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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Playasia has this up for preorder (releases 5/12): Although a Japanese release Square Enix is putting English on it from the get go. Hopefully this trend will continue.
  2. You should print up labels for them that simply say SIM, throw a swastika on them and then you can sell them for an outrageous sum to the Russians for use in their propaganda attempts.
  3. This clip is from the 1984 film "Crimes of Passion" - Kathleen Turner stars as a quirky (in more ways than one) prostitute named China Blue. If you can handle mature films that run deeper than they initially seem this is a hidden gem. Try to find the unrated version - not for the more titillating (as it were) footage but that that footage plays an intregal part of fully understanding later developments of the plotline.
  4. Where else can you get attacked by a flock of skeleton chickens? Or turn a chicken into a woman?
  5. I still am nostalgic about all of those wonderful Infocom games. (The Ultima games with the cloth maps (and other trinkets - usually coins - were pretty trick too.) The good old days!
  6. I went to use IMDB this morning and it had disappeared from my channel list. (I was watching last night.) When I searched for programs I knew were on it IMDB wouldn't come up but "FreeVee" did. After much hair pulling I discovered that IMDB rebranded as FreeVee - so still there but hard to find if you don't know about the name change.
  7. I will do either - just depends on the extras in the collectors/limited editons vs the price increase.
  8. Which version of Zombies did you get? I am waiting on the collectors but it just says still in production.
  9. I got an email from them that Blacksmith of the Sand Kingdom will be mailed out sometime in the near future.
  10. If those lambchops were stuffed in tightly they would have disabled the vehicle. It is an old trick to jam a potato in the tailpipe. Then the cylinders in the engine block can't move since the air can't escape from them.
  11. *Starts singing* "If you like piña coolattas...." https://news.yahoo.com/police-unruly-dunkin-customer-berates-234234143.html
  12. Deep Discount has YS IX Monstrum Nox Edition for $39.60 with free shipping. https://www.deepdiscount.com/ys-ix-monstrum-nox-pact-edition-for-nintendo-switch/810023036326
  13. I have all of the Hudson tins - they all have the game and manual - what else is in there I didn't keep track of. Pretty neat display pieces.
  14. Here is an interesting character from the Old West - she was known as Squirrel Tooth Alice (she actually kept prairie dogs but the name is explained in the article). https://truewestmagazine.com/squirrel-tooth-alice/
  15. Amazon has the Disgaea 6 Unrelenting Edition at 1/2 off. https://www.amazon.com/Disgaea-Defiance-Destiny-Unrelenting-Nintendo-Switch/dp/B08JJ17W8F/ref=sr_1_2?crid=4XNWSMD6XAA2&keywords=disgaea+6+switch'&qid=1651079668&sprefix=disgaea+6+switch'%2Caps%2C279&sr=8-2
  16. He is probably going to burn everything he owns in a potlatch ceremony.......
  17. Woman wanted a hands up - not a hand out! https://news.yahoo.com/woman-asking-help-lynden-gas-150946778.html
  18. https://news.yahoo.com/boston-juveniles-hurling-racial-slurs-173621929.html
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