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Everything posted by Brickman

  1. I think it will depend what region you’re in. Here, SMS was on par with NES and maybe even was ahead for a few years. Everyone I knew had a SMS over a NES. I gave it an 8 because it has a great library but not NES/Famicom level great. Everyone should give the library a go.
  2. I keep hearing this but also struggled to like this game after absolutely loving the first RDR. How long in does it get good?
  3. This was already mentioned by @Tanookibut I’m late to the party. Earthbound for me is my top pick of over rated game. I tried multiple times to like this game but never could. I found it to be so boring and I love RPGs. I will never understand the fanboy obsession on this one.
  4. I finished X and I felt the whole game was like that at times haha. I was on the edge of my seat hoping I wouldn’t get some random move that one shots you. There’s one section where your party splits and my backups were so under levelled. Spent hours grinding. Funnily enough though, the last boss is easy but just really long. Overall it’s a good game but definitely towards the middle to lower on the list of FF games for me.
  5. It had been on my list for a while too. A contact of mine found one and offered a good price so I finally caved. No regrets so far haha.
  6. Don't usually post pick ups but I do have to share this one that I got today.
  7. Depending on the day you can choose your colour.
  8. Well looks like the corrupt Chinese Government cracked the shits and put a stop to Ant financial listing. Can’t imagine this company get listed now or in the future. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/03/ant-group-ipo-in-shanghai-suspended.html
  9. You should do it. You get one life on this planet, as far as we know, so there’s no point living on regrets. My wife left her family in South America because she was frustrated with everything. She said it’s the hardest thing she has ever done but never regrets it. The easiest would probably be Canada for you. But Australia & NZ are not too bad if you study what’s on the list for required skills. With technology it is much easier to stay in touch with family too. The world is big and there’s just so much out there past the borders of the US
  10. Might be time to find a new place to live. If you have the right skills, most Western countries should be open. If you don’t have a family you can also use the education route. Study a degree and progress to employment.
  11. I think it depends what you’re collecting and what region. US stuff has gone pretty mental across the majority of retro systems. I mainly collect Japanese stuff and the majority is slow and steady increases. Even during this pandemic I haven’t noticed huge increases. PAL stuff is still mostly not too bad too. I feel WATA & the pandemic have really screwed over US collecting though. Glad I’m not too involved with that scene, I’d be broke after one CIB game.
  12. Anyone know if there is a site that lists what was included with famicom games? Maybe something similar to Satakore but for famicom?
  13. Not long to go now. I’m not even American and I hope to see this idiot lose. Sick of seeing this Oompa Loompa in the news. Never cared about US elections but I think this is one that the world will be celebrating.
  14. Should only be one option on this movie, that being 10. We came! We saw! We kicked it’s ass!
  15. I completely forgot about this recommendation until today when I saw it in my download folder. Great recommendation and I think his advice on coming together to make companies change is a good one. The one downside is these social media companies are so big now it’s like dealing with railroads or newspapers in their golden age. Very interesting about the US cable companies coming together to create a monopoly, can’t believe that was even allowed. I’m going to watch some more episodes from this series.
  16. I second this. The weapon durability is really a non issue after the first few hours. I was worried when I first read about it but don’t let it deter you from an awesome Zelda.
  17. Yep love the pikmin games! I had a Wii u but actually never got around to playing the third so I was glad to hear it’s coming to the switch.
  18. It’s such a fun system and really fun to collect because the library is so amazing. Hopefully people see your post and jump on board too Check out the Switch thread here so you can keep on top of all the great releases. My favourite thing about the Switch is the hybrid nature of it. Works great as a console and as a handheld. A few recommendations from me if you haven’t played them/played them on other systems: Celeste Shantae games Doom Witcher 3 Breath of the Wild Bayonetta 1&2 Catherine Diablo 3 Mario Tennis Xenoblade Chronicles 1&2 Mario & Rabbids Divinty: Original Sin 2 DKC: Tropical Freeze Toad’s Treasure Tracker Golf Story Fire Emblem and heaps more but this list will keep you busy. Enjoy the best Nintendo console since the SNES (in my opinion).
  19. Watched The King of Staten Island last night. It was average. Bill Burr and Steve Buscemi carried the movie. Sub plots left unfinished and very uneven.
  20. I must admit, this is the only reason I want the CE, I can have both on my desk...and maybe pretend battle when no one is looking haha.
  21. Yep countries like France and the UK are getting back to scary numbers. Belgium and Czech Republic too. It was to be expected considering a few weeks ago these countries were going on about just having to live with it and then walk around with no mask while eating at a packed pub. Then go to school and infect more people. I think what a lot of them didn’t understand is that even if you are in the low risk category you still spread the virus which then in turn starts to fill the hospitals, the hospitals run out of room and then doctors have to choose who lives and who dies and also people with other issues such as heart attacks die because all the ICU beds are full. Europe’s deaths will most likely start rising rapidly over the next two weeks as the early cases start translating to deaths. What is the hospital situation like in the US with the increase cases? Europe is the current focus in the media over here.
  22. Can't disagree with their bad D pad. I had the Namco Arcade Stick which worked on PS2 so that helped me overcome most issues with the D pad. I know it is an extra controller but I love arcade sticks for consoles.
  23. Yes. The SMS was huge in Australia and Europe. It is probably hard to state in words how big Sega was in these regions. I don't have hard sales figures but growing up the majority of kids I knew had SMS. I was very lucky to have both and loved both equally.
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