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Short reviews of what I thought of the recommended SNES games in the 'Help me discover awesome SNES games' thread I created.

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Next game up was Skyblazer recommended by @Reed Rothchild and @Magus. Thoughts: Insanely fun platformer with a variety of interesting levels that never got boring. Good challenge, but not overly easy or hard. Highlights: Solid platforming with great controls Enjoyed the ability to stock to walls and diverse range of powerups A variety of levels and mechanics (loved the stage when you climb the tower and it moves with you) Great visuals Not so fun:


Brickman in Review


First recommendation on the list from @Tabonga was Shadowrun. Thoughts: Absolutely amazing game. Never had heard of this series before, it started as a pen/paper role playing game. I will now have to read the books. Highlights: Winning my freedom by killing The King The music Diverse and interesting dialogue and characters Tight gameplay Interesting environment and level design Not so fun: Bloody snipers! Can be frustrating if yo


Brickman in Review

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