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Everything posted by Daniel_Doyce

  1. Blank Check podcast did a runthrough of his movies recently that is a great listen for all JC fans. Also, once he retired, he mostly likes to chill out and play video games, which sounds pretty fun.
  2. Only with hoison sauce or Price Chopper Imitation Vanilla Extract, you numbskull! WW's most important Public Service Announcement was the Cut The Mullet trilogy, though
  3. All right @Reed Rothchild, I'll add a few anecdotes then for ya One of my old coworkers went to a WW concert and got the signature headbutt. I was supposed to go to one of his concerts in late 2002, but had a conflict and ended up never meeting Wesley in person. Wesley had a concert near the college I attended, and ended up crashing at the house of one of my friends and his roommates. He apparently was a very nice and super charismatic guy and just rolled out next morning to his next gig. When I quit my job in 2006, I did donuts in the parking lot of the Evil Empire while blasting Wesley's "F*CK YOU" until I got it out of my system. It's still a banger of a song to jam to when you want to let off some steam after a shitty day at work.
  4. I promise this isn't yet another fcgamer logorrhea thread... I missed it by a day, but Wesley Willis died 20 years ago on 8/21/2003. It seems like only yesterday that he was whupping a llama's ass with a belt and taking yell down war hell rides on city buses. Rest in power, Wesley. I hope you finally escaped your demons and are headbutting fans while rocking with your Casio in heaven. Rock Over London, Rock on Chicago, Diet Pepsi, Uh-huh
  5. We definitely need a dedicated quarantine thread for fcgamer's random musings
  6. Tremors 5 and 6 have Ass-blasters, Jamie Kennedy, and, of course, Michael Gross
  7. RIP Cormac McCarthy, formerly the greatest living American novelist. I have his 2 newest books but haven't gotten around to them yet. This also seems like an appropriate time for a revisit of Blood Meridian and Suttree.
  8. What's the joke? Snow Job is a real term that fits his personality. If you're thinking of something rhyming with that, you're reaching...
  9. I had that AT-AT and some of those Star Wars action figures as a kid. The AT-AT and Admiral Akbar ruled. I doubt they're worth, much, though, especially in well-used condition. The Batman stuff looks awesome. I would have gone apeshit for that stuff back in '89
  10. Good lord that green font... Real question is, what is an enumerated list of the favorite treats of the members of the extended Mario universe?
  11. Most legit two or three standard deviation smart people aren't in Mensa. It's got the same cachet as those Who's Who books they try to scam college kids into paying to get an entry in.
  12. Anyone who beats L'Empereur is ok in my book. Congrats on the Koei goodness!
  13. Sorry, it wasn't "my" company, just the one I work at, that was acquired. That was ambiguous.
  14. Two reasons; I realized a lot of long-term capital gains in 4Q, and I also had an accelerated earning of some ESPP shares that were revalued at a much higher level due to my company being acquired in 2022 and the merger happening on 12/31 (and which no taxes were deducted earlier for). Many of the shares were also reclassified as short-term capital gains as a result, so treated as normal income. Since I live in a state with a lot of courageous people like @Hammerfestus that stunningly and bravely raise other people's taxes at great personal sacrifice to themselves, I got hit hard by all this on the state level too. That was all in addition to the normal taxes I had to pay but were seized during the year.
  15. Just sent in 40 grand total to the fed and my state along with what was already seized from each of my paychecks during FY 2022. Not a fun year. I'm sure it will be spent wisely and prudently by our government, though
  16. Every imaginable cut of beef cooked into submission due to my parents not understanding that medium rare <> uncooked
  17. My parents bought a Sears house in the early 1970s. Apparently the workers came, built the foundation and other underground stuff, and just plopped the house down basically. It's still holding strong. I believe it was $25K all in.
  18. Does Heinz recommend you eat 5 cans a day?
  19. @G-type Woodbridge is one of those places I've known about since a young age from the Traffic on the 8s on WTOP That and silently fuming at that whole I-95 corridor there on the few occasions I need to drive through there anymore. What's it like living there, other than having a nice sushi place, a Smegmas supermarket, and Potomac Mills, which Marylanders also avoid like the plague? Since you work for VDOE, I guess at least you don't commute into DC, an absolute Sisyphean goatse of a drive that anyone not from this area or Atlanta or LA cannot understand.
  20. Tim Burton didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas, BTW, and Henry Selick will never let you forget that. Selick seems to be a pretty good dude based on his recent run on the Blank Check podcast
  21. One of my favorite Conan segments ever is he and Tim Burton discussing Edward Penishands. It's on youtube. I have VHS rips of Edward Penishands and its 1991 sequel, Edward Penishands 2 somewhere in my vast library of retro porn parodies.
  22. Thank you. This is extremely useful information. Ignore the haters who say this is simply a large list of countries, some of which aren't actually countries, but rather territories or dependencies. I will devote significant time to studying your list.
  23. Every douchey guy in college had this poster hanging on his wall
  24. I don't remember that episode specifically, but in the original books, she tells a very similar story that must have actually happened and formed the genesis for that episode. Some children went home from the schoolhouse as a blizzard was starting to worsen and just missed touching the edge of their house and then got lost in the snowbanks and froze to death. Life on the frontier was hard and unforgiving.
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