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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. the pre-orders I saw were closed at LRG - so I am guessing those are ones which were part of their numbers that weren't sold.
  2. I noticed that everything on their Amazon store has a release date - my guess is that they are going to be more careful now since they are moving (at least partially) to a platform where they will get feedback.
  3. It is not very clear what happened here - maybe he was under the car while it was parked and the driver got in and drove off not knowing he was there? https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article260327570.html
  4. Apparently they all do look alike - to him: https://www.foxnews.com/media/left-wing-writer-andy-ngo-asian-man-twitter-bar
  5. LRG is on a roll - I just got 2 emails that Ikenfell and Riverbond will soon be on their way. That makes 4 games in a couple of weeks - maybe I just got lucky or they are actually working on their backlogs. They also made it easier to look at your backlog when you log in - it used to just give you a list without listing the titles (you could see them by going into each line) - now they list the titles right up front. Let's hope this is the start of better customer service.
  6. Another one I like - especially with sliced cheese of some sort:
  7. I did mine a week ago or so - as expected I will get back between the state and feds about what I paid on taxes for the house. I had to jump through a few hoops because of Mrs. Tabonga's passing - especially on the state forms. That will happen just this year though.
  8. Poor little kitty- she seems to have come to no harm though. https://www.yahoo.com/news/driver-heard-weird-noise-car-172556413.html
  9. Just got these 2 cloth maps from the One Ring 2ndE kickstarter - these are really nice and are a whopping 30" x 40". Closeup: Another closeup: And the other map:
  10. I am not sure which group is more disgusting (they both are) - the thugs that beat on the referee or the other "officials" that did nothing whilst this was happening. To hell with the lot of them. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/basketball-referee-gets-30-stitches-after-teen-players-attack-him-221915709.html
  11. (Note - the MTA was absorbed into the MBTA when it was formed in 1964.)
  12. Better Cheddars used to be pretty good - I haven't had any in several years though.
  13. Yeah - but they get glowing reviews..........
  14. I wonder how well it would go on twinkies?
  15. I am surprised that the culprit in this case didn't take the victim's Snickers bars too...... https://news.yahoo.com/police-12-old-robbed-gunpoint-040100678.html
  16. I am working on the 8th book of the Black Magic Outlaw series by Domino Finn - it is about a necromancer so it tends to be more dark than most urban fantasy.
  17. I found the Dresden Files to get less interesting the longer the series went on. There is a widespread (and detrimental) trend in urban fantasy to make the characters become progressively stronger in order to bring in stronger opponents - they often lose what made the main character appealing in the first place. There was a short lived Dresden Files tv series which you might like: Ketchum wrote a sequel to Off Season called The Offspring which is pretty good. There was a movie made from that one which, while not great, is entertaining.
  18. Wonder how long they keep = it would take me awhile to plow through that much.
  19. These are really good - I get them at Safeway: https://www.cretorspopcorn.com/products/four-cheese-mix
  20. I have only asked for a partial refund a few times. One of the cases where I did was for the collectible items from a switch game (no game) - of which there were 4 IIRC for $40 plus shipping. One of them wasn't in there - a plastic key chain. The seller thought his kids had likely taken it. It was the least of the 4 items in terms of desirablilty (for me) so we agreed on a $7.50 refund.
  21. I will have to try those - I like naan bread a lot.
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