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Everything posted by bowser

  1. So this will be the first time Sagaia is releasing physically in the West. But I think it's probably the exact same ROM as was originally released in Japan and China.
  2. Can someone please help me identify if this controller is legit or a fake? I see different types of blister packs on eBay and I'm confused which ones are legit. Obviously the controllers without the GameCube logo in the middle are fake but are there fakes that contain the logo?
  3. Wow sweet! Did you use Goo Gone?
  4. I wonder what the variant collectors think of this. Do these count as variants?
  5. Well, you got me but it was fun
  6. Nice! Especially getting it from that seller. They generally overprice everything way too much so it's nice to steal it from under their noses haha. Nope. I think he posted it right after purchasing. It should arrive sometime next week I guess.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to give me a detailed explanation. I was initially under the impression it was something like a DealTavern repackaged bundle. I wasn't aware the stylus doesn't have it's own barcode. If it was meant to be packaged together with the game then that makes it more interesting. That's what I meant by value by the way, value more in terms of desirability rather than investment value. Is the game sealed with the usual Y-fold under the shrinkwrap?
  8. This wouldn't count as an official bundle right? It looks like some store randomly threw 2 items together from unsold stock to try and move them. IMO it's worth the same as the two items separately and bundling doesn't add any value.
  9. Even if the shell is original, the battery cover certainly isn't. It's a replacement part from China.
  10. The board has chip holders but they're empty. I suppose that's why nothing loads because there is nothing to load. It's like an empty CD drive. You'll need to find the ROM chips that were originally on there.
  11. Why is Style Savvy going up in price? Is it a first party Nintendo game? Those look super cool. Can you share a snap of the inserts/paperwork inside the big boxes?
  12. Made a huge pickup locally yesterday, probably my biggest ever till now. Everything in the pic for $300! Most of the consoles work. One Genesis model 1 (out of 3 total) and one of the fat SNES isn't working but everything else does. The GameCube is modded with a XenoGC and region switch on the back. Both SNES Jr consoles have RGB mods. There's also an unused Lotharek W-Hydra2 SCART switch that I really don't know what to do with so I'll sell it. That itself goes for $300 new on the official website. I'll probably resell most of these but I'll keep the Turbografx 16. It's the first time I've ever owned one.
  13. I once bought a lot that included a Monster Hunter new 3DS XL CIB plus a bunch of games like Smash Bros, Kirby, Rhythm Heaven, etc. Paid $150 for everything. After getting home I found $200 in cash under the manual in Kirby.
  14. @ThePhleo Do you have a recommendation for what adhesive is best for reattaching Gameboy screen lenses back to the shell?
  15. Yeah. For example, I don't consider store variants where they take a retail game and tie a plush toy to it with cellophane as a true variant.
  16. I was too excited to wait till I received this lot before posting. I held my breath for an entire day until it was marked as shipped lol. I was expecting to get backdoored at any moment. Luckily nobody noticed the Yoshi's Island NFR.
  17. I don't get it though. How is the Street Fighter different from taking a Japanese board and putting it inside an NA shell?
  18. Yeah value-wise I figured it shouldn't be worth more but I was wondering more about the ratio of DMT/DMG units. Would you say 70/30 or 80/20 for example?
  19. I watched (pun intended) some auctions/BIN listings last year for these on eBay. It's worth about $100 on average. More or less depending on condition.
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