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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. complete loose US Virtual Boy set: complete loose US Sega 32x set (+Darxide Repro. also, top labels rule!): i know there's an argument that the 4 Sega CD/32x games need to be included, but i don't subscribe to that belief. How can a CD game be part of a system that has no disc drive?
  2. any info on that "Team Power Tips" poster (issue 10 mail away)? am interested in finding one but have literally never seen one. ideas?
  3. that drug test is gonna get REKT!!
  4. here's the pic from the iOffer page for those that can't see it. would love to see the cleaned version, Neo Geo Strong!
  5. just a guess, but i would assume this is just a retail video to be played on a loop. "Nintendo Power" is more likely a branding than a reference to the magazine, and i highly doubt the "v15" corresponds to that particular issue. I would expect that it's commercials and highlight videos with maybe some light commentary.
  6. @Mae247 i am here. hope this makes it to me, looking forward to seeing how this works!
  7. a few years later, when AOL switched to CDs, my friends and i used to just scoop up as many as we could. We'd cover peoples' cars with them, fill up bags/desks/lockers with them, hide them inside random books at the library.....you name it, we probably filled it up with free AOL CDs.
  8. Legend of Zelda is one of my all time favorite game series. i really enjoyed the atmosphere and look of Twilight Princess. gameplay was fun but the wolf bits did get pretty old quickly. Wind Waker, on the other hand, is a complete turn off because of the graphical style employed. anything using that art style gets a hard pass from me.
  9. mine came in the mail today. it is #41/1500, so obviously there is no rhyme or reason to how they're sending them out. game looks cool tho. haven't played it yet.
  10. i'll always appreciate Blondie name dropping Grandmaster Flash.
  11. never heard of this release but i went ahead and ordered a copy. looks like it could be fun and i was at VGNY this summer. good looking out.
  12. cart = loose disc = CIB i do have Zelda 1 & 2 CIB displayed with my loose games, and a bunch of n64 boxes & manuals laying around, tho.
  13. i kinda/sorta remember this happening on NA but i wasn't a part of it. would be happy to jump in this go 'round. sounds like fun.
  14. Foo Fighters is a weird one for me. I can listen to their music, and it's great. but i just don't feel much of a connection to it. None of my friends hardcore listened to them in high school/college, so i was never really exposed to them all that much. But i know that if i had been around it more at the time, they would easily be one of my favorite bands. So i went with 7 because i've been going back and listening and it's all so damn good.
  15. glad you liked it! was trying to find/think of neat little Zelda trinkets and ran across that music box. as soon as i saw it, i knew that it was exactly what i was looking for. glad you enjoyed it! Merry Christmas @WalterWhiteJr. and another voice of thanks to @captmorgandrinker for getting us up and running this year!
  16. awesome! i hope this finds its way to my collection one of these years.
  17. as for single item with sentimental value, probably my n64. it was the first system i bought with my own money and i've played the hell out of it through the years. still in great shape, but i've gone through seemingly a million controllers
  18. i got an cool letter, four games from my want list (across multiple systems!) and an awesome Mario Kart pin. It's reasons like this that i love the NA VGS Secret Santa exchange better than any x-mas gathering i go to in real life. thanks a million to @Mega Tank for hooking me up so much. i hope your holidays treats you as good as you treated me!!
  19. voted 10/10. while their early pop stuff isn't my cup of tea, they more than make up for it with their late period output. amazing all around. side B of Abbey Road is the greatest 18 minutes in the history of music.
  20. like @darkchylde28 said, it could just be a non-game or n64 specific case, but i still think there has to be SOMETHING this was intended for. my mind keeps going back to the cd case as well, but there's no way the cd part would stay attached. those straps are WAY too stretchy to be able to hold anything like that.
  21. i've got a Final Fantasy 7 guide that has warped a bit and has a little water damage. would be worthless to sell, so i just keep it. still use it whenever i go back to the game
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