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Everything posted by fcgamer

  1. So what sort of behavior would people like to see from new collectors?
  2. I don't allow this crap to happen. If a seller or agent or whoever does this to me, I call them out, then escalate to the point that they back down and send the item, or fear that their reputation will be in shambles. There's honestly no need for this kind of bullshit, full stop. @Linkfollowed through with a deal, despite realizing too late that he sold it too cheap, I'd do the same without thinking twice, and have sold stuff too cheap occasionally in similar situations.
  3. It's a braised pork rice bowl with an egg, cabbage, and other things thrown in.
  4. To answer the original question, my collection and collecting habits are starting to change, something that was caused recently as I decided to dismantle my dedicated game room so that I could turn it into an office. This decision was brought about by some other major changes in my life that happened this year, it will be a great year. By getting rid of my game room, the amount of space I have for my collection has also decreased. As a result, this has made me take some steps that I knew would come about at some point, i.e. paring the collection. A few things I realized is that aside for the Switch, I really have little to no interest in gaming from the 7th generation of consoles onwards, and even my interest in the sixth generation is limited. So I'm going to ditch almost all of the Xbox / 360 stuff, and casually get GC games that are fun or iconic. Sega Dreamcast I have the most interest in from that generation, ironically enough, so that stuff will stay. Similarly, I have little interest in the SNES. I will just keep iconic or gamer stuff, ditch the rest.
  5. Before I had a postal box, I used to get them all sent to my work. This was around the same time period. There's be mounds of parcels everytime I'd head in to work, the secretary was like, "Man you sure made a lot of friends here in Taiwan quickly".
  6. It just so happens I have some Asian version Xbox 360 games I'd like to unload, should you want Asian NTSC J versions.
  7. Despite all of my drunken purchases and impulse purchases from junk shops, it is rare that I bought something that made me stop, ponder for a bit, and then realize that I made a mistake; however, there are a few times of near immediate purchase regret. A few weeks back I was visiting Hard Off and I purchased an unauthorized / bootleg drum thingie for the PS2. Paid $5 for it. When I got it home and looked at it, I felt underwhelmed and thought (A) Where am I going to store this thing? (B) How can I ever sell this thing to someone else (C) Why did I spend the whole afternoon dragging the damned thing around? I forgot about it, then tonight as I was disassembling my game room (I'm turning it into an office), I saw it and once again thought "What should I do with that damned thing and why did I buy it to begin with?" Anyone else have any stories of immediately regretting a purchase? I'm not really talking about a scenario of spending too much and feeling buyer's remorse, rather just realizing that you chose poorly.
  8. Not tv or a movie, but the song And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda. I mean, damn... And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda - Wikipedia
  9. At some point I start to think that aside from collectability, this type of stuff would be the way to go if you just want to game and get a nostalgia kick.
  10. I never really understood this. I was always a gamer, never stopped, and the collecting was just a natural progression.
  11. Where I live, we don't go throwing stickers on a repro to make it look legit. Same with less than mintyness factors. Therefore, if there's a sticker or two and some wear, it's not a repro or a modern fake. Now in the West it might be a totally different situation, but that's pathetic if it's gotten to the point of people throwing stickers on repros to make them seem legit. Sure it's happened before, but at that point everyone should be looking inward and reflecting.
  12. Do it! I'd buy one.
  13. I prefer the stickers too, helps when trying to verify whether it's a legit item or not. Then there's also historical reasons.
  14. Welcome to VGS!!! Great to have you here
  15. Oh I totally agree with this; however, at least do a minimal amount of homework beforehand. For some folks, it's like wanting to make a quiche yet not knowing one of the main ingredients is eggs.
  16. As a noob collector in 1997 or so I was. Guess it sucks that no one wants to hold your hand and do your homework
  17. @dyer Thanks! Somehow missed adding this one earlier. Just found two more today, The Super Shinobi and Street Smart. It's really great to see a nice list forming here.
  18. Strongly disagree about most of this. I got dunked on plenty of times, but that was for acting like an idiotic teenager rather than for being a new guy. Then again, we were pioneers too, so we were literally doing the leg work to collect and piece together the information that is now available. I guess that's my issue on the whole thing: take ten seconds to do an ebay search before asking the value of something, do a Google search and read about how to do a battery replacement, etc. So much of the information is now out there and readily available via a quick search, so at least put in a little effort before asking someone else to do your homework for you. Such effort makes people see that you may be new, but at least you want to learn a bit about whatever. Edit: or if you're a guy who brings something new to the table with your first post, you're also going to avoid the dunking.
  19. This thread kind of reminds me, anyone else remember how people used to always pretend to be buyers, pestering dreamtr for proto pics, then flaking after receiving said pics and information.
  20. We should not be quick to fault a person for seemingly not having patience, when they could simply just be spent by now, whilst you're fresh, for whatever reason. That said, I do agree with you that it is the beauty of life when we are so allowed to have the ability and option of choice.
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