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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. And I trust everyone except @JamesRobot that guys a turd burglar. You should see him cheat at Fight Night.
  2. You guys are losers. I just pause at game over and take a pic, then take a second pic at the start of round 4.
  3. Just to be clear. I can still play this games today and submit scores until 11pm VGS time?
  4. If Brutus isn’t throwing bottles at you from the get go, restart. If you don’t get the bucket on Brutus’s head for 4K, restart. If you die on the first or second stage, restart.
  5. That score won’t stand. I died in stage 2. I have a slightly better score to post, just waiting on some more scores to show up today and tomorrow
  6. We did a trade and it went off without a hitch. The deal was fair and we both got our stuff. Will deal with again. Actually already did, just waiting for the games in the mail
  7. I’m not afraid to bash a guy. However, he did say in an interview with @Johnny that he made NA for him, not anyone else. I don’t give Dain a pass though. He is equally responsible for what happened. He abandoned us all and let a corporation end it all for a paycheck..... Does that make him a bad person though? Do people really care about the “Carolina collection”?
  8. Thanks for the code @captmorgandrinker You ever find that mouse ?
  9. I won a GTA 4 aluminum bat. Not sure when I entered and was never notified about it. Bat just showed up one day in the mail. Sucker is still wrapped in plastic.
  10. Sad indeed. NA was literally essential in bringing me back from a very dark place. I will miss it. However, I made lots of friends there that I am still friends with, IRL, on the Facebook, Instagram and now here at VGS. There’s still a bunch of people missing here that I’d like to join, but I’ll take what I can get. 2020 is gonna be a very interesting year for this forum and I’m happy to be apart of it
  11. So I was planning on getting the steel books from Target and probably not even opening the games. I was however informed that my girlfriend was going to open one to play. So it looks like I’m also getting the GameStop one with the double sided banner now Damn game is gonna cost me $240 plus tax now. What are you all gonna get?
  12. Welcome. I’d like to hear some of those opinions about the current state of collecting. I probably won’t agree but it’s always nice to hear all opinions on the subject. Also, do you play games and if so what kind of games do you play?
  13. Goddammit. We gotta stream me kicking your ass at some fight night. Set the record straight. Oh wait, we can’t.
  14. I’m currently playing the game of what the heck do I watch watch on HBO, Amazon Prime, HULU, Disney Plus or Netflix?!?! Worst game ever BTW. Oh. I was playing Colosseum: Road to Freedom, for the PS2 before this though.
  15. I can’t wait for the TG mini. You’re gonna love it. The game list is amazing.
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