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Everything posted by Andy_Bogomil

  1. Those Santa Cruz Pokemon board resale values though.
  2. I watched 6 of the first 7 and 5 of the last 23... they got old fast.
  3. I feel like it's logical if you put money towards more practical things or even new hobbies if you no longer get enjoyment out of your collection. I sold a number of big ticket items and was able to cover the cost of a fence for our yard and a pool table which we use all the time and couldn't be happier. OP, I wouldn't worry too much about prices in the future. I think we've likely seen the biggest jumps in value for the majority of games with the initial push in the early 2010s and then with the pandemic. I would definitely recommend selling if you don't have any attachment to the physical game. When I started selling I forgot how much I had and also never really thought about any of the games after they were gone.
  4. I also love how the game really is significantly harder on HARD compared to NORMAL. I know most of it is just speed/spawn adjustments but it almost plays completely different with bosses/strategy as you can't instantly spam everything to death with C. I remember getting my ass handed to me when I started playing HARD mode over NORMAL.
  5. Saw Steve Vai on Thursday and Carrie Underwood/Guns n Roses on Saturday. Vai is absolutely amazing live. Even being a big shred guy myself I never took to Vai as well as some of the other guitarists at the time but there is no denying the guy is an amazing guitarist. Played for 3 hours and didn't miss a beat. A little bit of lame theatrics/wankery but that's to be expected. Only saw the last few songs from Carrie but she played a few rock covers like Ace of Spades and Rock and Roll which was cool then a few of her country tunes to end the set. The GnR show was entertaining (never saw them before) but Axl's voice is pretty much all but shot/gone. Still worth it to see them live once though just because. Thunderstorms off in the distance during the last part of the set which added some nice ambience. Carrie came back on and sang with Axl for the last few songs.. Paradise City and another that I am forgetting. Sorry no pics from either
  6. What do you think a SM64 9.8 A++ would go for today?
  7. I'd like to go back and play RE 1. Recommendations against playing the original vs. the one they made for GC(?)... I think I own both.
  8. I sell excellent condition stuff for a big premium often through a BIN unless it's one of those games with a lot of sealed copies floating around. Someone will bite. Collectors can't resist and often have a copy they can sell themselves to take a lot off the price if they're just looking to upgrade.
  9. 10,,, probably my favorite game for a quick play-through. An ideal game for me with some difficulty, big bosses, fast action, and not too long. I think I've done everything in this game but beat it blind-folded. I recently completed a no death run on Hard mode without any weapon upgrades or bombs... very challenging. Also great on 2 player mode as well.
  10. Beat this over the weekend after maxing out a few armor sets before the big fight. Pretty good overall and I put in about 125 hours in total. I think overall it's better than Botw but hard to rate since that game is obviously the foundation for Totk. Definitely ready to move on to a different Zelda format after these two games though.
  11. Don't Fear the Reaper might be one of the best rock songs of all time but the catalogue drops off hard for me after literally a few more songs. I was pretty disappointed when I looked more in to their stuff a number of years back.
  12. The hover board/car is a wonderful thing Honestly it's just how I play the game (and most games).. point A to B with little in between in terms of exploring, even if the game encourages it. Basically if it wasn't a shrine or a necessary part to the story I avoided it until much later in the game and then was able to fly (literally) through a lot of the tedious stuff with fast travel, max stamina, and the hover car.
  13. Just over 100 hrs total and completed the majority of stuff outside of a few lengthy collecting quests (ex. korok seeds). I have a few armors I'll have to look at a guide for as I've picked most of the areas clean and talked to just about everyone that I can reasonably find but am still missing a few pieces to a few sets. Surprisingly, only looked up a quick guide for probably less than 5 shrine locations as the game does a really good job of giving you a helping hand. I've upgraded most of the armor I'll use, all light roots, shrines, sages, major side quests, battery upgrades, etc. Gonna get these last few armor pieces (likely with a guide at this point) then finish what I assume is the last main story event. I will likely look at a guide outright after that to see if there are any major things I missed or could upgrade but I think I've covered most of it. No way I am going to 100% this game though. I think it's a great game although extremely similar to Botw and still suffers from some of the same issues like pacing and minor issues with combat. The programming and the abilities still blow me away sometimes with what you can do and how many options there are to complete objectives.
  14. One of the games I remember not being great but having a lot of fun just messing around on split screen with a few friends for a very limited amount of time. 5.
  15. From reading the post it seems like you weren't in the wrong but made the situation way more awkward than it had to be. I, too, would have been surprised why some random person confidently sat at the table even if I assumed it was your gear I just moved. You admit the bar was busy by then (20 mins after you put the stuff down) and you were away from the table long enough from them to move you stuff and sit. I likely would have at least asked a waiter/staff about moving the gear if I were them but, even so, you could have spoken to them before sitting down and waiting for them to react. Seems like the guy was off-put by this and didn't want to confront you or push the subject further. I agree, getting up to order and getting the waiter to do that is also bizarre, but I think the situation was beyond that at that point. It just seems like a odd situation and the person was not nearly as comfortable with it as you were. I will say they also have no idea how long you'd be, if you're there every week, when your buddy was showing up etc. before moving your stuff... they walked into a busy place and saw some music gear sitting on an otherwise open table for a few minutes and decided to move it.
  16. Wrapping this up. Going for every shrine and armour. Have all light roots and piece of equipment from the depths I think. Probably missing less than 25 shrines judging by light roots. Didn't enjoy the depths.. glad I tackled most of it later with a hover bike. Was tedious enough like that.
  17. It was nice to meet you in person Enjoy the games!
  18. Most of the price pumps would have happened one way or the other... the hype just typically gets it there faster. There are some uncommon turds that would fly under the radar for longer but supply and demand eventually catches up.
  19. I draw the line between exploits (point farming/pause buffering) and straight up glitching the game (duplicating items, zipping/warping, glitch to credits, etc.) Outside of fast travel in Zelda: Totk, I use a hover bike 99% of the time to get around and you can beat the vast majority of puzzles with the redhand-rewind combo and nothing else. I don't see either of those as cheating but they're definitely cheese strategies. I did do the duplication glitch for rupees, but that's quality of life cheating that saves time and doesn't really make the game easier... I fully admit to that being 'cheating' though. In speed running terms, I would like the glitchless any% runs. Even the term 'glitch' has some controversy with there being 'major' and 'minor' glitches.
  20. I would often collect a series to be complete even if I typically only played some of them. I'd usually start with games I like the most and then fill in the 'blanks' but it would depend on price and opportunity at that point as well. When I started collecting CIB, I definitely focused on my favourite games first, even if they weren't first in the series. I agree with several above that the first is rarely the best and sometime not even recognizable compared to later entries that helped launch the series w.r.t sales/popularity.
  21. Yeah, that second fight was the main one I was complaining about, but I also got into a fight in the depths and the camera was going nuts because I was on some uneven terrain. I am in the habit of holstering my weapon if it's two-handed as soon as I am done attacking. You still get 'bullet time' when you have your shield out as well, but it still seems really inconsistent (and I agree usually early). Anyway, not a game breaker by any means, I have just played a lot of games that respond much better with similar combat mechanics and it seems to be one of the things they didn't alter or touch from Botw. Still really enjoying the casual play-through. Just finishing up a few random things before heading to the final castle.
  22. One of those movies where everything just falls in to place and the whole cast is awesome. I have the official movie poster up in my basement. Definitely a top 10. Super nostalgic, 80s American suburbia with the summer vibe, quirky soundtrack, filming never leaves the street and quotable to this day. The entire interaction at the Klopek house is hilarious. Also a pretty well paced movie for a pointless comedy.. not like a lot of others where it starts off funny for 20 mins then dies off. One of the best 80s comedies in my opinion.
  23. Depends on the game. I actually like online multiplayer stuff that's 'forever', especial when it's free Beats paying $80-$100 for a new shooter every year that is very similar to the year before (Call of Duty). For single or story mode stuff, I typically like getting a complete file. I don't mind DLC that adds some side content or characters. I don't really play any games like WoW.
  24. 10. Mega Man is a go to series for me and this one has always been a favourite.
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