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So whatchu get????

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Mostly clothes, fleeces, etc.

My brother did get me a Mr. Sparkle shirt, and I got a couple Barnes and Noble gift cards I'll be taking advantage of soon.

Kids got super spoiled like usual.  Mr. Bucket was a hit with the twins, and the oldest wants to play his new copy of Catan Jr and Ticket to Ride Jr tonight.


edit:. Forgot, my mom got me Links Awakening out of the blue.  First time in a decade+ someone got me a game.

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Doing mine tonight as the boy is going to his mothers this morning, will update horde (if any) 


My Christmas haul, (Riddled Corpses EX and Shovel Knight wasn't really a gift they just happened to arrive Christmas eve day so I just added them in to the rest for the pic) I also received a 38' led strip light I and a friend installed in my around the entire wall of my room, an air fryer and a needed cell phone holder for my truck. 

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My girlfriend got me some fun stuff. Couple games, pork related snacks and some headphones(I literally break and or lose  2-3 pairs of headphones a year).


6944E738-EE1A-4F8B-948E-B9F177F9A001.jpegColorado Crew hooked it up too. @SuperJimtendo got me some GameCube games, @murray gave me a gameboy player disc and @JamesRobotgot is all a repro of concrete factory to have a little high score contest😁 Oh, he also gave me a piece of NA tradition, now a VGS tradition😁 It’ll change hands next Christmas!

Edited by Richardhead
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First pic is Birthday gifts, second was from today! Family usually goes all out. Its just my mom, brother and i so we usually spoil each other. Me and my mom went halvsies on a PS4 for my brother with a stack of games: World of Final Fantasy, Dissidia NT, Final Fantasy XV, Metal Gear Solid V, Secret of Mana remake, Mortal Kombat XL,  Kingdom Hearts the Story So Far & Kingdom Hearts III. He was pretty jazzed! The PS4 bundle also came with The Last of Us Remastered, the new God of War & Horizon Zero Dawn. 



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I'm notoriously difficult to shop for because I tend to buy whatever I want rather than wait for a holiday. My wife is the same way so our Christmas tends to be pretty low-key. That being said, our son is three now so he was stoked and it was fun to watch him open a ton of presents.

As for me, my wife got me a sweet Dremel electric driver which will help a ton with all my home projects. She also got me a Stitch Fix subscription since I normally dress like a bum. My brother sent me a copy of Good Omens (I've heard it's great), my sister sent me and my wife a sampler box of Jeni's ice cream (best ice cream ever!), and our parents sent a few assorted food items and flowers.

Overall, a wonderful day. Hope you all had a blast and played lots of videogames.



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Just a few random stuff. We have so much already and just really don't need anything else. It just ends up in storage anyways. Just do it all for the kids. My family and friends also don't have a clue when it comes to gaming, so I do have to do it all myself for games I want. xD Never had been given a gaming gift for nearly 12 years now at least the last I remember.

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I was fairly surprised.  I don't usually get much gaming if any other than something my (now) eight year old has done over the last couple of years having her mom buy it.  3 directly video gaming games: Link's Awakening (switch), keychain tiny arcade Tetris, and the Sega Genesis Mini.


Last Christmas and B'day was a Switch game (Crash, then Pokemon Let's go Pikachu.)  This year she gets me Link's Awakening and it's pretty slick, I like so far the subtle updates while remaining mostly the same as it works for it well.  My wife actually got something gaming, the little tiny arcade keychain game of Tetris (I've got the 2in1 Ms Pac-Man/Galaga on my desk so they're lined up now.)  She also got me this strange circular fairly flat but has tiers motorized maze with a ball you have to try and navigate too.  And then my mom gets me that Sega Genesis Mini which was a total surprise, and I have no idea why that even crossed her mind considering my brother was the traitor that decided the NES was ugly garbage in 1989 and mostly stopped using it because Sega was soooo cool (I refused to own one until the later 90s but that's another story.

There was also a couple t-shirts I got, one was with a SNES controller on it saying original gamer or something of the sort in a circle dating 1991 (the other is a 1980~ NASA Shuttle design.)  Also a belt, pair of jeans, got some bags of candy, a 24hour stay icy metal mug, a pack of cinnamon gum(from my kid with the game wrapped together.)  And due to sizing issues and a sale at the start of the month I got a new leather jacket from wilson's from my mom as the big gift, looks much like Indy's coat from the third movie.

Truth be told, I kind of finally decided to thinking I'd have 0-1 things this season treat myself to some gaming stuff for the season this month.  Newegg has a short sale on the usually $110 Neo Geo Mini Int'l version for $50 so I snapped that up and it's awesome.  I got another nice import item coming stuck in customs along with further more games domestic and not coming in for that too, but that's for another post. 😛

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Surprisingly, nothing gaming related for Christmas this year.


That said, we are selling the house and moving to an apartment in Dallas.  Closing is today and moving day is tomorrow.  With money from the sale, we intend to get some new furniture, including some new shelves for the gaming stuff and possibly a new chair.  So I'm counting that as gaming related Christmas gifts.  😃  Plus, just the reorganization and display of stuff is a gift in itself!

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Gaming related, I got Control for Xbox One, The Outer Worlds for PS4 and the Zelda: Art and Artifacts artbook.

I also got some clothes and one piece of Christmas decoration for the apartment.

I'm looking forward to playing Control and I wasn't expecting The Outer Worlds at all since I'm not a big fan on that kind of gameplay but I'll give it a try.

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On 12/26/2019 at 10:45 AM, DoctorEncore said:

I'm surprised he likes it despite the fact you've clearly impaled him with it.

(Sort of Rise of Skywalker spoiler joke...)


Lightsabers have always been OP, so they've been nerfed by the fact that everyone now gets force-healed as soon as they get a minor booboo.


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