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Everything posted by LeatherRebel5150

  1. Cant believe I missed this thread, Im glad to see there ate still people excited for these releases. It seemed like not many people cared anymore but clearly I was wrong. I love these christmas games and have been getting them every year since 2011. Got to keep the tradition alive Edit: After watching the gameplay I do kinda wish the Super Mario Bros. Xmas Rekringled rom was used as a base. It would have been more season appropriate with the snow and throwing snow balls instead of fire balls
  2. The hype on these seemed to have died on these a number of years ago. I never see anyone mention them anymore really, probably since NA went under. But for anyone that still gets excited for them (I do) the 2022 edition is live https://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=30&products_id=171&osCsid=c532027020a09f6121cd2047dc06e380
  3. I haven’t noticed any real drop in the things I keep an eye on. I wish I did, but the stuff I watch might be too niche maybe? I don’t know
  4. Real sad. He was my first childhood hero. The Green Ranger was THE shit as a kid. RIP
  5. Im glad they redesigned it. I prefer what we got in the US. The international version looks like a Fischer Price toy to me
  6. This is driving me nuts. I can’t get this to work. I have Jer’ell in Colony 6, I have glyph thing, I have the skills related to trading unlocked. When I got to trade with her, she doesn’t have Love Source listed as a trade-able item. What am I doing wrong here?
  7. Thank you for the list! I wouldn’t have even started down this road without it. As a general statement anyone going for these and is looking for N64 specifically needs to pay pretty close attention. A number of the have both a Playstation, PC, Dreamcast, PS2, and N64 versions. Sometimes they’re combined into one guide, a lot of times not. For Instance Quake 2 from Prima has two versions. The one for the N64 has a specific cover. I learned this the hard way with Hexen as I ended up with a PC guide. Luckily it wad cheap and one of my first guide purchases so I learned early to look at more details for the rest. @acidjaguarif you ever want to add pictures, and don’t have the guides yourself, pm me and I’ll provide what I can
  8. Maybe it’s just me, but does it seem like it’s been slowing down on here? It doesn’t seem like there is as much activity the past few months. Im noticing a lit of the same names responding to most threads, which isn’t a bad thing but I feel like I use to see more names that I never saw before or were more uncommon people to pop up. Are there a ton of people lurking and not posting? or has the mass truly moved on/ to social media formats instead? Also related, some people that were on here seem to have also disappeared. I can’t seem to find the “where is X thread” but what happen to @Lincolnand @BouncekDeLemos? Have not seen them pop up in a long time.
  9. Ive seen that guide, but it only shows the Playstation logo. There are a handful Ive seen like that on your list. Ones, that don’t to seem to be covering N64, only Playstation. Ive only been interested in ones that list N64 as a covered console, even if the guide would work fine for the game regardless. From your list these seem to only call out Playstation and not N64 on their cover somewhere: Ready to Rumble Boxing Round 2 (Prima) Resident Evil 2 (Prima) Xena Warrior Princess: Talisman of Fate (doesn't exist? Playstation game has different game or at least different title) Gex 3 (Millennium) I could totally be wrong as I was with War Gods here. But I just haven’t seen any pictures of any of these where they list N64 as a covered console and Ive been looking for a long while now. If you have them with that info I would definitely like to see it so I know if Im missing it or know where to look on the book to see it somewhere. On a different note. In your Prima section I think you may be missing a variant for Mortal Kombat Trilogy. There is a “Secrets of the Game” cover and a standard Prima cover. Separate from the Kompanion
  10. I have a pretty big guide collection for N64 specifically. In terms of purchasing resources its been ebay and amazon. In terms of information there was a thread on here listening all of the strategy guides for each system. Though Im fairly positive a few on this list do not exist as stated. (Gex 3 from Millenium books for example) I dont know about other eras of strategy guides but with N64 it seems so random when it comes to what is available. Some seem like they’re readily available because you’ll see a few listed and then one day they’re all gone and you don’t seem them for months. A good example of this was NBA Showtime -NBA on NBC from Brady games. Had a listing on amazon forever and I put it off because its a cheap sports game guide. Then one day it was gone out of stock and it took 6 months for one to pop up again on ebay. Other times you think something is hard to come by, like my initial post with War Gods, and it’s apparently easily obtainable but just doesn’t come up with a basic “war gods strategy guide” search.
  11. Damn! thank you so much. Ive never been able to find it for whatever reason only the Brady version. Must be the search terms I use. Ive never tried using secrets/secrets of the game. I should've asked here earlier wouldve saved me a lot of time
  12. Wondering if anyone here has any evidence if a War Gods (N64) strategy guide exists from Prima. There does exist one from Brady Games which is readily available but not one I can find from Prima. I have been trying to figure this out for a while and can’t find any info about one existing. Except! I have a mini promotional hint book that may have been an exclusive thing to EB games. Within it there is a coupon for a Prima guide. So Im curious it it ever got truly released or if Prima lost the rights and Brady got it or what happened?
  13. Something I'm curious about as well. Ive not seen any for Sega games or N64, definitely nothing for atari's consoles either
  14. Im not one who preorders anything really, though I don’t consider stuff from Limited Print Companies a preorder really. But whatever you (plural) do don’t do your preorders from Gamestop in store. There are/is SO much going wrong in their preorder system since they switch they’re logistics system around it’s not even funny. People have been getting their preorders days/weeks late or just not at all. Not just with some indie games that only get a handful of preorders, but with the “big ones” as well, like 2K games
  15. Cracked the 1300 game mark https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18UCeKB0rLMvko4ZJjxm665hbqjpoD-7bxjX0i7OkKyU/edit?usp=sharing
  16. In theory any game has the ability to get reprinted as long as nintendo is still cranking out carts, so it wouldn’t be surprising if it was. That’s how VGP gets the sought after games in stock all the time like Xenoblade Torna. I think they just contact Nintendo and say “hey we want 1,000 of X game, take my money, thanks.” I think anyone could order up any game of they want to front the cost of the print
  17. I listen to their podcast, don’t agree with a lot of what they say or care about other stuff (movie talk) but they do keep the info flowing for things like the Caleco Chameleon and Intellivision Amico. It’s entertaining to here them talk about those dumpster fires. Ive never really seen anything wrong with Ian. He’s just a cynical/pessimistic guy. I am too and some people don’t like that. Pat though, definitely seems like he has some issues. He has a weird obsession with his childhood crap and I get that video games are drenched in childhood nostalgia, but he seems to be way to obsessed with negative childhood experiences to the point where it gets weird. Definitely seems like something someone would go to therapy for. He also seems like a guy that gets overly sensitive about person to person interactions that most would brush off. He seems to think he is being “disrespected” a lot (look at his reaction to a Atari? prototype being sold recently that he “consulted” on and was mad the store dis not inform him that they sold their property in a manner they chose) That focus on “respect” is something my mother was obsessed with when her borderline personality disorder was in full swing. So Im betting something similar is going on with Pat there. That all being said, I still listen and enjoy the podcast well enough
  18. Havnt had that issue. But I have noticed that I used to get emails at 9:30 am every day for my saved searches. Now I get half at 9:30am and the second half after noon sometime
  19. I always thought it would be beneficial to have a network of bullet trains that basically started/ended right near airports. Gives you two options of transportation. I see it as a secondary long distance transportation option and should skip intermediate stops like conventional trains make. But I don’t think such a thing will ever happen, we can’t even keep roads and bridges upkept
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