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Everything posted by spacepup

  1. Tis a very fair point. I get it completely. There are obviously way more important atrocities and issues worthy of discussing and addressing, that don't get as much attention or discussion, and that is incredibly unfortunate. I guess I believe one can be upset at that dichotomy, without saying things like they are glad those rich people died, or more 1%ers need to join sub expeditions, or "serves em right ha!" [sentiments I'm seeing in places, not so much here]. I don't really understand the *reveling* in people dying. If there are issues more important to people, then let's discuss them. Make a thread about the refugee boats, or the situation in Ukraine, or items that are important to people. Let's work to highlight and bring attention to atrocities occurring that involve people with no choice in the matter - or people seeking a better life with no other option and suffering loss. All that can be done without completely dismissing any particular individual situation of loss. Of course there are lots of unpopular stories out there that we need to be talking about (broader scale / society, not specifically talking VGS here). People with the passions for those areas should absolutely work to bring greater awareness to them.
  2. Haha nope. It also doesn’t have Boobies McScanticlad washing your car window awkwardly either hah.
  3. I really liked 7 Remaster combat (and everything else about it too), so I guess it's hard for me to say if you'd like this. It is *very* much action based and not turn-based at all. I happen to like the combat, but FF-14 it is most certainly not. It is a very different style of game. I am having a good time with it - but also, for me story and characters are priorities for me, and so far I like the world they've created so I'm just enjoying the ride.
  4. I think that is important to remember and discuss as well, absolutely. As I said, I don't have *more* sympathy for the people involved in the sub incident. I think both are tragedies. The refugee boat situation even more so. I still don't think anyone 'deserved' to die.
  5. There are a lot of feelings about this expressed everywhere, and most of them (that I've seen) are very "meh, who cares" or "meh, they deserved it." I understand where those sentiments come from, and I am absolutely not saying that this tragedy is worse than others, or that it should be as popular as it is when there are so many other real issues going on, but at the core, it's still a tragedy nonetheless. I don't care how amazing that 19yo's life was, it is tragic that his life was cut short so early, robbing him of his future. I feel especially for the young 19yo, and then for the families and friends of these people. Maybe they made some dangerous choices and paid the ultimate price, but I still think it's a bit harsh to say they "deserved" death or "good riddance" as some have expressed. Expressing some compassion for their families, doesn't mean that I have any less empathy for other people who are in much worse situations, for reasons they had much less control over - whereas this situation could have been avoided at many points in time. Moreso than the passengers, I think the CEO and company have a lot of blame in this, and clearly made some very bad decisions that put people's lives in danger. Maybe the passengers should have seen the warning signs or made different choices, but the company sold a trip and seemingly did not take appropriate precautions, especially for something so dangerous. I'm sure that in the coming weeks / months, even more will come out about safety signs that were disregarded. The entire situation is a really really strange one. I had no idea there were even tourist trips being *made* to the Titanic - I didn't know it was a thing until this story broke.
  6. The more I watch the trailer, the more I'm actually really excited for this game. I saw a number of mediocre reactions from people, but I don't know, this game just looks super.... fun! I actually liked the New Super Mario Bros series of games, but I love how this game just shakes everything up and breaks all the traditional 2d mario rules. That will keep it fresh and exciting. I'm really looking forward to it!
  7. I played for a couple hours last night, and I gotta say, I’m really enjoying this one. It feels very different from previous recent Final Fantasy games, and I am already way more invested into the story than I was with FF15. I am excited to see where this goes - my first impressions are really good!
  8. Yay!!! Awesome. I hope you liked it! Sometimes I just want one cold, but every now and then, this changes it up. I never thought of Sourdough, I bet that would hold up really well. I'm super excited you tried it ha!
  9. The elephant Mario is an... interesting choice. But the game itself looks pretty neat and wacky. I definitely want to check it out. I also love the colors / theme throughout the game that they exposed so far. Bottom line - the game looks fun and different - I'll try it.
  10. I'm really looking forward to it. I have it pre-ordered, and can't wait to check it out. I'm skipping the demo because I'll be playing the full game sometime after it arrives. I thought the trailers I saw looked pretty decent, so I have expectations it will be better than 15. I hope it will live up to them - we shall see!
  11. The people spoketh, and the Toaster Strudel was born!
  12. Wait a sec.... @LeatherRebel5150 you don't work for Norfolk Southern do you? Asking for a friend!
  13. Sorry for derailing a bit with my health and nutrition stuff - that is best for another thread. People came here for cereals! Another I remember as a kid was Golden Grahams. I really liked that one.
  14. To legitimately answer your question - there are multiple layers and levels of processing. Obviously the individual products you buy at the store are processed - containers of peanut butter, jelly, loaves of bread. But then another product that combines multiple other products together is typically even *more* processed - going through a more complex manufacturing, preservative, and distribution process. These two examples may be similar enough that it doesn't make a huge difference, but the loaf of bread you get at the store has a freshness date that actually isn't too far off - it is more 'fresh' and slightly more natural than whatever bread concoction is made for a package like the uncrustable sandwich. Almost all of us use processed foods in our daily lives and that doesn't make anyone bad - but I know that I've tried to reduce this amount as much as possible, and whether it's in my head or not, I enjoy the taste of more fresh food, and also feel it is better for me. Then, within the individual product categories, there are absolutely more natural versions of things like, say, peanut butter. I tend to like the ones that have more natural ingredients and less random chemicals and preservatives just to make things sit in shelves longer.
  15. I suppose either would work, but I meant grilled like grilled cheese on a pan. I guess it sorta worked like the toaster strudel concept, but omg it was delicious. The peanut butter had a softer consistency and combined with the jam was nice and warm and smooth, and it was sooooooooooooooo good!
  16. Hey, you like what you like. You do you. I will always prefer the less-processed version, regardless of the item. (Ironic in a thread about cereals, which are highly processed globs of sugar and other stuff, but that's ok hah)
  17. Have any of you tried a grilled PB&J? I tried one at a restaurant a few months ago and.... omg, game changer! It was amazing
  18. Hey, it's cool if you like them, not knocking *you* But the beauty of PB&J is its simplicity. You can throw one together with your own fresh ingredients in no time. The highly processed and mass-produced extra-sugar version just isn't really necessary. A simple classic homemade PB&J is always going to be better, imo.
  19. Somewhat close to back on topic (hey, it's sorta breakfast at least heh) -- I don't eat them now (see my earlier diatribe about added sugars), BUT, I will totally admit, that as a kid I thought the Toaster Strudel was like the most magical breakfast item that existed. Warmed up in the toaster, mmmmmmmm. It was like a warm delicious piece of pie for breakfast in a super convenient format. It might have helped that I considered it like an expensive 'luxury' item - something we didn't get often. Mostly we got cheap bulk cereals as we didn't have a lot of money. But every so often, every now and then, somehow a magical fairy would deliver toaster strudels to our house and I will totally admit to thoroughly enjoying them as a kid, ha!
  20. I like nut butter, and I like pickles. But I definitely would *not* like them together, eek. But hey, to each their own!
  21. uncrustables.... eeek haha. It's cool if you like them, but I'll just say this. If someone visits and has never heard of PB&J before and wants to try one to know what PB&J is about - definitely don't hand them an uncrustable haha.
  22. I love them both ways. Cooked spinach is fine too. Just not the old globby stuff from the can hah
  23. Not weird really, just a preference. It's fine if you just don't like nut butters. I happen to love them. The general statement about bad food as kids absolutely applies. I thought for the longest time I hated spinach, because my only exposure as a kid, was nasty gloppy wet spinach from a can. Then I found out "fresh spinach" is a thing and I absolutely love it hah
  24. To be fair, you probably had really low quality PB&J. I mean, I did too as a kid. Or you may just not like the taste of peanut butter, and that's ok. I make my own 'PB&J' sometimes, with a really good almond or nut butter (or sometimes peanut butter, occasionally), and a nice 'real' jam that isn't a fake sugar jelly, and it's actually quite good. I'll usually add some toasted nuts, cocoa nibs, or something else to it, and it's actually quite tasty. Every now and then, I just want a very very simple meal, and my modified PB&J really hits the spot! As I got older, I found out so many different foods actually weren't as terrible as I thought, because my exposure to them as a child, was like the worst possible version of it. Mass-produced field-day lunch baggies with soggy PB&J, is like the worst representation of a good PB&J.
  25. Nothing wrong with that of course. It just makes sense why you would like it better than the US version, especially when younger. I ate a bunch of sugary cereals as kid with the rest of 'em - and there's somewhat a sense of nostalgia. But I'm also a bit resentful of the fact that all of us as kids were basically manipulated into consuming massive amounts of sugar as kids, that has led to mass addiction and strange relationships with food later on hahaa. Not just cereal's fault of course.
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