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Everything posted by phart010

  1. No, I think my comment is good enough as it is. We’re talking about subjective material, so there will not be any proving of anything from anyone. I don’t think your asking me to try and change your mind, and I’m not in the mood to jump through hoops right now. Peace
  2. No disrespect but these types of things that you linked to are not exactly what society has an agreed consensus on as far as maximum effectiveness. They may have come from a place of good intentions, but they are actually experimental based on progressive ideology and still have a possibility of proving to be ineffective. Kind of like common core for developmental mathematics.
  3. The ones I have were part of the sales rep agents selling kit. The sales reps worked either directly for or were agents for the publisher. They would go out to distributors and retailers and try to get large purchase orders for the publishers games. So they’d have marketing materials for the games and often were given sample boxes that they could show to their customers as well. The ones that I have came from a guy that was a rep for Konami and Irem, he did not work directly for them but he received commission on his sales. I have a box for Kung Fu Master and R Type on Gameboy as well as Super R-Type SNES. They are unfolded production boxes (not “Not for resale” or “Display only”) I would have also had a box for Metal Storm NES as well as its marketing materials, but unfortunately I ran my mouth as to what it may be worth and the seller decided to keep those, then he eventually sold them to someone else
  4. You may notice that I took great care to be sufficiently vague in my post, using words like, “most people,” “many other countries,” “a lot of the rest of the world.” I really tried being careful not to use any definitive statements in anticipation of you guys shredding my post apart
  5. Taxes would be a great idea if they could be spent efficiently. Unfortunately the people who decide what kind of programs to spend it on don’t have the kind of specialization that private businesses have. Private businesses are forced to become efficient to survive in a competitive environment. If they fail, they go out of business. Government programs are funded by a guarantee tax revenue stream. Regardless of whether the program is effective or a complete failure, the taxes keep coming in to fund government programs. In the American model, there’s no incentives in place to make government programs operate efficiently. Andrew Yang is a democrat, when he was campaigning in 2020 its clear that he understood the problems associated with things like corporate taxes and wealth taxes. He said things like “we‘ll get Amazon to pay taxes,” knowing full well that the American consumers would actually be the ones paying the taxes and Amazon would simply be calculating and collecting the taxes. He made it clear that wealth taxes do more harm than good and there’s plenty of historical proof of this concept in other European countries. Unfortunately you don’t get ahead in politics by understanding things, having real solutions and telling the truth
  6. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be capital flight. All the wealthy people are simply going to take their money with them and invest it less tax burdensome economies. Like Southeast Asian countries. The government is already preparing for the possibility of this, Janey Yellen has been leading international conversations on how all countries around the would should consider having a minimum tax rate on corporations. This is precisely because she knows these taxes will cause capital flight out of America, so she wants to make other countries look less attractive than America. Problem is, there’s really no incentive for emerging economies to increase their corporate taxes (besides the USA told them so). Their low corporate tax rates that they offer is precisely the reason that foreign companies have decided to do business with them which caused them to be emerging economies in the first place. I think we’ll see more money leave America and go into countries like India, Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, Mexico, etc..
  7. Why? There’s no longer any need to tax citizens. What we have discovered in 2020 is that whenever the government needs money they can just create it.
  8. Oh I didn’t know we were keeping track of who had these. I’m part of the club too
  9. Asian American here (born and raised in USA). Most Americans unfortunately have a lower tolerance for people speaking their language poorly than most of the rest of the world. Most people here only speak one language, English, so they never developed a good ear for different accents. I grew up around a lot of Asians, so have got a very good ability to understand fractured English and heavy accents. It surprises me all the time that English speaking people get frustrated with others that to me sound like regular English-speaking people. In many other countries, I have noticed that even speaking poorly in other languages, the natives are usually pretty happy that you are even actually attempting to learn their language, and they often try to help you. A lot of the rest of the world speaks at least some English as a second language, but Americans mostly only speak English. So instead of being able to relate to the experience of learning a second language they just get frustrated.
  10. I got NIV Bible secondhand, so don’t know if this came with it or if it was added on later. But it came in a clamshell with a purple tint to it. Looks pretty identical to a regular OEM clamshell except made in Mexico instead of Japan and it says “PRIDE” on the inside
  11. I think he’s referring to the technicality that black is technically the absence of color
  12. I think generations ago, there may have been first generation people from Africa whose skin color was closer to the color black. But with generations of inter-racial mixing the color has become more brown/tan, so the word “black” is kind of outdated.. Nonetheless people still say black people and seem to be ok with it’s usage at the moment.
  13. I think because when they sell games in the Japanese domestic market, they keep circulating in Japan. So they may expect to get it traded back in and then sold again. In Japan it’s high volume low margin sales. Once the game leaves Japan it’s likely not coming back so that decreases the size of their pool of games that they can source from. So for international sales, they want to get more margin since the game is gone forever
  14. I think “black” and “black people” works so well because its one syllable, and people are already using it/comfortable with it. But yea, “blacks” is probably not the best word to use. “People of color” is the current politically correct word if your giving a speech or writing an essay, but nobody’s really saying that when they’re talking.
  15. This would be a nice little lot to start off your CHN gameboy set with
  16. Right, I was speaking more specifically about American black people. Was just piggybacking off of your post to keep the topic going
  17. I’ve actually discussed this in depth with one of my black co-workers. The conclusion is that different people have different ideas and feelings on the usage of different words. First, everyone unanimously agrees that the N-word is totally off limits, you can make an argument that some black people use it, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s use is regarded as derogatory. In general, with some exceptions, it is pretty much agreed that ‘black’ is the politically correct term. However, I worked in retail at a tobacco store long ago and would sometimes chat with customers and don’t remember how the conversation went, but I got called out for referring to a lady as black. She went to some length to explain that the color black is not an accurate description of the color of her skin. I’ve always thought the word “colored” started to get used in American history as a more sensitive word choice. It appears to have been the governments word of choice as seen on old signs during the period of segregation, this was a time period when the alternative that a lot of people were using was the N-word. In any case, colored does seem to be more the more accurate word than black but it just didn’t stick. African American was an attempt to turn color into an ethnicity. I think it was even considered the more politically correct word for a time. But one thing I learned (again got in trouble for ) is that not everyone appreciates being referred to as African American. Some black people just want to be called Americans. Some black people may not even identify with African heritage, they could be South American or European.
  18. I am saying this as a US resident buying on eBay US. May be a totally different story if you are in an Asian country. Used to be able to get these for $20-30 each. People have been listing them for ridiculous prices lately like $50-80 each, but I’m not sure they’re actually selling at those prices. Some are more sought out than others as they are less common and can go for $100-200 Zoids, 4 in 1, and Bonk are the more desirable ones in your set. You appear to have some variants, the purple box that says For China Only is not present on all of the ones I’ve seen so far.
  19. In my case it was probably around 10PM late at night, and I had taken a picture with flash on. So assuming the thing did cause the camera to break, it would have seen the flash. If I find that photo, it may give clues to what caused the camera to break, maybe other people got the same kind of distorted image while taking their last photo before a camera failure. Im not insisting that the thing I took a photo of caused the camera to break, it could have been a coincidence. Nor am I insisting aliens, this was in Virginia Beach, we have a base for pretty much every branch of the military within 50 miles
  20. I looked around for that photo last night, didn’t find it.. it’s here somewhere though, I’ll find it if I clean up. The distortion on mine looked like a grey colored honeycomb grid pattern. I still have the camera, I wish Ben Heck or someone like that would take a look at it to determine the mode of failure. If it was the military, I’m suing them in small claims court
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