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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Maybe he was looking for the Easter Bunny: https://www.yahoo.com/news/large-alligator-saunters-florida-neighborhood-165815565.html
  2. Truth hurts doesn't it? ???? * Money made last year was made under Biden and taxed (this year under Biden). Legislation could have been passed to address that. *And I am glad to see your vocabulary is so intricate.
  3. Especially since this thread is pretty much specifically about the new reporting requirement. For purposes of this thread can we agree that "Let's go Brandon" is much more appropriate - I don't think anyone here is happy with this situation are they? GROUP HUG!!!!
  4. FYI (for whoever cares) - This lovely bit of malicious* legerdemain was part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. https://www.twrblog.com/2021/03/american-rescue-plan-act-clarifies-scope-of-form-1099-k-reporting-and-reduces-de-minimis-threshold It was passed in early March of that year on an almost totally party line basis - one Democrat member of the house voted against it and one Republican was absent for the vote. It passed the Senate on strict partly lines with all members voting. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. signed the bill on March 12, 2021. *Which popular sentiment on this sentiment seems to indicate.
  5. I got mine a long long time ago at an electronics clearance show. Think I paid like $10 for it. One thing that they also came with (which mine didn't have) was an index card that fit in the manual compartment - not really sure what use that was since you can see everything in the case,
  6. I hope they publish a book about their findings: https://news.yahoo.com/frozen-birds-flooded-towns-britain-155639704.html I would also like to see more research done on the period preceeding this - known as the Medieval Warming Period.
  7. I have one of those - new those came with a paper insert with artwork of gameboys on it - including a game called Doomsayer which was never released.
  8. You know your life has really gone in the dumpster when..... https://news.yahoo.com/police-rescued-60-old-jersey-125032203.html
  9. I just got this from Amazon a few minutes ago - a collection of short stories set in the Shadowrun universe:
  10. Plus everytime you want to play a game you have to dig out the game from those crappy boxes - which involves wear and tear (however minor) on everything. I store the games (about 275) alphabetically in these type of cabinets:
  11. The main reason I remember was that several years ago I went to play it and was looking for the manual (I store my snes games in 3 or 4 groups* - games, boxes, manuals and posters/maps etc (stored open/flat in vinyl sheet protectors) until I looked in the inserts pile and found it - drove me nuts for awhile since there was no place for the manual to have gone. *May sound odd but it keeps everything in really good shape.
  12. IIRC EVO didn't really have a manual - it had a poster sized folded insert chart with simple instructions on the back.
  13. This is a cheaply made plastic figure (they were a soft plastic and hollow) made by a company called Miller in 1958. They sold in the 5 and 10 stores for, well, - five or ten cents. One in very good condition will go for several hundred dollars today. The company made other figures but this was their biggest seller - it was made in 1958 after the wildy successful novelty song by Sheb Wooley was released:
  14. Where are the Abraham Lincoln and George Washington Brigades when you need them? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_Battalion
  15. I doubt they bothered licensing them though. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004106787650.html?ug_edm_item_id=1005004106787650&edm_click_module=alg_product_1_8775622640&creative_img_ind=1&tracelog=rowan&rowan_id1=aeug_edm_23868_1_en_US_2022-04-14&rowan_msg_id=bifrCOWS_23868_$1cfdccc3ad3c475696bbb121732e99fe&ck=in_edm_other
  16. Seems pretty simple compared to the Final Fantasy numbering SNES mess.
  17. I would like to see them try that with a Komodo dragon.
  18. Be nice now - sometimes people's memories get askew when they get older!!!!! ^___^
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