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Everything posted by SNESNESCUBE64

  1. Cool shirt, I'm gonna have to pick one up soon!
  2. Game genie didn't come until later and no official nintendo game came with game genie codes. Nintendo even went as far as to sue the everliving hell out of Camerica and Galoob for selling the game genie.
  3. I don't remember if I actually still have it (I think I gave it away), but I had a ninja gaiden box that was totally trashed.
  4. Yeah, Andy is always sharing his shinanigans in the discord. He indeed is alive...
  5. Perhaps the box was added with the cartridge later on in its life by some store or something. Does the cart label look fine?
  6. Looks like your run-of-the-mill repro. I doubt this was a factory job, it is way too messy for that. On top of that, even if it was a repair/4th shift, they would have had access to the official boards that the game used.
  7. I can't say I've had the opportunity to meet any VGS folk. I know there are a couple people relatively close to me. @Jeevan keeps telling me he's gonna give me a visit at some point.
  8. This is actually really cool! Thanks for posting this.
  9. Very good. Thanks for adding more features and investing more effort into this! Edit: I think it gets a bit goofy in terms of positioning when there is more than one page (at least on desktop chrome)
  10. The basics: Mario Kart, smash bros, and Pokken. However, I generally don't have time for games these days.
  11. I really like the dragon one in particular. Great work! (Thanks for excluding students, gloves. I have no money...)
  12. What are the rough dimensions of the cartridge?
  13. We're not that bad in the discord! If we were, spacepup would have been disappointed in us and gloves would have shut us down by now!
  14. I suppose that brings into question other mediums as well. You can buy a modern eprom programmer such as the TL866 for $40 and burn eproms that you can just throw into a cart and call it a proto. I suppose it depends though, for example, any of the NROM sample carts like those cluclu land samples IMO are subject. They use a retail board (as nintendo didn't change the pinout of their mask roms for them) and use eproms with sometimes handwritten labels. Anyone can just source chips with date codes from that era. It makes the whole proto-world something to be very skeptical about it. Personally, I don't trust anything not on dev hardware.
  15. In response to the OP, what do you want? Everyone here is a volunteer for the most part, nobody is really making money off this site. I feel like it is just something that the people running the show like gloves do in their free time. Everyone has their own life outside of here. To me, this site is about BSing and learning more about the hobby I've grown to love. What we got is a forum. So I guess if you aren't happy, step up to the plate. The folks here love doers, not complainers. Personally, I have been very happy with it so far, and the fact that things are still being added is just icing on the cake. I guess I don't understand what other forums and communities like reddit have to offer comparatively speaking other than what the communities make of it. That said, like what spacepup said, let's all just remain constructive and maybe even help out...
  16. Yeah, I actually just started playing it too, it's been fun so far.
  17. 3.3V chip with no buffer? It's weird seeing a linear regulator inside a cart like that.
  18. I love the famicom disk system, there are a lot of neat games for them. Also, those are really neat sleeves, I'll have to find my cut out replacement for the wax sleeves that you can tape together and post in here.
  19. My Life in Gaming - Lots of incredibly useful information about how to get the best picture quality out of your stuff. They do a lot of good work and I really enjoy their insight into things. GamingHistorian - Norm's documentaries are top notch and are very interesting. He does a really good job of presenting the full picture in a way that is not only easy to follow, but is also very appealing to learn about. For example, his video on the history of tetris was a very detailed one that explored what was happening from all sides at the time. ArcadeJason - he does a lot of arcade repair and does a lot of vector monitor stuff. He has a lot of useful information and is able to get the point across in his videos. He also goes into depth of how some of these circuits works. Not so much a gaming channel, but is kind of related. 8-bit guy - he does mostly computer stuff, but does explore on how things work in regards to the computers. He has lots of useful information in regards to the retrobrighting process, so that is also pretty useful. RetroRGB - Bob is a really interesting guy who reports on the newest stuff in the world of video. He also has lots of videos on how to get good picture out of your consoles and even some good interviews with people in the community. Cinemassacre - can't go wrong with some AVGN. His james and mike mondays and other film related stuff also tend to be high quality. I don't really have much to say about this... Lazy Game Reviews - another good computer gaming channel that goes in to depth on various thing computer related. Very fun channel with quality content OneyPlays - Oney Plays is probably my favorite "lets play" channel. They are funny and go on crazy tangents. If you want a good laugh, I recommend them.
  20. When I first read this, I though of actual bugs inside carts and consoles. My immediate thought on that is to throw it into a plastic bag and take it outside lol. But in regards to programming errors and whatnot, I feel like they add a charm if they are minor and non-gamebreaking. I think it is kind of difficult to seek out games that are bug free, no matter what there is always some sort of imperfection and that's just part of the game. So it's just best to sit down and have a good time with it. However, there is something to be said about games that are filled with silly and obvious bugs, that's just lazy programming/bad QA.
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