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Everything posted by Brickman

  1. Just finished it and loved it. Miles better then High Score. For those who want an extended history of Sega I highly recommend the book Service Games. Also,anyone that lives outside of the US can easily find it on alternative sites
  2. Yeah but that will never happen because the general populace is lazy or can't be bothered and FB and Google know this and exploit it. Also a lot of countries or areas of cities are very badly educated, so they will actually believe what is written on a social media post because that is their research. Changes can be made on social media and with tech giants, but none were really presented, which I found to be a small negative on what was overall a pretty good documentary.
  3. I’ve watched it and enjoyed it. I never got the impression that it was trying to say social media is why the world is divided. It for the most part lets you make your own conclusions (which is rare for a Netflix documentary). It looks more at how things like FB target audience its users based on likes and how long they stay on a video. It shows how easy it is to go down a rabbit hole because of the way the algorithm works. You watch one anti 5G video then the next thing your YouTube or FB is full of anti 5G videos. Which in turn can manipulate users that are easily influenced by things (especially teenagers). If you work in IT, most of the stuff you will already know. I think if you don’t, this will be an eye opener. My only complaint is that it didn’t really offer any solutions. I wish it had pushed for change, because I’m definitely in the camp that there needs to be regulation on some social media, just like other media platforms. I also found it very ironic that it was on Netflix which uses the same algorithms haha.
  4. I think there is going to be many versions of “full set” for the Switch with no clear consensus. Another one will be locations. I think games released in the UK only should still be part of the full set, but I’m sure people would disagree. So then does it become a US only set? But the switch has no region lock. For now, I’m just grabbing the games that seem fun. Unfortunately for my wallet there are a lot of great games on this system. I can’t think of a system that has had this many games I’ve really enjoyed. Could just be me though.
  5. Next game up was Skyblazer recommended by @Reed Rothchild and @Magus. Thoughts: Insanely fun platformer with a variety of interesting levels that never got boring. Good challenge, but not overly easy or hard. Highlights: Solid platforming with great controls Enjoyed the ability to stock to walls and diverse range of powerups A variety of levels and mechanics (loved the stage when you climb the tower and it moves with you) Great visuals Not so fun: Bosses were a little bland Score: 9/10
  6. First recommendation on the list from @Tabonga was Shadowrun. Thoughts: Absolutely amazing game. Never had heard of this series before, it started as a pen/paper role playing game. I will now have to read the books. Highlights: Winning my freedom by killing The King The music Diverse and interesting dialogue and characters Tight gameplay Interesting environment and level design Not so fun: Bloody snipers! Can be frustrating if you miss a keyword and have to backtrack The end drags on a little Score: 9/10 (probably more like a 9.2, the end game probably stopped this from being a 10)
  7. No plans to buy the new consoles any time soon. The Switch has an incredible library and I love the hybrid ability. If a new game comes out that I want to play, I’ll just re active my pc game pass when it’s available on there. Unless it is a Sony exclusive, but even those are starting to become rarer.
  8. 10/10. Can't wait to replay it for the 6th or 7th time now. I haven't played it since the DS version so it's probably about time haha. Until the release of Mario Odyssey, this was my favourite Mario.
  9. Wow nice. Thanks for sharing. Now I can actually grab this game and not debate whether it is worth paying ridiculous eBay prices for a copy that is so beat up it should really be $10. Edit: Well that sucks. US & Canada only. Way to neglect the majority of the world!
  10. 10/10 for me. Absolutely love this movie. So camp and such a great cast. I love when these types of movies come along because they don't get made very often.
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions so far. Will update as I complete them.
  12. Oops was meant to type kirby’s avalanche. Thanks for the suggestions, gives me a lot to work through. The SNES was a system I only had at the tail end of its lifespan because the mega drive was a lot more popular here and then the 64 came out and I moved on. It’s always been a system I’ve loved but never had a chance to delve fully into so I thought I would ask the VGS community
  13. As the first responder it looks like Shadowrun will be my first game! It is very fitting as I just did some googling on this game and it was created by an Australian company
  14. I thought I would ask the community to help me discover some great SNES games that I have never had a chance to play or missed. I could just go through a top 100 list and call it a day, but that's pretty boring and probably won't help me discover unique titles. Over the next few months I plan to attempt to go through the recommendations (time permitting). Give me your top 5 games that aren't on my already played list below. Guidelines: - Can't be on my already played list. - Don't care if it is region exclusive, just has to be 100% playable in English or require no language. I definitely welcome super famicom suggestions. - Love every genre except sports and racing. Unless it is something that doesn't take itself too seriously like NBA Jam and Mario Kart. - List top 5 in order of favourite because I'll probably play everyone's first preference, work my way through, then move onto second preference etc. - Future new members are more than welcome to post their top 5. Update: A VGS blog with some quick thoughts on my experience with each game: Blog Recommendations completed: Shadowrun Skyblazer Already played list: A link to the past Aladdin Bust-A-Move Chrono Trigger Donkey Kong Country 1 - 3 Earthbound Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 EVO F Zero Final Fantasy 4 - 6 Gradius 3 Killer Instinct 1 & 2 Kirby's Avalanche Lion King Mario Paint Mortal Combat 2 & 3 NBA Jam R Type Secret of Mana Star Fox Star Wars 4-6 Street Fighter 2 Super Bomberman Super Mario All stars Super Mario Kart Super Mario RPG Super Mario World Super Mario World 2 Super Metroid Terranigma Tetris Tetris & Dr Mario The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie the Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse The simpsons bart's nightmare Uniracers Zombies Ate My Neighbors
  15. Thanks for the recommendation. This game looks awesome. Love a good rogue-like.
  16. Just got around to watching it, fantastic video. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Hopefully this doesn’t come off as too harsh, but the collecting world doesn’t just revolve around the US and what they think is valuable. While the majority of the members here are from the US, a lot of us international peeps couldn’t give a toss over some sticker on a US Mario or some bike that came with a SNES game. You guys do you and we’ll do us. To a lot of people these bootlegs are their nostalgia and just like someone will pay for a good price for a CIB Mario someone will pay a good price for a bootleg. It would be very hard to replicate a lot of these bootlegs because they have an identity just like a NES game does. Someone could come along and make a reproduction of a bootleg, but those would be noticeable to a fan just like a reproduction game is to a NES fan. A true NES/famicom collector in Asia doesn’t want a reproduction, they want the real bootleg and are willing to pay for it.
  18. At least one of them should get a win tonight, which probably means the game will end in a tie. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to take my comment back haha. Great game though, that third quarter was crazy. I feel sorry for Burrow, seems like he has a lot of talent, but he's going to get knocked around all season. Give him a few years of that and he'll probably be getting some season ending injury.
  19. Australia is matching the Euro pricing too, but isn't the difference due to the US not including VAT/GST? Europe and Australia include the tax in their price so there might not be a huge difference. For me it will be best to import from Canada because our dollars are pretty much at parity. Thanks Canada, you guys rock! I won't be getting the new gen for a long time with these prices. I'll stick to switch and PC MS game pass. MS have really nailed it with Game Pass for me.
  20. https://www.destructoid.com/stories/nintendo-3ds-production-has-officially-ended-603898.phtml It has been a great journey. The region locking sucked but the backwards compatibility with DS allowed me to play so many great games I missed.
  21. 2020 stock already sold out here. Taking pre orders for 2021 now. I’d guess that the pandemic has probably impacted how many consoles they can make so this will probably continue in waves for a year.
  22. For us international people it makes perfect sense because bootlegs, clone consoles, different regions mixed in with other regions etc. is just a normal way we grew up. I find what @fcgamerand @OptOutare talking about very relatable and interesting but struggle to understand a sticker seal Mario for example.
  23. Yep exactly this. My wife is from South America and I showed her some NES carts and she didn’t care, got out the famicom and all of a sudden she wanted to play it and relive her childhood. She started showing me games she played as a kid and the majority were bootlegs. I think some people forget that the collectors market doesn’t involve just US stuff. Most of the international stuff is even rarer too. Just doesn’t have the demand yet.
  24. A great book I discovered for beginners is You Can Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler. Teaches you all the basics like perspective, shading, circles etc. in a fun way and the majority of the daily drawings are pretty interesting.
  25. Hahaha you have redeemed yourself with your love of Gravity Falls, one of my favourites too!
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