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VGS Weekly Contest - Millipede


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Events Team · Posted

I will ask for @guillavoie's input on this matter.
Since the game doesn't force progress, maybe we should force it through the rules somehow.
Progression + lowest score with a score rollover safe cut would be a way to do it. Then if someone can max the score, he would be forced to try to max it as late as possible.

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1 hour ago, Gloves said:

Round 23


Like other Doug, I may resort to point pressing level 1 due to how the rules have been set up. I prefer to play "properly" but here we are. 


I actually played normal, I think I got to Round 31. I just took the high score picture during the demo loop.

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Administrator · Posted
10 minutes ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

I actually played normal, I think I got to Round 31. I just took the high score picture during the demo loop.

Aaahhhhhhh. I'd note then that in the current iteration of the contest, you do need to list what round you got to. With your current photo at least, it looks like you did it on level 1.

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Just now, Gloves said:

Aaahhhhhhh. I'd note then that in the current iteration of the contest, you do need to list what round you got to. With your current photo at least, it looks like you did it on level 1.

I would play several times in a row and just get my high score off of the demo loop since it adds points for the mushrooms after you lose your last life.

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Honestly, just going by high score is fine.  If it's not evident which level you are on, then you lose in the case of a tie breaker.  It's a nice way of breaking the max out score tie, but the game resets to the startup screen pretty quick.  Also, I don't see it as "easy" to max the score on level one.  I'd think that if you can do it at all, you could do it playing progression or point pressing.  Also also, if someone maxes the score and posts it up, the next person could then simply point press at a lower level.

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Events Team · Posted

As long as you haven't rolled the score and thus getting the cut of 999,999 points, it is perfectly okay to take the picture off the high score screen.

If you max the score, we need to know what round you are and how many lives left you have.

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Events Team · Posted
28 minutes ago, TWarwick07 said:

I vote for Lives remaining first tiebreaker then furthest progression 


I will probably have to pause the game after losing the last life to take my picture or is it ok to get the score off the high score screen ??

I like that actually, do you @BeaIank ? Anyone else with opinions/objections?

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Hate games where you can't pause on game over, once this one reads Game Over, like 2 seconds to take pic, thus I readied the camera for ookii_risu and took the pic the instant she got game over. Thankful with being able to pause emulation with my keyboard for me playing.

Had this game a long time ago on the 2600, rarely played it, never really liked it, and again for the NES and still hardly touched it, but somehow, given the contest, it has that Star Force addictive quality, but like with that one will last only the duration of the contest.

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Events Team · Posted
9 minutes ago, guillavoie said:

Do we permit players to continue playing on their maxed score in order to get further in rounds? There's no way to know if someone stop playing or not.

There is. The score rolls over, resets and they keep gaining points.

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2 hours ago, ookii_risu said:

Am I the only one who thinks grinding Level 1 should be outlawed? I understand that some of these contests require point-pressing, but sitting on the first level seems like cheating to me.

If it were really easy to do, I'd say yes, outlaw it.  There are so many more points to be had in later levels.  I'd guess it would take much longer to max the score on level 1 than it would just to play through the game.

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3 hours ago, bertsampson said:

If it were really easy to do, I'd say yes, outlaw it.  There are so many more points to be had in later levels.  I'd guess it would take much longer to max the score on level 1 than it would just to play through the game.

I feel like this is true. I had thought about how one would effectively point press this game, but didn't try it. I read the posts here and gave it a go. I only got to 5,000'ish points on level one before I was bored and moved on. I do think there is likely a sweet spot for each individual where you can press points with the right speed and amount of activity on the board without as much risk as say playing as far as possible. I think that blends well with the rule change of high score and furthest progression. Looking at it another way though, I am most likely not nearly as good at this as @ookii_risu appears to be, so perhaps there's something I can't envision. 

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