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Everything posted by bowser

  1. Yeah I hit Platinum a couple times. I found a glitch back then that let me register multiple 3ds consoles and get 160 coins for each one
  2. Anyone? With GameCube prices skyrocketing I'm just wondering what something like this might be worth.
  3. I see. I was guessing based on the differences in the assembly of the console. Judging from the quality, it appears all the parts for the console itself throughout the entire run (except maybe the cartridge flap for the red text models) were imported. The controllers and RF cables were also imported. But if all the consoles were assembled in India, what is your opinion on the differences in the assembly? The initial units with black text were on par with the international versions but the later ones with red text had missing shielding (both top and bottom) and possibly fewer screws on the inside too. I uploaded pics of one of the black text consoles to the first post. The cartridge shells were entirely made in India. The plastic is of poor quality and the screws also are made of a softer metal that strips easily. The PCBs were imported though. They have the PAL chips on them. Yes I was of the same opinion because the address on the protector is totally different from the one on the console. To add to this, I have a Samurai cartridge with a legit PCB but windowed ROMs! With this startling discovery, I was of the opinion that the pirate carts were not made by a pirate outfit as claimed by Samurai. I will try to add all my observations on the various types of Samurai carts today.
  4. I have a pic of that. Couldn't find the original high res pic that I had. I'm not surprised with the poor quality. They cut corners and used the cheapest materials possible. According to the info from Joshua above it was sold for 4800 INR which converts to about $370 at that time. This corresponds to what I heard from a friend that it was sold for around 4500 INR ($345).
  5. It's not a total loss though. I'm pretty sure the game will still work. The crack didn't reach the data layer.
  6. I recently moved from India and brought most of my Samurai units with me I'm still editing the first post with more info.
  7. I think I made a thread about this on Nintendo Age but it's probably lost somewhere and I've gained new info since then anyway. So I finally got a boxed Samurai last year and it could be CIB. There's so little information out there and I haven't come across any other photos of the paperwork/manuals/inserts so I'm assuming CIB at the moment. If anyone has more info please chime in! Here are the pics of everything in the box: Front and back: Top and bottom: Sides: Styrofoam box: Console: Most consoles have a punctured warranty sticker, most probably for attempted repairs to the 72-pin connector. I'd say only 10-15% of consoles still have the warranty sticker intact. Controller: There is a cheap Samurai sticker covering the Nintendo logo on the back. The sticker has fallen off on most of the controllers I've come across. I'd say this is very rare, perhaps as rare as the box if not rarer. Only about 5-10% of controllers still have the sticker in my experience. Power adapter: Even though the console actually runs on AC all the Samurai power adapters I came across output DC and it works just fine. Paperwork: I've had at least 20 different Samurai consoles pass through my hands. I mainly got them for research and sold a few but still have most of them. At the moment I have 13 loose consoles. 3 more are still in India but I doubt I'll get my hands on them any time soon because of corona. Most of these will be up for sale soon once I finish documenting and cleaning them up. These are some of my observations: - The highest serial number I've seen is about 53000. So that's a good indicator for how many were actually sold. - The lower serial number consoles had a black Samurai font. These seem to be pretty rare. They also have smooth tops. I only have 2 of them. You can see one of them in the picture above. - The black Samurai logo on the console is actually a sticker covering the original Asian Version branding. I figured this out because the second one I have has a ripped sticker with the original branding visible underneath. What this means is that the initial batches were imported as fully assembled units from Asia. The more common units with the red Samurai logo printed on were imported as parts and assembled in India. The black logo consoles have both a Samurai serial and also the original Asian Version serial on the bottom. - The consoles with red logos do not have any metal shielding on the inside. They also have fewer screws holding the console together even though all the original screw holes are present. Seems like a cheap attempt at cost cutting. Now moving on to the games. I've only ever found one game CIB. Everything else is just loose carts. I have a few games with box but no manual. Here are the pics of the CIB game: These are all the Samurai carts I have right now. Unfortunately they're all stuck back home in India so I only have older pics. Samurai carts come in different styles. Grey carts, black carts, black labels, colorful labels, etc. A friend of mine actually has a gold Ice Climbers cart! Never seen that before. Closer view of the labels with artwork: Gold Ice Climber cart (not mine): I found 3 of these Samurai branded game protectors. I think they are the equivalent of NES game sleeves but I don't think they were included with each game. These seem to be more like accessories you could buy separately. Future update: A discussion on legit vs pirate Samurai carts. I have some very interesting findings which lead me to a controversial conclusion. Will update soon.
  8. Any idea why WWF No Mercy is jumping up in price? Seems to be as common as any other N64 sports game.
  9. I like unboxing videos of brand new items because when I buy a used CIB game/console it helps me put everything back in it's proper intended place, especially the order of the inserts/manuals. I wouldn't dare ever tell this to a non collector they'll just think I'm crazy lol.
  10. What's the average price these days for one of these in very good condition with original key? Attaching a pic of mine as an example. Not sure I'm ready to sell though.
  11. It's not rare, I see tons of them on eBay for about $10. EDIT: Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant.
  12. The Asian version has both games on a single cart. Can't confirm about the voice acting though because mine is still sealed.
  13. Snapped this pic today after putting up my Gameboy games collection on display: I noticed most people prefer dark shelving for their game rooms. Is there a reason for that? Personally I think white shelves provide a good contrast and the items being displayed are much more visible and colorful. I used to have dark shelves in my previous home and it didn't look this vibrant.
  14. It's a domino effect and I already had it happen once while setting up lol. I was planning to put in small railings on each row but I had been working on these for a while and lost patience. Will do it soon.
  15. Just finished making the display stands for my Gameboy games! Still figuring out the final arrangement on the shelf. They were too expensive online at $25 per stand and the max size was a 4 x 5 I think. So I made my own. 5 x 5 for GB games, 5 x 9 for GBA games. Spent only $40 on the balsa wood. Close up of the games in the middle: 1) Accolade version of Centipede 2) Game Boy Gallery 4 Australian exclusive 3) Lemmings 2 UK exclusive 4) Turok Rage Wars upside down label 5) Pokemon Gold Korean version compatible only with GBC unlike the regular version that works on the original Gameboy I've already shared a close up of the 5 x 5 stand in a previous post so here is the 5 x 9 GBA stand:
  16. I guess we already have a thread for this in the Show Off section.
  17. Not really a disaster but I moved from India to the US last year. Packed up my collection and put it on a ship. It took 3 months to arrive and it was very nerve wracking. I had read all sorts of horror stories by others about stuff getting stolen but to my surprise everything arrived pristine and untouched. I left about 30% of it back home which was my most valuable stuff figuring that I would carry it over in parts whenever I or someone visits. But now because of Corona I probably won't see it for the foreseeable future
  18. Wow didn't notice how much it went up since I got it. Game prices are going crazy but I expect they'll cool off in the near future.
  19. I just bought the glass shelves last week and they were $15 each. I bought 5 but the clerk somehow managed to bill me only for one lol No there is no room for them because it blocks the door. However I'm planning to make a mirror image of this design on the opposite wall. I could have used shorter floating shelves to have room for bookshelves on the left but I liked this look
  20. Does that ice blue Gameboy Pocket bundle come with a rev-3 Zelda cart?
  21. Thanks! Yeah Ikea actually sells extra shelves for Billy bookcases in different colors and in glass for $15 each. I don't think many people are aware of that though
  22. Ok the 5 x 5 GB carts display tower is done! Put in some carts temporarily just to get a feel for how it will look. I will put in the good stuff later. Now I'm making a 9 x 5 tower for GBA carts. 9 rows with 5 carts per row. Will post pics when it's done.
  23. Mostly done with my setup. Just have to put in my Gameboy stuff on the middle floating shelf. And have to get a TV. I setup this slot car track on a table to the side: I also made this custom cartridge display holder for my Virtual Boy games out of balsa wood yesterday. My first time working with wood and making something useful so it turned out way better than I expected. This is a 4 x 1 holder and I'm planning to make a 5 x 5 holder for GB games and 8 x 5 for GBA games. Will update soon with pics.
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