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Everything posted by Aguy

  1. This is beautiful and I'd totally get it but just blew half my wad on FE Fates Special CIB for 3DS.
  2. Sriracha and pork bites over stir fry veggies and ramen.
  3. Last two eBay purchases have arrived smelling like cigarette smoke and neither of them mentioned it in the description. The first was a batch of manuals I really wanted, but there was no way the smell was coming out. I asked for a return, and the guy said if I'm not happy to open a case, so I did. His response, "Sorry not going to refund you will have to wait to get ebay involved." I finally got a return label from eBay this morning and shipped them back out. The other purchase was some Game Boy games that don't have as strong an odor, so I should be able to fix them.
  4. Speaking of randomly priced guides, I just noticed Witcher 3 Complete Collector's Edition is going for $150+ used ($250+ new). Kind of ironic since the game is so popular, abundant, and cheap.
  5. The only games worth playing came out before 2006 anyway. But seriously, what games are you talking about? Big name games I've recently played (e.g. Dragon Quest XI or Red Dead 2) and niche indie games (e.g. Stardew Valley) have online guides with multiple pages of info. Sure it might not be Gamefaqs 'wall of text' style, but they still exist. Also more games are becoming open world and it can be hard for authors to describe/explain where to find something, so YT is more fit.
  6. PSP - Gurumin @ CA$39.75 + $2 shipping (US$30 + $1.50) I just bought this game for $34 which I thought was a good price. PSP is on the rise and this is certainly one you want for the collection. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gurumin-A-Monstrous-Adventure-Sony-PSP-2007-Playstation-Portable/254687028376?epid=56279497&hash=item3b4c87a498:g:QAcAAOSwgbxfNdN0
  7. So true, except for me it was 2002 and Day of Defeat. I have twin cousins and at the time, one worked at a $5 pizza place and the other worked at a gaming cafe. The gaming and pizza never stopped flowing (till I had to get a job of my own the next year).
  8. This a collection of some of the most 90's games I've ever seen.
  9. When reporting lifetime system sales, Nintendo combines GB and GBC, but not GBA. And GB music never seems to get the credit it deserves, it's always overshadowed by the NES.
  10. Get a slim model, not the E. It dropped some features that might not be very important (one less usb port, no optical audio or component support) but just like the PS3 super slim and Wii Mini, companies are just cutting costs and corners when it comes to the last iteration of consoles. I'd recommend looking for a 320GB model Slim as they were they last batch of 360's manufactured in 2011/2012 before the switch to the model E. My first gen 360 RRoD so I "fixed" it and traded it in for a Slim in 2011 and have never had any problems since. I remember it well because I had just picked up Skyrim on release day, got home, installed it, then it crashed and wouldn't turn back on.
  11. It really depends on what you want to play. The X360 is BC with about half of the OG Xbox library while the XBone is about 10% compatible, and I personally have both because of this. Some of the games from my collection that aren't BC are Beyond Good and Evil, Burnout Revenge, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, and The Warriors. Both Ori and the Blind Forest and Will of the Wisps are available on PC Gamepass, BF is available on the Switch, and WotW will eventually be brought to the Switch as well, so you may not need an XBone at all if there's no other games you're looking for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games_compatible_with_Xbox_360
  12. Aguy

    Joy-Con drift

    I sent in a repair request 3 weeks ago and have not heard back.
  13. Aguy

    Joy-Con drift

    It works and controls great, still feels a little stiff, but I've only put an hour on it.
  14. Aguy

    Joy-Con drift

    UPDATE: Well, the replacement I ordered on eBay never showed up so I ordered one on Amazon ($8) with 2 day shipping. I just installed it this morning and it took about 10 minutes, very easy but everything is so small. It will be nice to control the camera in BotW again, and Stardew Valley was unplayable. Here's the listing on Amazon. It came with these really nice metal needle point tweezers which are worth the price alone. I know we as consumers shouldn't have to deal with these kinds of issues in this day and age of gaming, but I'll take this over RRoD (X360) or lens malfunctions (PS1/PS2) any day. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZLP2TJ2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. I spent all afternoon going through my collection and make sure everything is organized and in it's place, making sure there are no random discs floating in other game cases, alphabetizing, as we do. For whatever reason, my one copy of SMB/DH is missing, along with Driver for PS1 and DQ VIII for 3DS. I have the IB for both, but the disc and cart are gone. And these are games I know I have, I played them recently, and I don't lend my games out. P.S. On a positive note, I did find multiple games I was completely unaware I had, such as loose copies of Lady Sia and Madden 2005 for GBA, Loose Kirby's Canvas Curse and Hotel Dusk for DS, and a complete Final Fantasy III for DS.
  16. I'm not sure why it took so long for me to get on it, but I finally signed up and logged my collection his afternoon and was wondering if there was a line graph to see the changes in my collection value over time. Also I'm getting a value of $0 for Rodea: The Sky Soldier for Wii.
  17. Game Boy Color is it's own system, and the OG Game Boy has a better soundchip than the NES.
  18. I think MetalJesusRocks made this video just for you today. Most of my games are included plus some other great options depending on what you like.
  19. I'm looking to get a new vacuum for my birthday coming up. It's been a year since my dog past so we don't have any pets in the house, but our current vacuum has seen years of dog hair and needs to be retired.
  20. Here's my little collection for the stuff played on the PS3. Something's have been ported to PS4 (Nathan Drake Collection, LoU Remastered, Bioshock Collection, etc...), and some stuff runs better on X360 (Half Life Orange Box, Assassin's Creed 1/2, etc...) 3D For Game Heroes - Console exclusive, must play if you like NES LoZ Dead Space 2 - LE Edition is cool because it includes Dead Space Extraction from the Wii Demon Souls - OG, console exclusive Deus Ex Human Revolution DC - Good game, but not required Dragon's Crown - awesome PS exclusive, upscaled for PS4 Eternal Sonata - Beautiful JRPG, extra content over X360 release Fallout New Vegas - One of my favorites, get the Ultimate Edition for all the DLC Final Fantasy XIII - It feels weird not to have a FF game for a PS console Folklore - Console Exclusive, main reason I got a PS3. God of War Saga - Great value made even better if you can find a copy with the PSP games voucher unused Heavy Rain - Not for everyone but some of the best PS3 graphics Journey CE - Another great value, includes Flower and Flow (all 3 made by thatgamecompany) Just Cause 2 - Open world destruction fun Ico /Shadow of the Colossus HD - SotC maybe better remade on PS4, but both of these are closer to their original PS2 releases with a fresh coat of paint LA Noir - Again, not for everyone but I like it Little Big Planet 2 SE - Includes a bunch of DLC and a great multiplayer/creative sandbox game Metal Gear Solid Legacy - Getting a little pricey if you get it with the artbook but it includes every mainline game from Metal Gear (MSX) to IV. Motorstorm - The other reason I got a PS3, the sequels may be better but I like the original. No No Kuni - Another beautiful JRPG, updated for newer consoles but still great here. The Puppeteer - Late first party release from the developers who made Ape Escape, LocoRoco, Gravity Rush Red Dead Redemption - GTA on horses, I like it better than RDR2. Skate 3 - No better Skating game has been released since Sonic Genesis Collection - Tons of great games and includes all 4 Phantasy Stars South Park Stick of Truth - Not a fan of all the humor, but the combat is fun Super Street Fighter 4 - I'm terrible at it, but it's got lots of characters and my kids like to button mash. Valkyria Chronicles - Long, beautiful, tough, and has a great story Not included but I also recommend Killzone Trilogy and Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction.
  21. I'm pretty excited about this announcement. The Switch has replaced my Vita, but it still doesn't cut it in the j-drpg department. This should help. Now if only Atlus will port over Dungeon Travelers 2 (or make a new one).
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