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Everything posted by spacepup

  1. spacepup


    I'm super loving a few beverages I hadn't tried until this year - Sobacha (Japanese Buckwheat Tea) and Mugicha (Japanese Barley Tea). There are korean, chinese, and other variants of these that have slightly different tastes also. Soba-cha: Mugicha: The Ito En Mugicha Barley Tea is SUPER cheap, and quite tasty. I'll continue to explore other brands/sources though!
  2. spacepup


    @fcgamer I finally tried the Ruby 18 tea and it is quite good! I didn't so much get the menthol flavor like you described, but it was a very good tea and even a very short steeping produced a pretty decent flavor. My first cup was without any sweetener, and that was decently good as is. My second steeping, I put just a little bit of natural sweetener, and it had a very rich flavor, almost caramel notes (and I didn't use much sweetener, I never do). I won't say it's my favorite tea, but it is definitely very good. Appreciate the suggestion! I might try a third cup with a slightly longer first steeping, and see if I like it. I tend to like my tea pretty strong, as long as not overdone/bitter. Gotta find that perfect balance!
  3. At the end of the day, the situation here exactly as OP described it anyway, does not sound sustainable or good. People can discuss the morality of cheating, but in this scenario here, he literally described this situation as maybe the worst thing he's ever dealt with and that he is afraid. That doesn't sound good for anyone involved. Richard - you can't change what you've done, but if you are truly scared and in a bad place, I hope you can work on making the changes necessary to avoid this situation getting worse. I certainly don't know all the answers, but it sure seems like continuing this situation exactly as-is isn't going to end well for you, the women, or their husbands. I don't know any of these people, but from what you've said, this situation doesn't sound sustainable. As someone else said, I do think working on figuring out what you really want in terms of relationships and life, is probably going to help you figure out how to work toward that (I know, easier said than done). I don't know the exact steps you'd need to take there (professional can maybe help there), but it does seem like really reflecting on that and thinking about a more... sustainable situation, is probably a good idea.
  4. I never said anyone was a "bad person."
  5. I don't think it's fair to say a random 'husband' is a bad person because there are some articles out there about why women 'tend' to have affairs. There is no blanket one-size-fits-all answer for these situations, and it depends on the people involved. We don't know these people and can make no assessment whatsoever on the causes, problems, or anything.
  6. You know that you have a problem and are heading down a destructive path and have admitted it, which is good. You know that you need help and have admitted it, which is also good. When you said you should 'bump this up' the priority list with your therapist, that is a big understatement. I'd definitely recommending talking with a professional about it. It's clear there are some deeper things causing some of these symptoms and actions, and that isn't really something this forum community can fix. People can provide thoughts and advice, sure, but this is serious and important enough that I'd recommend immediate working with a therapist / counselor. It seems like an addiction and I also know there are support groups for that. I can't answer the poll or assess you as a person, but you know you are taking huge risks and if you are scared about the consequences, as it seems you are, you should take this very seriously and investigate as many avenues as necessary to work on it. I do hope you can get all the help you need, and find yourself in a safer place.
  7. Well, Jackbox has a decent selection of them of course. Outside of that, I know we played skribble.io a bit (very simple online pictionary) and that was fun. There is also Pretend You're Xyzzy, which is basically an online clone of Cards Against Humanity. I'm sure there are plenty of others out there we just haven't tried yet.
  8. spacepup


    I've seen other teas described as having a buttery type flavor, it's not that abnormal tbh. Doesn't mean everyone would want or like that, but it is definitely a thing out there. There are even international teas out there with actual butter in them, but this is more a flavor profile. At least it's better than a wine I've seen with notes of 'pencil shavings'
  9. Just in case you hadn't seen about it, Alan Wake 2 is coming out this year: https://www.alanwake.com/
  10. Really sorry to hear about this - it's never fun and I know it's a lot of work to get things back in order. I'm not gonna say it doesn't just flat out suck (it does!), but I guess I'd try to focus on one takeaway from your post: "I got married on August 5th to the love of my life. We went on a honeymoon to Jamaica and got back Saturday. Amazing happy times" Eventually, you'll get your place cleaned up, and your stuff back in order, despite it being a pain, and losing some items. But you'll still have the love of your life and a bright future with plenty of opportunities for happiness. So in terms of you being happy in life, I'd hope it's tied to that and not to the other stuff. Having said that, it's ok to vent and be super bummed about dealing with this - I know it's gonna be a lot of work. But at least everyone is safe and healthy. Good luck with getting everything back to normal!
  11. By the way, while the scheduled Game Nights will be on hiatus, if you do want to get a more impromptu game session going or play something with other VGS members, feel free to use the Looking for Group section, https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/forum/192-looking-for-group/, or our Discord, https://discord.gg/Km54ZB58Bu, if you want to put something together.
  12. Hello folks and @Game Night Participants! First - thanks to everyone who participated in the game nights and had fun with us over the last couple years. I really appreciate it! We've decided to temporarily pause the game nights to take a break. A break is needed, especially as participation has waned significantly over the last few months. The Game Nights will be on hiatus until further notice, but please feel free to provide any thoughts, feedback, constructive criticism, etc. If/when we resume them, I would love to do whatever I can to make this work better for the community. Thanks again for everyone who played games, hung out with us, stopped in to chat, etc. It has been a lot of fun and I hope to do it again sometime in the future. Thanks!
  13. Heyo, not sure why but it looks like your link went crazytown. Mind to re-up? Thanks!
  14. Heyo, it's all ready to go. I just PM'd next person for shipping info, and I'll get it out tomorrow. Here is what I took from the box: The Disc case has some disc-only games and demos. I have the next packed to the brim and ready to go out!
  15. Ah, here we go: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f1093084881 This is an alternate and much less common variant of the game. It'd be interesting to see if the data matches the common one. It looks like the one you have was originally released in the clamshell case, compared to the cardboard box for the common release. A lot of the listings I see for it refer to it as a 後期版 or Koukiban, which roughly translates to "late version." I see a few recorded sales of the game - and it looks like this version is worth about 5x the more common version. [Just roughly speaking].
  16. @T-Pac All the above discussion aside, more important is the label on your cart. If I had to guess, I think it's just a sticker identifying that cartridge and that it is a famicom cart for Dig Dug but with a more uncommon label. Something like... Dig Dug ___ Version Rom Label. The more common Dig Dug label looks like this: You can see from your picture, that the label is definitely different. The example above is what the more common ones look like. If you search around for Dig Dug Famicom carts, you'll see most like above - not like the image label on your cart. It's possible the data matches the more common one, or that it is a variant, I'm not sure. Perhaps @fcgamer would know about retail variants for this game. You could dump the data to see if it matches the known hashes of a standard retail cart like above - if you need help with that let me know. Regardless of whether the data matches or is different, you definitely have a much more uncommon label.
  17. This is what I'm talking about. It could just be really scribbly. It looks like kanji and not katakana or hiragana, etc etc. I just can't make out what they intended to write here.
  18. Can you change the destination text to japanese and then paste the kanji here? That may help.
  19. spacepup


    Well, I got it right before I left for vacation, so I haven't been able to try it yet. I did get back recently though so I definitely plan to try it soon. I'll share some pics and my thoughts once I finally try it out. The place I got it from, lists the following instructions: "Use 2 grams of leaf per 100ml of water at 91-93c. Again, brew for no longer than 30 seconds at first, gradually adding 15-20 seconds per re-steep." I'm curious to your thoughts on this and if you would suggest anything different.
  20. Automated systems do ok with printed text, but handwritten is quite a bit more complicated. There are lots of nuances in the Japanese language system with characters that look VERY similar, but only slight differences, which makes it a bit more difficult for the computer to do it. Diacritics in particular are very difficult to read correctly, ゛ vs. ゜ on a character for example, especially handwritten, are easy to get mixed up, which modifies the reading. Having said that, I use tools like this often to assist with projects, and they are very very helpful. For general purposes, they can at least get the idea across on something. Fortunately in this case, most of the characters are katakana which spell out phonetically as opposed to kanji which are much more complex.
  21. I'm definitely not fluent at all, but fortunately most of this is in Katakana. My best attempt on a good chunk of it is: Dig Dug ディグダグ ROM Label ROM ラベル Version バージョン I can't make out exactly the kanji before version. If you can paste what your app pulled for that character, it could help.
  22. Just a heads up in case anyone sees this thread in a new place - I moved it to the Politics Club where any such threads should be created. Anything that is directly political in nature (and this thread certainly is) should go there instead of Everything Else. This is to keep politics separate and if people want to join the club they can. Outside of that, I also want to say something - and this is not just about the last few posts, but extends way beyond that. A few members seem to keep getting in little fights, mostly in the politics threads, and sending the mods reports over all sorts of things, and essentially, the mod team is very exhausted and tired of dealing with fights stemming from the politics threads, to the extent that some have suggested we ban such threads from VGS to avoid conflict. I've long fought to keep such threads open here at VGS, and to give people freedom to talk about the topics they want to, including controversial ones. I want to keep it that way. BUT. If people can't stop fighting each other, sending reports to mods, and getting in conflicts that are indirectly or directly related to the politics topics, we may have no other choice. Please keep this in mind as you create or discuss political topics.
  23. Thanks for sharing! And... box received! I'll go through it this weekend and get something shipped out as soon as I can - early next week at the latest. Still deciding what to keep but when I do, I'll snap some pics. Have a great weekend!
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