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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Tanooki

    Maze game

    Seriously smart move, good job on that. Those kids sucked that up and ran with some pretty smart design (Especially) for their age group as that works. I know people like to groan over dave's posts, but take a few and skim the article about the design as it's pretty smart.
  2. Oh yeah no one loves old games. And definitely no want likes a few dollars worth of cheap crap to buy for a huge price compared to value because LRG doesn't ever, EVER, thrive off fomo fools and their easily opened wallets.
  3. I have him send his instead, max zoom, so you can gaze into it and watch as time changes as space folds in on itself. That said, it's done and I wrote you again, been nice talking. Whenver it pops up I'll head up the street to find a shadowbox for the wall just like a few other items I've done that with. I still need to go grab one for my sealed up Wolfenstein 3D GBA game as that art is iconic, for now in a plastic box protector I had lying around. And that said, on new stuff. Yesterday and the week went nice. Days ago finally rounded out the MIdway trio I loved on DC the N64 got amazing ports of that run great, figures the cheapie was last, Ready 2 Rumble, that generations lost Punchout. The rest was the sunday flea and went nice. Got the mario movie Mario free, Koopa bagged for a dollar. Got crazy enough an aliexpress sealed up snap case with GBA 369in1 cart new for $5 the names they put for games are so utterly laughable the engrish is worth it alone, yet it is basically all the pokemon, all 4 mario adv, mario&dk and superstar saga, along with a few random ones like mmpr, wwe, road rash (around 20~) GBA titles, rest is pocket nes and insane. Then $20 I think it was for a MOTU strydor(missing 1/2 guns and tail), lost vikings gen, tom&jerry gg w/manual, and thps2 for gba. All around win of nice variety and at a nice value.
  4. There isn't? Your project looks fantastic. I'm happy to see a new project, but there have been some ongoing projects and a few finished in the last few years. If you go back a decade it gets thin if you count year vs project, but about that far back Hyper Fighting (SF2 Turbo) was converted famously. I recognize your fruit fly game and the rest, the idea of taking a bit of a few small projects and turning it into a multicart of sorts is a smart move. it adds variety to where you get the value from many games in one cartridge in the end. RetroOnyx (kevin mellott) put out a battlezone style clone/turret game called War Zone, costs $100 to $150 depending if you want loose vs CIB, but he also is using 100% new parts, even the unique pin connector he found a way to recreate. https://www.retroonyx.com/product-page/virtual-warzone-cib Might I suggest contacting Planet Virtual Boy https://www.virtual-boy.com/ so you can have it highlighted and shared with the largest and oldest VB community online which would be a real asset. On top of who I mentioned, there are numerous other coders, a few have been colaborating to create the VUE Engine, a smart suite of tools to ease the coding of making VB games. Currently a solid test title has been kind of an overhead view F-Zero style title called Formula V which just had championship mode finished https://www.virtual-boy.com/homebrew/formula-v/ A couple months ago someone made a demo game of a Silent Hill play novel to download and enjoy too. Here's a current list of the homebrew current and past that either finished or was left incomplete: https://www.virtual-boy.com/homebrew/ I really would suggest going on discord to their channel, talk to them, they can get you into the website with full news coverage, etc to help sell your game if you go that direction, and if not, at least it will be well known and easily found for those who still deal with the VB.
  5. Yeah I'm interested, just let me know what the details are within a PM and we can figure out the shipping cost. I got a spot on the wall that would look perfect. Thanks.
  6. That deserves a nice acid free backing and put into a frame.
  7. It's all good, he took an inaccurate swipe so I wasn't even poking at him, it was at fcgamer in the first place, and I get called out?
  8. It's not so much about the value of the adapter, it's minimal in the big picture. It's more about just an original launch day or shortly after cartridge where not knowing if they'd fail they just made adapters in the factory and mounted the existing Japanese boards to it to minimize their costs if they took a loss. At that rate they could toss the adapters and shells, and salvage the actual working games for more Japanese sales. They only popped up in original carts with the smooth top(fold side) that has screws instead of 2 plastic tabs, and those five screws show be flat head instead of 3 security bits.
  9. I always found it strange to see it brought up even 30-40 years ago and passed it off as a marketing thing on how intense a game was. Never once had it or even a sore thumb from playing, but I do see cases over time like ones in here where I guess it is a thing. Maybe it's not the game, but just how some people may just grip a bit too hard or just how their thumb is it just happens.
  10. Your actions since popping up make it clear despite your gums moving this was attention seeking, a kind of badge earning behavior. Collecting for the sake of it, the classic bounty type who will throw whatever at it for whatever cost damn the consequences. If called on it, saltiness ensues along with denials. You're getting triggered with me mocking my friend there which speaks volumes to me, and to a joke that was made about a fantasy Taiwan version of Mario, a joke built off another joke. it wasn't even directed at your crazy buy of an A'Can game. I'm familiar with the toxic stupidity of the NEC kids, and it went back before 2015 too. I used to put up with that group until it got enough and the get it at whatever cost kids showed up and really soured stuff so I bailed on it, as being around that level of stupidity and toxicity is dangerous. My last go around saw what they were up to, I grabbed a Japanese Core Grafx 2 and a Duo instead, until they fouled that as well.
  11. Hah, no he was pissed that it IS worth $5k, $5k new taiwan dollar ($155USD) Also it may seem strange but it's not that strange, back at Midway we used to print off test manuals and boxes, first as color mastered sheets and card stock like retail would have and hand them around to look for defects from printing, spelling, grammar, omission etc and mark them up and run it again. They would get assembled into legit retail like packaging of the box and manual. I'm not really sure if they were vaulted up after that tucked away, thrown out as is, ripped, burned, whatever as I never cared to ask. But it's quite possible if a big (then) company at the time did this work, why some little fly by night taiwanese operation might not do the same for its prototype too as it wasn't just unheard of. Ankos doesn't have a stake in this to kiss fcgamers ass or pacify either, so I'd take what he says given the insane depths of research he has done into numerous screwball small operation things as a statement of value.
  12. Present back in the day along with the first TMNT from my uncle. I've always liked it, just never loved it. Nothing really surprising really about why as it has been discussed to death. Unique game, really great sunsoft music, good weapons and strange creatures. Problem is, it's overly hard due to some weird design choices coupled with having to grind dragon quest like almost to get the weapons not to suck, and taking a hit diminishes them annoyingly like blaster master has happen (also from them.) It's a good game, not great, some flaws, but if you can tolerate it it's a nice ride for a time or if you care to finish it either way.
  13. Ok yeah while I'm more often than not on your side, going a bit far here at this point. Yes it's a brag, anyone would do it, that's why the look what I got thread exists. My only problem is and this has nothing to do with Acan, Taiwan, or even specifically Americans. It's largely the westerner concept of fuck it and throw the financial kitchen sink at it and damn the consequences. Not saying another Rebel will pop up, it's irrelevant here. The most recent vicious piece of example was the money thrown around like water and lockdowns 2-3 years ago. People just took the F-it angle and paid whatever it took to get what they wanted because they could. The VGPC line graph spikes speak volumes to it. And does anyone think on the whole March 2020 and past years prices will return on various things and I don't just mean games? No. When you create a rush and prices go up you're part of the problem because you're helping inflate the value, and they don't always deflate let alone return to the original size. By setting up some insane bid, then going off on how 5600 was a lot but cheap since I went all in and had financial exit plans 1 through 3 setup to cover my insanity that is a problem. Just like when people would put those asinine BOUNTY signatures on NA acting like that moron Fry with the shut up and take my money line. It's just one big fuck you to everyone except the immediate buyer and the seller, as you broke new ground on making things worse... but hey, whatever I got what I wanted.
  14. Yawn... throwing around money like water, the thread. How's your traditional chinese anyway?
  15. So maybe it's just an observation here, but am I missing out anyone being annoyed with the glow one, now these where they sell them outright and ship within a couple of weeks? What does this mean to someone who ended up paying then stuck shoehorned into group C back in 2021 who still hasn't got there or took over 18 mo to get it? Seems that would cause more than a few payors pretty salty, or what if it hasn't shipped and you're stuck with black and you want see through red? They ever offer up cancel/refund options?
  16. I was more or less going to write all this, so thanks for doing it for me first as I feel the same entirely on this. I'm surprised there wasn't a poll #3 in this for one you liked the least since there was a liked the most. I'm curious to see how that one would spread out. After the last movie though I'm done with Bond, they decided to intentionally tear down and apart the character that stood for so long. I'm good still with the rest, still will re-watch the rest, but as far as I'm concerned the one two years ago doesn't exist and I kind of hope they'd just let the franchise expire at this rate with the comments about future directions to take it.
  17. @RH Oh yeah on the left coast it did, and no there weren't catalogs. Had I found the store before I turned 18 (around 13-14 it opened) I would have been a half decade sooner into hopping into import games. As far back as 18 I started getting imported GB games, as cheap or more than the US stuff since no one would touch things they couldn't read (not that you need to read Pitman or SD Lupin the 3rd for example.) That source I largely used had me into SFC, GB, PCE CDs between 95/96, and if I wanted more like sega or neo geo aes/mvs then that would have worked too. Places would import the stuff in right on the coast or people would, or bring it with them, tire of it, and dump it in that shop, ranch markets, etc. Now though here, it's rare, and usually when it is it's a handheld game like you thought. I've bumped into the odd famicom or sfc title, but more or less that's it. Just yesterday I saw a dragon quest 3(fc) but I can't read that, left it.
  18. Feels like a vintage game chasers or cinemassacre video in text, got to puff up that collection now and hype others while you sit back like Dr Claw, laugh at your screen, and rake it in.:P
  19. I got a package in the mail yesterday from taiwan. English translated GB games: Magical Chase, Cave Noire, Last Bible 2. FC copies of Star Luster and Ninja Jajamaru Kun. And then Sailor Moon for megadrive CIB and the latest known before canceling capcom made Street Fighter II Turbo (ST II" Turbo) for Genesis/MD cart and box. Fantastic game selection, the proto copy the audio and improved view area really make it clear just how bad the released SF2CE was. The voice samples and music are nearly on par clear as the SNES stuff, not the released fart in a tin can audio.
  20. Kickmaster is a solid game, and it does look and play in ways ahead of its time. Problematic is the fact in more recent years the price skyrocketed so I can't recommend it anymore due to that alone, just like I love bubble bobble 2 but F that price. I mean if Famicom were included in this for Taito(which it isn't) there are some other arcade titles and things that would have been fantastic choices for here and Don Doko Don(1 or 2) come to mind.
  21. Nothing says anyone here couldn't take over trying to push it back into use.
  22. Yeah there definitely is nothing in recent years now to cover that kind of heritage, auction sites playing with prices to maximize their money finding rich marks? Shocking! Madness really.
  23. Well now that explains everything why he's been successful over in Taiwan so long, it's not the teaching money as you know teachers don't get paid shit. He's a famicom gun runner. Next it will be doc's fixit kit "cleaning" solution in the tube to get high off of.
  24. It could have perhaps ended up in the good online bin area, but late last week I saw online a deal at $150 for an AV Famicom, it's like new, has the side cap for the extended accessories and the sticker next to it, original OEM cable un-spread, upgraded triad power supply, a shielded NES into FC adapter, a game, and the two OEM controllers with the infamously short controller cords they had over there too. Very happy to go this route now that I've got around 50+ FC games now.
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