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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. My girlfriend got me some fun stuff. Couple games, pork related snacks and some headphones(I literally break and or lose 2-3 pairs of headphones a year). Colorado Crew hooked it up too. @SuperJimtendo got me some GameCube games, @murray gave me a gameboy player disc and @JamesRobotgot is all a repro of concrete factory to have a little high score contest Oh, he also gave me a piece of NA tradition, now a VGS tradition It’ll change hands next Christmas!
  2. Merry Christmas from The Colorado Crew. @JamesRobot @SuperJimtendo @Murray
  3. The Colorado Crew had a get together on Friday and opened our gifts together. Such good fun had with great friends. @JamesRobot @SuperJimtendo @Murray
  4. Thanks Captain. my Secret Santa @? Hooked me up. Couple good GameCube games, that Animal Crossings is actually pretty dang fun. I finally got what that guy on NA was saying about playing everyday. Still wanna know if he kept it up. Anyways he or she also gave me these cool card packs that are like 30 years old. I so wanna open them up
  5. Never found any bugs in a game, but consoles are a different story. I find the grossest shit in them. All kinds of bugs, cigarette butts pieces of food. The list goes on. I used to work in a store that bought used media and I’d find all kinds of nasty shit in people’s stuff all the time. The worst was I opened up a dvd case once and dozens of cockroaches came crawling out all over my arm. There’s also nothing like sticking your hands into a strangers back pack
  6. It’s a Nintender tape. I though this had already been decided.
  7. I read on the interwebs that a new law this year prohibits smokes through the postal service in Australia.
  8. You left out the best part IMO. Dude asked for Winstons.
  9. I just wanna know why it’s called the Fab Four at 4 and they play that garbage throughout the day. Monkees or die!
  10. My dad got me a TG16 instead of a SNES and I was bummed. He hated video games and had told me that the TG was far superior. He got me Bonk and Splatterhouse to play. Turned out pretty good because he actively played the damn games with me.
  11. Found a forgotten ugly in the collection. Not sure how the fuck this happens to games.
  12. Cycling, yoga and making mostly good food decisions.
  13. Brett Hull Hockey finished. I played an 11 game season and did the playoffs with 3 game series. I played as LA and beat Boston for the championship.
  14. For Brett Hull Hockey, can I play best of 3 for the playoffs and Championship?
  15. Holy cow! Look who’s back. @SuperJimtendo will be happy to see ya
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