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Everything posted by LeatherRebel5150

  1. My vote is Wrestlemania 2000. I admit No Mercy is more refined, but Ive always had and played WM2000 since back in the day
  2. Just an fyi that will hopefully save you some time, as I also have the guides. Their glorified bio books. The vast majority of pages are just giving the kayfabe bio of the wrestlers and listing their move sets. Then some extra info for explaining what each match type actually is and the rules. Theres very little “guiding” going on beyond some hyperbolic phrasing like “when your opponent is weak, strike when the iron is hot!” This is one of the things I plan on laying out when I post about my N64 guide collection. Just waiting for 1 more book to make my collection complete and do a deep dive post on it
  3. Your a better person then I. I would end up going on a rant showing them how much money their wasting
  4. Update: Over 1400 physical games for the US https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18UCeKB0rLMvko4ZJjxm665hbqjpoD-7bxjX0i7OkKyU/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Those were always fun games especially multiplayer back in the day. Hope you enjoy them
  6. It’s very specific to the engine used for those Wrestling games.So the strategy works on Wrestlemania 2000, No Mercy, and the one or two WCW games with the same engine. But the others like War Zone and Attitude are very different. Ive never been good at them as they are like true fighting games with specific button combos for each move
  7. You would think so yes. But people like to come up with crazy excuses to change things around for no reason.
  8. Yea but it’s the same problem as catching sales data for a rarity metric. The same copy flying back and forth. Every method has a flaw, but I do think the collection tracker is the closet we can get to a population report
  9. Ive always seen the set as North American, European, orJapanese, etc. This game is of a South American set if anything. No one is adding the South American games to a US Master System set. I don’t see any difference
  10. I pitched this on NA a long time ago. I’ll throw it out here. Assuming you have a collection tracker with the database, You have a checkbox or whatever and each check in a collection adds to the total tally, recording how rare a game is. This tends to work better with a bigger sample size, so unless a majority of people on here kept track of their collections on here it wouldn’t work. But at least it would be tied to population rather then conjecture
  11. Right, but when they have official ones typically so does Prima. So I go with Prima. There are about half a dozen games where there are only Brady guides, remember I’m only referencing N64 games, and I have those guides. Earthworm Jim 3D is a good example
  12. This is just a post to express the joy I have after finally fixing my N64 gamesharks. Ive had a handful of gamesharks that Ive somehow acquired over the years, only one of which I think I purposely bought and all of them were bricked. For those unaware they are prone to getting bricked when something goes screwy in the software like using the wrong combination of cheats, trying to enter custom cheats, etc One of the more common “fixes” for a bricked (though if this method works it was never really bricked) gameshark was to use certain games to unlock it. The TLDR explanation of this is that there are a handful of different CIC chips in games. The gameshark remembers the type of CIC of the last game used with it and lock it to that type. If you try a different game with a different CIC type, it won’t work. The fix for that is to try a game from every CIC type. Well lucky me I have a complete N64 collection, but unlucky me as that was not the problem and they were all truly bricked. So the only option left was to reflash the gamesharks firmware. Which is a whole ordeal where you need a native parallel port computer, a true parallel port cable (usb to parallel will not work) and a specific model of gameshark. About two years ago I went down the rabbit hole and it didn’t pan out. But tonight I finally finished putting together a Sanni Cart reader that Ive had parts for, sitting here for a year. I was able to reflash all of the gamesharks and now they work perfectly. After YEARS I can finally go and casually play Goldeneye with paintball and dual guns like I did as a kid!
  13. Im big into to strategy guides. I have a real hard time staying focused when reading on a screen. But I can read through print media with WWIII going on right next to me and never lose my place. So I will always take print guides over web based stuff. Side note I don’t know how anyone has ever used GameFAQs. Just a giant wall of text. Least useful guides ever. I have what I consider (to me) a nearly complete N64 strategy guide collection. Which for me means I have one guide for each game that had one. So I’ll have a guide for say Majoras Mask. But I only have the Nintendo Players guide version not the Prima or Brady versions. I had a prioritization list to my collecting these guides. So my priorities in order: 1. If a title has a guide, get one. 2: Get the “official” guide over the “unofficial” guide. If only an “unofficial” guide exists. Get that one. 3: Nintendo Players guide take highest publisher priority on a title. 4: If Nintendo didnt produce a guide then see if the game publisher made one. (This really only applies to Akklaim) 5: Then what’s left boils down to games who have official guides made by both Prima and Brady. Prima takes priority over Brady. I don’t have any reason foe this other then my perception that Prima was “better” at making guides. Though I don’t know how true that really is
  14. I wouldn’t mind doing it. But I don’t know when I’ll get to it. That’s why Ive never did any “claims” on games. I lack the schedule to be consistent on when/ how much I can play.
  15. Is there any record or place that shows how long each game is time wise? I know of howlongtobeat.com or whatever it is. But they never had even a good chunk of games listed when I looked. I think it might be good to use this year (if everyone can give a pretty good estimate of each game they played) or next year to determine about how long it takes to beat the games. Maybe even contribute to the how long to beat website. Then develop the point system from there The only point system that makes sense to me is one based on time to beat a game
  16. My bad, was confusing you for someone else. For whatever reason your username sticks out in my mind when I think of this thread
  17. It was actually done one year. But I don’t know if the point system was implemented yet or if it was even on here. Might have been the last year full year of NA’s existence that it was finished. Im pretty sure @Splainwas in charge of it then and I wanna say @Nugfishdid most of the work that year
  18. I’d actually be in favor of the poster reproductions. They would be a benefit in terms of no staple holes, no tears from trying to remove them from the magazine. Should be easy to tell from real if they only make them one sided since the back is usually part of text in the magazine and useless outside if the whole context of the magazine. So the back would just be white. Seems like a decent idea Edit: Looks like there are some out there of popular game posters https://www.etsy.com/listing/456264652/nintendo-power-donkey-kong-country?click_key=594f1510fb03ca5ad29b2a5a92c75062c7f13f1b%3A456264652&click_sum=83b80faf&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=nintendo+power+posters&ref=sr_gallery-1-11&pro=1&frs=1
  19. They are very desirable. Im actually surprised someone hasn’t made a real effort of reproductions of them
  20. When I beat it in previous years, just completing it on default difficulty was acceptable, but no one ever went deep diving on it like this either
  21. Ive never been interested in collecting any disc based games. There is just so much uncertainty to them that I’m kind of repelled by them to be honest and ones I do have I don’t even consider “part of the collection” when thinking about my collection. They’re just another *thing* I happen to own.
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