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Music Debate #34: Green Day

Reed Rothchild

Green Day  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. See below for explanation of ratings

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Editorials Team · Posted


Master thread with standings

Ratings key: 
10 - One of your very favorite artists of all time.
9 - Killer fucking band.  Or artist.
8 - Great sound, great songs, great albums.
7 - Very good, but not quite great.
6 - Pretty good.  More than a few songs you like.  You'd entertain the thought of seeing them live if they were in the area.  Or still alive.
5 - They're okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to listen to.
4 - Meh.  There may be a song or two, or an album that you dig, but you'd rather listen to other stuff.
3 - Not very good.  You will more likely than not turn the station if they come on the radio.
2 - Not your cup of tea at all.  Some people like this, but you are not one of them.
1 - Horrible in every way.
0 - In the running for worst artist/musician of all time.  You would rather take a cheese grater to your face than listen to this.



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This band really lands for me-  I came into my own in the mid 90s listening to punk and remember ordering their albums off of a catalog from lookout records waaaaaay over in Berkeley.  Once they became more main stream their production and complexity increased and they were no longer a punk band which I now appreciate.  They made a significant influence towards shifting the giant machine that is American pop music and that is no small feat .  Tasty hooks, the production, secretly well arranged songs- they’re  no longer my cup of tea but I really believe the world would be a darker place without green day. 

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10/10 - Favorite band of all time (tied w/ Weezer)

Also the first band I ever really got into back in 1994, in elementary school. Dookie was the first albums I ever owned. Still love them and listen to them today. Seeing Weezer and Green Day (with Fallout Boy) on the Hella Mega Tour next year and I can't wait!

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Dookie hit right when I was coming into music on my own and that album will always be pretty special to me. Front  to back I Love it while heartedly. But That also set the bar high and I have not enjoyed anything after that album from them in the same way. Still voted a 7 though. I will always love that one album.

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Went 4, but likely should have went lower in hindsight.

Dookie was big in my formative years, but I hate all (I think literally) of there stuff after that and I can very barely listen to anything off of Dookie now.

They did a cover of Hybrid Moments that is listenable I guess.  That's about all I can say.

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3 hours ago, SuperJimtendo said:

Dookie hit right when I was coming into music on my own and that album will always be pretty special to me. Front  to back I Love it while heartedly. But That also set the bar high and I have not enjoyed anything after that album from them in the same way. Still voted a 7 though. I will always love that one album.

x2. it's like you stole the thoughts right out of my head

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This band got a lotta love for em’

definitely was young enough to grow up with them and their evolution in albums have been good. 

Remember seeing the last episode of Seinfeld and they used one of their songs and I was like wtf hehe

simple chords , where you can pick up a guitar and Learn to jam. 


When they announced the tour I got my tix for it

they put on a great live show too 

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  • 4 years later...
  • The title was changed to Music Debate #34: Green Day

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