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Everything posted by bowser

  1. Dude..... That is kick ass. Congrats on the find and thanks for sharing! The Asian versions of some games have way better artwork than the North American counterparts. For example, I have this Middle East version of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D with the Japanese artwork but it still has the ESRB rating so it's technically North American.
  2. Cool. Luigi's Mansion might be a drag in the beginning but it gets better as you play.
  3. Lots of deals over the last few months! Everything in the pic for $80. My main objective was to make enough profit off this to get my wife brand new Airpods Gen 2 for her birthday which I managed to do I was able to upgrade my Phantom Hourglass DS Lite condition wise with this pickup. $70 for everything. Fire emblem itself seems to be worth that. $150 for the entire 3DS lot. I was initially going to pass on this since it was kind of far away but coincidentally my wife wanted some other item from this seller so I ended up getting it lol. Got this NES lot for $150. I kept Bucky and sold everything else for $130 so Bucky was pretty cheap in the end. I got this lot only for the expansion pak. It was barely visible in the original pic with just a corner of the red top sticking out from under all the cables. I also realized later that the PS3 gold tipped OEM component cables were worth $$. $25 for everything. This was the original pic. Can you spot the expansion pak? Another epic deal here. The lady wanted $140 plus 2 N64 controllers with tight sticks for all this. The SNES Jr box is now proudly displayed in my game room. Only $150 for this lot. The guy wanted to get rid of all this stuff ASAP because his wife didn't want it in the house anymore lol. I was more than happy to oblige. Been looking for this uncommon Sea Green 2DS. Came across several in the past at higher prices but always missing the original stylus. Finally found this for $30. Only $15 for everything! Found these in a pawn shop for real cheap. Nothing great here but it still felt good to find boxed GBA games in the wild for $1.50 each. My first boxed Gameboy Pocket! The games are also mint CIB. Only $40 for the lot. It was actually pending by the time I saw the ad but the first guy never showed up and I was next in line. Felt pretty lucky. Who wouldn't pick up a deal like this?! This Wii and GameCube lot was $100. That Ocarina of Time for GC had been eluding me since a while. Either too expensive or seeing the ad too late. Finally got it. Heck of a find on Facebook. Only $10 shipped! Didn't notice the Nintendo Power 100 controller until a few days later. Surprisingly the ad was up all this time. $120 for the lot. And finally my biggest deal recently. Included a working modded Xbox with Xecuter 3. This is the rare mod with buttons and LCD on the face. $130 for everything. It was actually a pending deal when I saw it but the buyer wanted a few days. I said I can be there ASAP and the seller agreed.
  4. Got these special edition 3DS games for only $100. Legend of Legacy is still sealed and for the other two the games were opened but the collector's content is still unused/sealed where applicable. Also had 2 cool pickups recently at a great price. First, this N64 lot. The ad was up for 5 days but nobody seemed to notice the little Nintendo Power 100 logo on the gold controller. I saw the ad myself when it was first posted but I also missed it. Asking price was $150 and I passed initially. When it popped up again in my recommendations I noticed it and offered $120 and it was accepted. This was the original pic in the ad. The rumble and controller paks were not even mentioned: Next, this awesome pickup for only $130. The Xbox actually has the Xecuter 3 mod with buttons and LCD on the front and seems to be worth at least $400 online. Initially I only wanted this lot for the expansion pak and it wasn't until after picking it up and looking up the Xbox that I figured I hit the jackpot.
  5. Umm.... How is this one of a kind? Am I missing something?
  6. I believe it's a conversion of the very first Game & Watch Ball, not Mario the Juggler. They replaced Mr. Game & Watch with Mario.
  7. I only sell locally on Facebook marketplace and I definitely noticed a drop in sales since the past month. I would say demand is down across the board.
  8. Today I fixed my Game Gear that had no audio and extremely dim screen. Replaced all the caps inside and it's as good as new. It's a rather painful job though since it took several hours to do. I never knew they can be that loud at full volume. Now I have to do 4 more.
  9. I don't know about absolute value but if the serial number on the console doesn't match the one on the box that might really hurt the overall value.
  10. I bet there's a pallet of Barbie waiting to be found in a warehouse somewhere
  11. I think the Switch stock situation is improving. People are selling used Switch units for $260-280 in my area, down from the $350+ that they used to go for. Brand new ones are now going for $350. And no these are not the "shipping only because I'm afraid of germs" scam posts lol.
  12. The scores are definitely still out there. A couple of weeks ago there was an ad on Facebook Marketplace for NES games for $15 each. One of them was Bubble Bobble Part 2. The ad was only 10 minutes old when I saw it but of course I was already too late.
  13. Approx 300 special editions and 1500 standard editions left at the time of writing this post.
  14. That's interesting, did Freakyforms Deluxe release in South America with an outer slipcover? I don't think the North American release had that.
  15. I think it was @Hybrid who figured it out. There was more than one DS game like this.
  16. I have a 3 year old son myself and I had no choice but to have some items within his reach. So along with working on 'no touching' I placed some Amiibo and various controllers on the shelves next to the more valuable games. That way he gets attracted to those first and doesn't feel the need to grab Bucky O'Hare I also noticed in general if you keep these things accessible they lose interest in it quickly and are more likely to leave it alone. It's only when you restrict them it arouses their curiosity more and they're always looking for a chance to play with it. In my experience these child psychology tricks are more effective than locks. Plus it keeps my wife happy that part of the house isn't locked away all the time and restricting her ease of access to it. For the first week or so I had to supervise him whenever he entered the room and deal with knocked over controllers and misplaced Amiibo but it was a small price to pay for the eventual peace of mind when he lost interest in the setup. Now he just comes in, plays with the Amiibo for a couple minutes and puts them back in their place and leaves. Maybe every kid is different and I'm just lucky but it's probably worth a shot.
  17. Looks like you have doubles and triples of shitty N64 sports games According to my calculations you have exactly enough space for 300 N64 games. 10 rows, 30 games per row. Pretty sweet!
  18. I don't get it. 3ds games save to the cart, not to the console. Switch however saves to the console.
  19. What's the story with Barbie? Why is it rare? Is it now the rarest North American 3DS title?
  20. Are there any GameCube or Wii games with data errors? Also, how about data errors for cartridge games like DS/3DS/Vita/Switch? Cartridges for other systems are probably too easy to fake.
  21. I saw an SNES classic version of this the other day on Facebook Marketplace.
  22. How can you tell if it's legit hardware? I've seen tons of these in game stores in India that look exactly like this but I'm pretty sure are clones.
  23. I won an eBay auction last year for one of the US units for $40 shipped. It was brand new too. It was a bit of a roller coaster actually before I finally got it. When the auction was first put up at a starting bid of $39.99 I forgot to bid and it ended with 0 bids. It was relisted and the bidding went up to $75 or so and I gave up on it. But it was again relisted for a starting bid of $39.99 and this time I made sure to bid and I was the only bidder. After winning I asked the guy about what happened and he said the previous winner backed out so he had to relist it. I was very happy with the deal.
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