarding software, but there were little, personal touches that made NA "better'. We also are all aware of the loss of the database. I mean, I think the time was right to do something new, and the change of the forum software was only motivation to do it. Still, NA was awesome.
  20. If Ubisoft meant it when they said they were making no more Ubisoft titles after this one, then yes. Ubisoft has been the only one making Wii titles for the past few years, from my observation.
  21. I just brought up Tremors today in a different Discord channel. I need to catch up on them. I've only seen the first 3 and I loved 2 when they use to play it on TBS (or was it USA) about once a week.
  22. I just started The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. Been a looooooong time since I've seen it and honestly, I don't even remember what it's about.
  23. Well, that was my problem. That's never worked for me.
  24. While crafting a response, from time to time I've added a quote and wanted to remove it. I don't know about anyone else, but I struggled figuring out how to delete them. The only answer I had was to clear the message field and start over. But, there is an easy way. All you have to do is click on the [+] button that appears at the top-left of the quote when you over over it. Then, hit the delete key and it will go away. Sorry, I'm not sure if there's a different or easy way I've obviously missed, but I figured this out a couple days ago and it's made using the forum a lot easier for me.
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