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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. This can't be true, I was informed it's all thoretical! Within the last millennium, the Mongols or the Soviet Union may give them a run for the title of most brutal, but it's debatable. Every major civilization has been both total scumfucks and the victims of absolute scumfuckery. That's the story of human history.
  2. Man I saw King Ralph at the $2 theater back in 1991. Kinda want to watch it again, but Amazon's asking $3.99 to rent and I can't locate it via "other" means. I hope Charles III has a more auspicious reign than his two earlier namesakes. At least the monarchy will continue and always remind England that England's greatness requires a sense of stability and honoring of tradition that can be so easily forgotten.
  3. Basically the complete opposite of what I said, but sure. Acknowledging that imperial colonialism has always existed since the beginning of civilization and still currently exists is not a defense of it at all. Let's see how the next few decades play out and we can contextually compare Russia, China, and the practices of the rest of the benevolent colonialists of today to the British Empire.
  4. Anyway, I don't want to turn this political. It's just annoying to see so many people with no knowledge of history or deep understanding of centuries of broader historical context going on TV and talking smack about someone who served her country and proudly and gracefully represented England for all of her life.
  5. I didn't mention the word "worse." We've already seen some of the consequences, though. When one empire declines, others take its place. Is the present-day Chinese colonialist empire in HK and the African warlords like Idi Amin and Mugabe and the Middle Eastern theocrats that took over former British colonies better? The British colonies in Southeast Asia got a real good taste of Japanese empire during WWII. But the bigger point is that those who are unhappy that we don't live in utopia and want to tear everything down don't even stop to consider the possible consequences, or don't care.
  6. "The trouble is caused by unthinking people who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old and outworn machinery. They would have religion thrown aside, morality in personal and public life made meaningless, honesty counted as foolishness and self-interest set up in place of self-restraint." - QE2, 1957 Christmas Broadcast Pretty much sums up the thinking of folks who want to tear down all of our institutions without thinking about what happens next. RIP to a great woman, with grace and a sense of duty and responsibility that many know-nothings in England have scorned and turn their backs on, to the great detriment of England and its allies.
  7. The whole movie is really something else. Anthony Geary (aka Luke from General Hospital and Philo from UHF) is really camping it up, Danny Trejo is a boxer in his first credited acting role, and Rick Zumwalt (Bull Hurley from Over the Top) is in it too. Plus the Midnight Thud morphs from junk-biting monster into Too Sweet's zen trainer by the end, slamming a dungeon door into Too Sweet's stomach over and over again while shouting "GUTS! GUTS!" and repeats other helpful mantras like "OAK TREE! OAK TREE!" during the final fight.
  8. Today is the 35th anniversary of the release of Penitentiary 3, a Cannon film and one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind. It features the greatest batshit-crazy prison fight scene ever, between Leon Isaac Kennedy and the Midnight Thud, a crack-smoking, porn addicted midget who is released from his dungeon in order to bite the genitals off of inmates, but who is easily distracted by citrus fruits. The fight scene and the full movie are on YT.
  9. Ave amice! Learn Latin first and don't try to do both at the same time unless you've got a ton of time to devote to it. Lingua Latin Per Se Illustrata is a great choice, along with a grammar book like Wheelock or Moreland/Fleischer for reference. When you get better, there's a guy who has great annotated texts free online at https://geoffreysteadman.com/ For Attic Greek, which is where most people start, I used Athenaze in college. It's a real steep learning curve to go from a textbook to reading real texts, though. I have an old annotated text of Homer that was helpful during the transition since Homeric Greek is at least building vocabulary and grammatical proficiency from a limited, but large, text.
  10. Just snooping on the progress so far this year... No one's beaten Overlord yet?! Still some sweet Koei goodness remaining to be played
  11. I was curious regarding the minimum # of tickets that need to be sold for there to be a >50% chance of 2+ winners. Since it follows a Poisson distribution, you can calculate p(0) + p(1) = 0.5 instead. The lambda, or mean, equals (num tickets) * (prob of winning). It turns out the answer is 507,826,412. Of course, the numbers aren't truly random since some people pick their own. Also, if you take him literally, i.e. 50% chance of exactly 1 winner, or p(1) = 50%, well, that's not possible. The max probability of exactly 1 winner is when 1/prob of winning tickets = 302,575,340 are sold, and that probability ~= 36.79%
  12. I like how that guy thinks he is posting some really spectacular insights that couldn't be reached via 30 seconds of thought
  13. Even if you get an annuity and are impatient or stupid later on, you can find any number of companies that will take over your annuity in return for an extremely discounted NPV lump sum.
  14. What a group of studs - Ted Dabney in bell bottoms (?), Nolan Bushnell rockin' the polka dot shirt and garish tie combo, some guy doing his best Steve Allen impression, and Allan Alcorn in a rumpled shirt and looking a lot like a thinner Jon Gabrus
  15. Most people flying Business class, as the name suggests, aren't paying for it themselves.
  16. Damn, I thought you meant the programming language and was ready to bust out the ol' turtle graphics on ya for some extra nudie magazine money
  17. Can confirm as someone who is tall and used to fly to Asia for work 4 times a year
  18. It's a nice sweet side dish for a summer meal, a garnish for sandwiches and burgers, or you can chop a couple slices up and put it on a suitable ice cream flavor.
  19. Those have been around a long time. As someone born in DC, all the people who move here and then whine about this are like people who move right next to an airport and complain about the planes flying overhead
  20. I can't find my watermelon rind pics right now, but here's some kimchi fermentin'
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