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Everything posted by phart010

  1. If the environment and other players contribute anything at all to the experience, then they represent at least some percentage of the overall experience (even if only 1%) So the remaining percentage of the experience is the software. I want you guys to assign your percentages.
  2. Think about the complete experience of playing a video game. I will explain a few different gaming scenarios and the components of the experience. Scenario 1: Playing Street Fighter 2 Arcade cabinet at a busy arcade. There’s people surrounding you waiting for their turn. They are watching your match and cheering you on. They have their quarters lined up on the cabinet and the next challenger is standing next to you trying to figure out how you play. The crowd is going wild! Components of the experience: 1. The Arcade cabinet setup with arcade controls 2. Pay to play forces you to relish every moment 3. Having real competitors that are standing next to you as you play 4. Having an audience to watch and cheer you on 5. Being outside in a public setting. Passers by and maybe even a special someone maybe admiring your mad skillz 6. The game software itself I would like us to attempt to quantify as a percentage the importance of the game software relative to the overall experience. Scenario 2: It is a special occasion and you receive a wrapped package as a gift. You unwrap the box and it is an N64 (or PlayStation) and a multiplayer game. You begin playing a 4 player session around the TV with friends or family and have a good ole time. Everyone is screaming at each other and laughing for a good hour before the initial excitement wears down. Whenever two or more people are in the living room together the thought of powering up the system sitting on the tv stand and inviting others over comes up. Components of the experience: 1. Initial excitement associated with the new console. Even after the initial excitement wears off, it still represents good memories. 2. Multiplayer gives you a reason to socialize with people even when you have no other reasons to socialize with them 3. The joy of playing software on the console it was designed for (as opposed to an emulator with non original video display or controller). 4. The ritual motions of inserting the physical cartridge or cd into the system and powering it up. 5. The game software itself Again, I would like us to attempt to quantify as a percentage the importance of the game software relative to the overall experience.
  3. Maybe you aught to ask restoration guy how much extra it would cost to get some custom shelving
  4. This is a legit game. The trace broke and someone repaired it in their garage by adding a little jumper wire
  5. This is the thread with the refurb Donkey Kong:
  6. Update i think I’ve been waiting like 6 years for this preorder now
  7. I feel that Goldeneye and Perfect Dark belonged on the list back in the era, but due to framerate, textures and how far the FPS genre has come, they haven’t aged well. I don’t think I can play them anymore. I beat Conkers back in the day. Don’t remember it being particularly great. Maybe compared to other N64 titles it was very developed, but compared to other games on PS1 PS2 and Dreamcast that had already come out by then, it was ‘ok’. I liked Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 way better than Conker Also, why would you include a sports game on a top 10 list? Do people play outdated sports games other than Tecmo Bowl
  8. I often hear people describing how interesting observing nature becomes while under the influence of psilocybin. Things like looking at clouds, rows of trees, streams of water, fields of grass, etc
  9. Ironically I just started playing yesterday. I bought all the Ace Attorney games on 3DS eshop just before it shut down. It’s a pretty fun game, but I find it annoying when I present a piece of evidence that clearly contradicts a statement but the developers didn’t program that evidence to be used against that particular statement. So it’s counted as a strike on me.
  10. While I was thinking about the Roman Empire today, (as I normally do around this time of day) it got me wondering how frequently y’all think about the Roman Empire.
  11. You could have 3 people manipulate the market for Stadium Events. Let’s say the market is very illiquid and Stadium Events currently goes for $5000. 3 friends Bimmy, Jimmy and Marian all own a Stadium Events and all want to increase the value of their games. 1. Jimmy buys Bimmy’s SE for $7000 (nobody counter bids because its higher than market price.) 2. Marian buys Jimmy’s SE for $9000. (Again, nobody counter bids because its higher than market price.) 3. Bimmy buys Marian’s SE for $11,000… They can keep doing this endlessly as long as the game lacks liquidity. In the end they are just raising the market price because they are creating sales history. As long as they keep the sales within their little group, they still have their games and their money (minus auction transactions fees). Well actually, if they own the auction website, then they still have ALL their money too… So they keep their games and they keep their money within their little group. Along comes some rich guy that’s an outsider (not part of their group) thinking this is a bull market of collectables. He is actually willing to pay real money (not pretend “show money”) for the games. Now Jimmy, Bimmy and Marian sell their $5000 copies of SE for $30,000 each.
  12. 1. Price in illiquid markets is volatile 2. How come nobody mentions purple Megaman 6? 3. Someone make a Stadium Events NFT
  13. I thought about getting Charles Martinet to sign my Wario World on Gamecube when he was in town. I chatted with him for a minute and he’s a very nice guy.. but ultimately decided against it because he’s not a developer. For some reason it seemed odd to me at the time to get the voice actor to sign it. Or maybe it’s that I feel that I like the arts are better off untainted than with ink on them? I can’t pinpoint why I feel this way, it just seems odd. I would definitely take a signature from Miyamoto though. I did end up getting Bird King on PS4 signed by the developer, but I had him sign the plastic seal. It didn’t feel right to break the seal or the get ink on the artwork. If someone breakers the seal on that one, the autograph is gone
  14. Gameboy is one of the best systems out there, but most people don’t even know
  15. Gamestop is great for some things as you mentioned, but they suck at preorders. They are not on time, and they do not follow through on their commitments whether it be customer service requests or including the preorder bonuses that they promised. If you want on-time delivery for preorders, use Walmart or Amazon. Don’t use Gamestop
  16. Also feel obliged to say this: While they are fascinating, I do not condone the use of psychedelics. I am not recommending anyone try any of the above mentioned drugs. I am only asking those who have already tried in the past to reflect on their experiences. Anyone that is keen to use psychedelics… There are valid uses for psychedelics as therapy for certain mental illnesses. These drugs can be used in therapeutic doses in a clinical setting while being overseen by professionals. Only use psychedelics while being administered by a professional
  17. While I am fascinated by the effects of psychedelic drugs, I have not actually tried them. I’m a pretty straight edge guy. It is pretty obvious to me that the new mechanic in Super Mario Bros Wonder is a psychedelic trip. I have been wondering which drug it is intended to mimic. Is it LSD(acid), psilocybin (magical shrooms), DMT (ayahuasca)? None of the above??? Does anyone have any insights into this? How accurately does the the trippiness shown in the game resemble the type of thing you’d experience in real life?
  18. Rules get made after accidents happen. New collecting rule: if you have stuff on the ground in your basement, it should be in a plastic tote
  19. Larger degree makes sense, but it doesn’t appear to say larger degree, to my eyes at least
  20. My retired coworker friend said something to me that I’ll always remember: You read the news every morning… see all these murder stories? I’ll tell you a trend and try to prove me wrong. 9 out of 10 of those murders are a combination of 3 things: 1. Someone was outside of their home late at night. 2. Someone was intoxicated (drugs or alcohol). 3. Someone was cheating. I have read enough of these news stories and can say that it’s probably not 9 out of 10 times, but there’s definitely a trend. My advice to you is to try and remove yourself from this trend.
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