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Game Debate #67: Rock Band

Reed Rothchild

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31 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT historical significance

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. You like to recommend it.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Pretty crappy.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.
  2. 2. Next week's poll

    • Metroid Prime
    • Gunstar Heroes
    • Starcraft
    • Conker's Bad Fur Day

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When I bought my first PS3, the two games I bought with it were Call of Duty 3 and Rock Band.  I played the hell out of this game mostly with the guitar, but also using the drums.  I really enjoyed Guitar Hero I and II on PS2, so the idea of adding extra instruments (including bass) was awesome to me.  I still have the instruments, but due to the space they take up, they are in a box in storage.  So I'm not likely to play this game again any time soon.  I still give the game an 8 based on the amount of fun I had with it.

Back when we thought the PS3 store was closing down, I made sure to go back and redownload all of the DLC songs I bought back in the day.  Maybe when the new game room is done (hopefully before Christmas), I might get the old guitar out and play through some of my favorites again.  

Also worth noting that I enjoyed this game well before we had the oversaturation of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games.  It was nuts for a while just how much stuff was coming out.  This was one of those situations where getting extra music through DLC actually made more sense to me instead of releasing new games.  

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I guess I played this once or twice at a Dave and busters.  That’s it though.  Was ok.  I’ll stick to Parappa.  

Different but related game but I bought Rock Smith and man what a useless hassle that thing was.  Also had to also buy an ABY switch for my amp and drag the damn amp upstairs to where the PS4 is just to use it without a game breaking delay in sound from the tv.  And after all that it still wasn’t worth my time because they insist on using Rock Band colored dots to show you what to play instead of just using tabs like guitar players have been using for thousands of years.

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9/10, although really that's from RB2/3 and all the DLC that goes with it. If you're really just rating Rock Band 1 with its okay setlist, cover tracks, and shitty drums who knows. It's pretty fantastic I think, getting 3+ people playing a rhythm game simultaneously at different levels, and a singer who can just be a drunk person who doesn't play rhythm games at all.

It's too clunky and slow though. Buying DLC is a huge chore, let alone having to transfer it between games. Playing Phase Shift instead where you can load up 10,000 songs is the way to go these days.

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1 hour ago, DefaultGen said:

9/10, although really that's from RB2/3 and all the DLC that goes with it. If you're really just rating Rock Band 1 with its okay setlist, cover tracks, and shitty drums who knows. It's pretty fantastic I think, getting 3+ people playing a rhythm game simultaneously at different levels, and a singer who can just be a drunk person who doesn't play rhythm games at all.

Rock Band was a blast with a few friends.  You could even bring in people who didn’t game and have a real party.

Rock Band 1 was an ok and short set list but you add in 2/3 and the DLC that could move between games and you just built your ultimate setlist over time with your fav songs and albums.

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I think the concept is fantastic and I think generally the music selection is good but I suck at rhythm games and just don't find them fun personally. But I don't think it's a bad game. That said I give it a 5/10 since it's definitely not something I enjoy much but I'd play it with friends if I had to. 

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Events Team · Posted

Meh.  Guitar Hero was my jam.  And even that is at best a 5 these days.  The sheen really wore off of these games.  Idk why but I don't really have much nostalgia for GH even though I played it frequently for a couple years.  They milked the shit outta both franchises though.

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RB 1 I would give like  a 6 or 7. Great party game but a short setlist, a little rough with the instruments/charts, and it does wear thin pretty quick if you're just slamming through the songs.

I'd give it a 9 or even a 10 if you consider RB3 with all the DLC you want and some modded guitars and electric drums on a nice CRT. Sounds ridiculous, but it's really the only way to play at the top tier and know that any mistake is your own. I get great enjoyment out of playing with a group of friends but still crank it solo or with my bro and try to max out score/percentages. I like playing all instruments too with the exception of keys. I suck at singing but still fun. Drums and guitar are definitely the most fun though.

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As a guitar teacher, even though my bands song is pretty infamous on there, I gotta say it did, at least for a short while, expose kids to actual guitar music.  There was a period of time every kid wanted to learn Eye of the Tiger because of this game.  So thats cool.  Otherwise, I can't really vote.  But I have played it a handful of times, its a fun idea.

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Editorials Team · Posted
49 minutes ago, guitarzombie said:

As a guitar teacher, even though my bands song is pretty infamous on there, I gotta say it did, at least for a short while, expose kids to actual guitar music.  There was a period of time every kid wanted to learn Eye of the Tiger because of this game.  So thats cool.  Otherwise, I can't really vote.  But I have played it a handful of times, its a fun idea.

I think you've told us before, but I forget:  What song?

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16 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

As a guitar teacher, even though my bands song is pretty infamous on there, I gotta say it did, at least for a short while, expose kids to actual guitar music.  There was a period of time every kid wanted to learn Eye of the Tiger because of this game.  So thats cool.  Otherwise, I can't really vote.  But I have played it a handful of times, its a fun idea.

I always found it funny when musicians or music personalities (typically boomers) would dump on these games because of 'fake instruments' etc. when the games likely influenced a lot of kids/young adults to take up real instruments, or at the very least, opened them up to older music as you mentioned. 

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41 minutes ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

I always found it funny when musicians or music personalities (typically boomers) would dump on these games because of 'fake instruments' etc. when the games likely influenced a lot of kids/young adults to take up real instruments, or at the very least, opened them up to older music as you mentioned. 

“My music is my very soul and is only for car and cheeseburger commercials.  I would never compromise my artist integrity by allowing it in a video game.”

-Jimmy Page probably 

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1 hour ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

I always found it funny when musicians or music personalities (typically boomers) would dump on these games because of 'fake instruments' etc. when the games likely influenced a lot of kids/young adults to take up real instruments, or at the very least, opened them up to older music as you mentioned. 

Absolutely, and at this point, us teachers will take what we can get.  When I was a kid in 94, you'd turn on MTV and be exposed to all kinds of cool guitar music, so wanting to learn guitar made sense.  Now with pop music, the guitar is so unimportant.  Where are you gonna actually hear it to learn it?  So many kids when I asked why they want to learn, or what songs they like just go "uh... I dunno".  Almost ALWAYS the good students are exposed to guitar music from their parents.  So when Rock Band was a thing, it was great exposure, for a bit at least.  Now, its back to kids not even being able to name a song, band or even music they like.  Its kind of scary.  

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