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Everything posted by phart010

  1. It depends on the retailer. Some charge you a deposit, some charge in full, some charge nothing. I preordered from Amazon, the way they handle preorders is they hold your spot and they only charge your credit card after the item ships. Don’t know if other retailer’s handled it same way.. I don’t think Nintendo gave an official ok to retailers as far as when they could open up preorders. I think the retailers just proactively started listing the preorders as soon as Nintendo announced the game was in development. This particular game was being worked on by Bandai Namco and was supposed to come out in 2019 I believe. Apparently it sucked because Nintendo made an official announcement that the game wasn’t up to their standards and were starting development over from scratch with Retro Studios.
  2. This timeline of events probably provides some clues as to what happened: JP Launch US Launch Title Worldwide Sales Dec 88 Jun 89 Mega Man 2 1.51 M Sep 90 Nov 90 Mega Man 3 1.08 M Nov 90 Aug 91 SNES Dec 91 Jan 92 Mega Man 4 0.93 M Dec 92 Dec 92 Mega Man 5 0.79 M Dec 93 Oct 93 NES Version 2 Nov 93 Mar 94 Mega Man 6 0.52 M Dec 93 Jan 94 Mega Man X 1.16M Dec 94 Jan 95 Mega Man X2 0.56 M Sales of Megaman had been declining since Megaman 2. SNES launched in US in Aug-91. Megaman 6 “officially” launched in Mar-94 ( I say “officially” in quotes because in the game it says Capcom 1993, so probably the non-1 version would have launched one month after the JP version like all other titles). SNES had already been out 30+ months by the time MM6 should have come out, Capcom probably projected poor sales, also probably wanted to focus on promoting Megaman X. If we had North American sales broken out separately, that would probably give a better story As others here mentioned, Nintendo did have an interest in supporting NES as they had just launched NES version 2 so maybe that factored into their decision to publish MM6. Capcom of America may have also thought that Capcom JP was done with the regular Mega Man series as the X series was now coming out. Good thing Nintendo brought us MM6 because we’d have lost continuity in the story leading into to MM7 if they didn’t
  3. Somewhere out there is a Capcom employee who knows the whole story about what happened and they are laughing at us trying to figure out what may have happened
  4. Haha, what’s my endgame? I don’t have an endgame. I’m just trying to understand what happened to your label. I dont doubt it’s authentic, it looks legit.. just doesn’t make sense to me that someone would attempt to remove the label on such an uncommon game. Were they planning to make a 5 screw Megaman 6
  5. I’m confused. Why would one attempt to remove the label on the uncommon variant? I could see the motive for attempting to label swap off a 3 screw onto a 5 screw shell... but if you already have the uncommon variant, why screw it up? The label looks good as does the shell?
  6. Does Rockman 4 Minus Infinity play correctly on AVS? I have one of those bootleg multicart games that happens to have this game on it. When I play, there are lots of graphical issues throughout the game. My AVS is day 1 edition with no updates. Is the problem because the multicart is just a cheap pos? I also have a NES powerpak from retrousb. If I were to put it on there, would the game play properly?
  7. I just found a photo online where they are saying that the area at the southwest of Zelda 2 map actually represents the entire map of Zelda 1. I can see how that could make sense.. is this actually canon though?
  8. I’ve read on another forum where people are talking about the clear ones and they excessively stiff/clicky. Just mentioning here that the white ones do click slightly, but not excessively
  9. They might be the mortoff ones. You may have to wait 3 weeks for them, but I thinks it’s worth the wait
  10. @8bitdontquit ironically, after mentioning the order here last night, it just arrived in the mail today. I will report back when I try these out edit: ok just tested it out for two minutes. Seems pretty good, I did have a button miss, but I’m not sure if that’s due to the wear on the pcb contractors, I did clean them a little with alcohol. The buttons are not excessively clicky, although I haven’t tried the clear ones to be able to compare. They do feel more firm than my worn out originals, although that may be how they are supposed to feel. I have an NES classic mini to compare with, definitely slightly more firm than the NES classic mini controller, but not by a lot. My first impression when opening my controller was that these look like exact replacement parts. They appear to be the same type of material as the originals. Overall I’m pretty happy with these
  11. I actually placed an order for the ones at mortoff games around the time I posted that link. Unfortunately haven’t received them yet, they are super slow to ship. I sure hope the quality is worth the wait
  12. I’m no rocket scientist, but I thought that rocket fuel was kind of similar to jet fuel. Jet fuel is a hydrocarbon, it’s refined from crude oil
  13. I’m not an N64 connoisseur. Anyone on here know if that pcb passes as authentic?
  14. Maybe buy it and open it up. If the chips are fake, just return it and tell them it’s a bootleg. If they are authentic chips, you might potentially have something worth discussing
  15. All respect to you for the insights. One thing I want to add is that there was similarly a whole list of reasons that electric cars would not be practical 15 years ago, but the tech has now improved and it’s looking pretty practical for mass use today. And there are actually lithium chemistries that have significantly more power density than the ones currently being used, but they are not being used because they are also much more volatile. But there’s already proven work to essentially eliminate the risk of fire on these as well, it’s just a timely process to get through the commercialization due to patent holders wanting to get their recognition and so on. I think there’s going to be a solution to each problem; if there’s a will there’s a way.
  16. I’ve been listening Elon Musk talk about the whole idea behind Tesla. He says his main goal was never to make a profitable company. Instead, the idea behind Tesla was to pave the way for the electric car industry in order to accelerate mass adoption by industry players by as many as 10 years earlier than it would have been adopted in an organic market (by the way I think he said this like 10 years ago). So there are those that say that Tesla will not continue to grow at the same rate because it has a lot of competition coming to the EV market. If that proves to be true, it would only strengthen Elon Musks claim that he never intended to be profitable, his bigger goal was just to persuade the rest of the car industry to make full EV cars on a massive scale. His other big goal is to send people to Mars and have a Mars colony by 2050. One of the big hurdles he explains is that Mars is a one way trip due to the amount of fuel that needs to be burned to get there. So immediately from day 1 of landing the first thing that needs to be worked on is a refinery to be able to refuel rockets. A main problem is that we don’t know for certain about the presence of fossil fuels on Mars. What we do know about is how to make Hydrogen fuel. And the ingredients to hydrogen fuel are on Mars. I wonder why SpaceX is launching rockets with fossil fuel derived rocket fuel. Shouldn’t they be looking into developing hydrogen based rocket fuel? I believe NASA has already come up with a hydrogen based rocket fuel but they don’t really use it because the technology isn’t optimized. If Elon Musks number one concern is not profitability, he should develop a Hydrogen fueled Tesla. Then they get all kinds of big data from drivers to enhance their understanding and develop the technology. It’s always commercialization of technology that improves the technology over time. If they commercialized hydrogen, then we’d probably learn enough about it to be able to develop good hydrogen fueled rockets and then we’d have a fuel source to have return trips from Mars
  17. I’d like to try it just as an exercise, I think I could do it nicely. Although I’m probably not going to do it for my particular game.. After pondering over it, I think I’ve decided to keep everything on it original even if that means missing a small part of the shell
  18. What I meant about transplanting shell wasn’t quite what you described. I meant like if you had a front shell with label in mostly good condition, but let’s say it got dropped and a corner busted off or something. In this case you could glue the busted off shell piece back on.... or taking it a step further, if you lost the broken piece, cutting a similar sized piece off of a donor shell and filing it to the same size and then gluing that donor piece in. So you would not be tampering with the label.
  19. I’m surprised there is so much of a stigma against pcb swaps. I get it if they are not exact matches with exact same codes matching and everything, then you glitch up some historical information that people are documenting. I personally did this with Darius R on GBA, had a basically identical board and swapped chips, although the revision codes on board were different... I’m a bad guy But if you have an identical pcb, an exact match, codes and all, is it really any worse than swapping the back half of the shell?
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