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Code Monkey

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Everything posted by Code Monkey

  1. The board I posted is from a first print Super Mario Bros. It's a no TM 5 screw cartridge and there wasn't a Famicom adapter inside.
  2. I was wondering what changed between these 2 boxes, thanks for pointing it out.
  3. And this bag came on the game when I bought it from a pawn store but I don't know if it's right. It's huge.
  4. Super Mario Bros. gets all glitched out if you touch Bowser and the axe at the same time. You start the next level as large Mario but the game registers you as small so when you get a mushroom, you actually shrink from large Mario to small. Then when you get a fire flower, you have fireballs while small but when you shoot them, you temporarily grow while shooting, then shrink afterwards. It's just a split second growth and shrink again.
  5. I thought you were talking about Super Mario Bros. 3, it's the same deal. Collect all the coins in level 3 and Toad's Mushroom House Of Strange And Wonderful Things will appear. The first world gives you a P Wing, the second world gives you a hammer. Actually it may be level 4.
  6. Mega Man 6 was released here with different art on the box, cartridge and manual. Well, the same art, just with a border around it. It's more common as a Playtronic version in Brazil but does exist with North American branding.
  7. CGA, AFA and VGA are all the same company as far as I know so they must be busy with grading games and action figures. They're also doing loose figures now so they're getting a lot more submissions of those. And if they're running low on cases, they will likely be keeping their supply for graded games and waiting on a fresh supply to send to you. I would actually recommend the company in the UK I used except for their PayPal fee which I still need to report to PayPal as a breach of terms.
  8. I would say non -1 Athletic World and non -1 Mega Man 6 would be less common. That Mega Man 6 would be a major variant I think, different cover artwork.
  9. I take this back, I forgot Doom Eternal got pushed back to next year. I choose Doom Eternal.
  10. Try the Game Boy Player on the Gamecube, or the Super Game Boy on the SNES. Or if you can find one, a Retrovision on the NES.
  11. We didn't have Funcoland in Canada but I enjoy reading the stories.
  12. Class Action Lawsuits are an amalgamation of multiple individual cases grouped together into one large case. You can't initiate that process based on your single event. Did you pay with your credit card? You can call them and claim fraud, they're usually more helpful in pulling back funds. Your very last resort is IC3, it's a branch of USA federal government that deals specifically with online fraud. I used them in 2007 when I got scammed for an $1100 air ride suspension for my car and they sent the person a letter from the Attorney General's office, threatening next levels of action. I got my suspension pretty quickly after that.
  13. Does it come with the duck game they're playing on the box?
  14. I wouldn't suggest this for someone without knee problems. An elliptical is very bad for your body because it's not a natural motion and can have some pretty bad health effects. Running is much healthier for you if your knees can take it.
  15. Monday morning - ice hockey before work Wednesday night - ball hockey Friday night - ice hockey Saturday - snowboarding all day Sunday - ball hockey I'm almost 40 and I pretty much eat whatever the hell I want, I'll eat an entire pizza and then a few hands full of chocolate bars. I haven't been inside a gym in 16 years and according to Garmin my resting heart rate is 49 beats per minute. I also make wise life choices though, I eat a healthy breakfast but I think the most important thing is that I eat breakfast at all. I know a lot of people that skip breakfast and that's not healthy for you, it actually slows down your metabolism. I'll have a fruit smoothie every morning for breakfast, 7 days a week, for the last 6 years. I bought a really expensive Vitamix blender to do the job and I throw in a banana (to thicken it up), a frozen yogurt, a few balls of spinach ($1 for a big bag), a hand full of frozen fruit ($5 for a bag) and a scoop of protein. The protein serves no other purpose but to keep me from being hungry, your pre-lunch hunger pains aren't from lack of food, it's from lack of protein specifically. If you have a high protein breakfast, you won't get hungry so early. I don't eat any fast food but that's because I don't like the taste of it. It has been so long now since I have eaten it, that I'm actually at the point where it makes me sick if I do eat it. The last time I ate McDonald's I shit 6 times in one day. My body just can't handle that garbage any more and I like that because it gives me a great reason to stay away from there. I know I'll be straight onto the toilet. I don't drink skim milk. Your body can't naturally digest the lactids in milk without fat to accompany it, that's why fat is in most milk. So unless I'm getting fat content from somewhere else in my diet that day, I'll drink 1% milk instead of skim. Otherwise you're throwing your digestive system into havoc trying to digest the proteins. Don't eat margarine, it isn't butter. My fiance is a doctor and has told me horror stories of how she would cut open cadavers in medical school and there would be a pool of congealed margarine in there. The human body doesn't digest it so every bit you eat just takes permanent residence in your body. Don't eat that stuff, it's nasty. Butter also isn't good for you so I have just cut out both of them from my life completely. I do still enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches but we use Miracle Whip instead and I guarantee you will not be able to tell the difference if you tried it. My fiance is also allergic to port (weird, I know) so we cannot have pork anywhere in the house. It's an incredibly fatty meat and is incredibly bad for you so this works out well for my health. Do you like nachos? Me too but sour cream is incredibly bad for you so I use greek yogurt instead. You might be thinking that's gross but have you tried it? I feed it to my friends when we cook nachos and nobody has noticed and I still haven't told them they're dipping their nachos in yogurt. It tastes exactly the same, looks the same and has the same texture but it's way better for you. Stop drinking beer and soda. I might have a beer after hockey but otherwise I'm not a big drinker anyway. I find if I drink a lot of beer I can actually feel myself getting fatter, it's like eating a loaf of white bread. You don't have to be a genius to figure out nutrition, you can actually talk to your doctor about it and request that a dietitian be present for your appointment. Ask them all the questions you want and they aren't just going to tell you to eat lettuce every day, they'll suggest alternatives to your main caloric abusers. Or you can simply download the My Fitness Pro application on your phone. Enter your weight and target weight, it'll keep track of your caloric intake for you. No matter what you eat, if you search for it,t he information will be in there. Everything on any menu at any restaurant in your city is in there, so you will never have to read the package nor ask the server again. Just enter your meal and it'll tell you how many calories you have left for the day, you'll probably quickly find yourself hitting the limit by lunch time so you'll know you need to swap some things out. I just started watching the documentary Game Changers last night and it's all about how a plant based diet provides more protein and how bad any meat is for you. It's pretty interesting, I might start eating less meat if it's true. EDIT: I also stopped eating ketchup. One because I don't like the taste of it but also because it's loaded with sugar. Why do you think people like it so much? The ketchup companies are going to put whatever the hell they can in it to make you buy it and if that's sugar, then in the sugar goes. They don't care. Seriously, check out how high the sugar content is in white bread and ketchup. I looked at the ingredients in peanut butter once, it was either Skippy or Kraft, and it contained icing sugar. I shit you not, they were putting icing sugar in the peanut butter so you would enjoy eating it, it was hard to believe.
  16. A few years ago I spent $900 on a 1987 Fortress Maximus Transformer. Up until recently it was the largest Transformer ever made, at 2 feet tall. It arrived in a pretty huge box with lots of protection.
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