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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. This is certainly an odd case - but I think it is really ridiculous to hold the car owner at fault here. https://news.yahoo.com/michigan-car-owner-sued-jeep-075228792.html
  2. A cornucopia of cretinous crooks: https://news.yahoo.com/dumbest-crooks-sc-police-department-144618011.html
  3. On June 7th, 1942 The Chicago Tribune published an article about the Battle of Midway that revealed the US had broken the Japanese naval codes. Fortunately the Japanese never learned of this - if the Japanese had changed their codes it would have made things more difficult until we managed to break the new codes. Amazingly irresponsible.
  4. It will be interesting to see how many more surface.
  5. Well - maybe California instead of Georgia. If true this does not bode well for that area in the near future. https://news.yahoo.com/california-says-needs-more-power-194133420.html From what I have read Texas is facing problems too.
  6. GO FISH!!! https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/retired-police-officers-offer-reward-for-divers-who-find-more-bodies-in-lake-mead/
  7. I just finished this (the latest in the Junk Yard Druid series): https://www.amazon.com/Druids-Curse-Druidverse-Urban-Fantasy/dp/B09GJGFZ2K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1MEGSG8XTFCBK&keywords=druids+curse&qid=1651809403&sprefix=druids+curse+%2Caps%2C555&sr=8-1 This storyline just keeps getting better and better.
  8. The other similar crime that is becoming more common is that the schmucks will drill a hole in the bottom of a gas tank to drain whatever is in there. Replacing said gas tank will cost about $2000. I admit to laughing when one of the converter thiefs improperly jacks up a vehicle and manages to drop it on themselves - often putting the criminal's career to a premature and sudden end.
  9. https://news.yahoo.com/columbus-man-accused-stealing-more-152428814.html This f**ker and his band of low lifes caused somewhere between $1,309,500 and $2,722,500 worth of damage to people's vehicles - for that amount they out to go to the slammer (if found guilty) for a very very long time.
  10. Who ya gonna call??? https://news.yahoo.com/man-tries-absurd-disguise-elude-112420070.html
  11. They did that with the Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom too. In a few days it should switch to being in the warehouse - where it will linger for who knows how long until it actually ships.
  12. Since he has owned the house less than 2 years I think he would have to pay capital gains on that 65K which makes the offer even less attractive. Our house before this one was in what became the hottest areas (for a time) in Denver and it got really annoying since we got fliers on the door, mailers, phone calls and realtors would accost me when I was mowing the lawn. Usually the line was "I have someone that really really wants to live in this neighborhood" - well excuse me that is why I moved here. Lately my current neighborhood has gotten desireable and the same things are happening here. A pox upon their houses - why don't they sell those.
  13. It was available as an easter egg on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (PS3 and Xbox 360) - neither version goes for very much.
  14. Just to tempt you here is the world map for it (15x15 screens):
  15. If you haven't played it Golden Axe Warrior for the Master System is much better IMHO than the NES Zeldas.
  16. Just an update - the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that he could not add "Let's Go Brandon" as a nickname.
  17. She probably was running late for her appointment and was upset because of that: https://news.yahoo.com/douglasville-police-looking-woman-shot-022332647.html
  18. This is available for pre-order: https://www.pixnlove.com/
  19. LiMu Emu?? https://news.yahoo.com/emu-wrangling-police-officers-capture-194701849.html
  20. Well we know the SS Minnow wasn't there. https://www.yahoo.com/news/decades-old-human-remains-found-203227828.html
  21. I wonder how much just the occupant would set you back if you didn't want the house?
  22. This is certainly a cheerful article: https://news.yahoo.com/america-power-grid-facing-real-151632864.html
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