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Everything posted by G-type

  1. Shamus: It was for Atari 8-bit, Apple II, TI-99/4A, C64 etc... It's a 128 room maze.. the action is very inspired inspired by Berzerk... electrified walls, unstoppable monster that chases you if you stay to long on any screen. Its a fixed layout with color coded keys and locks to reach deeper levels of the labyrinth.
  2. Trying to beat 5 games is probably too ambitious. I would be happy if I beat Super Mario 2. Milon's I would love to beat, but it might be too hard. I might have a chance if I use a strategy guide. I just remembered I should put Super Metroid on this list. I started that when I got the SNES mini but then I got distracted and haven't touched it again. I need to play more with that console. Super Mario 2 Super Metroid Milon's Secret Castle <-- unlikely, but it would be nice!
  3. I love the concept of this, it seems like it should be right up my alley. I love vector graphics, I love classic arcade action, I love interesting self-contained elctronic games; but for some reason, I just didn't have much fun when I got my hands one. I think the controls felt awkward to me.
  4. Super Mario 2 TMNT Monster World Milon's Secret Castle Faxanadu
  5. I ranked it so high because it can also play 2600 games. If I were judging on the 7800 library alone it might be a 4... My true love is 2600, so getting to play those games plus a few awesome 7800 titles like Food Fight is a bonus. It's a shame too... if they had released it as soon as it was developed, they could have beaten the NES to market... Build out a bigger, more robust library, get away from just making everything be arcade ports. Include a better sound chip and console history might have turned out different.
  6. all this bantering is getting me hyped up for the new season! Shocking secrets will be revealed: was I really hiding my super sick gaming skillz? Was playing like someone who'd never touched a controller before all an act?! Find out next time..... on Survivor.
  7. George is 72 and definitely not immortal. His last few books each took him 5-10 years to write. Assuming Winds of Winter comes out in 2021. Will he be able to wrap it up in just one last book? That is optimistic. (Brandon Sanderson ended up needing 3 books to wrap up wheel of time.) Will George still be as active and capable of writing in his 80s?
  8. Gamecube was one I never really played much at all. I know everyone gets Nintendo consoles for the 1st party games, but this was during a period of time where every 3rd party game for it would also come out for PS2 ... even some of those capcom "exclusives"
  9. You should try the romhack that adds those levels back in. The sequence goes: ramps, rivets, elevators, and conveyors, and then repeats.
  10. I think the big difference is that the NES 8-bit pixel art aesthetic has come back in style as a retro/nostalgia thing. Low-res 3d with blurry textures or basic shading, and tons of of fog to hide the draw distance hasn't enjoyed that same resurgence, except among a very devoted niche.
  11. It's pretty much a Pac-man clone. The arcade/claymation version is incredible!
  12. I think the aesthetic is definitely a part of it. I really liked the look of those Macintosh games... even the DOS ports of them. Dark Castle in particular has a lot of personality. I love how the prisoners shake their heads no when you walk under the booby-trapped key.
  13. I have a fondness for Dark Castle, even though the game was absolutely brutal and impossible to control.
  14. Anyone still watching the Walking Dead? I just watched the Season 10 Finale (which was delayed 6 months from the penultimate episode). Now they announced that the season will get 6 more episodes in early 2021, rather than start season 11 (The final season)... kind of strange decision considering episode 10.16 wrapped things up for the most part. Episode spoiler thoughts: -They really telegraphed it when Daryl says "not all of us are going to make it" and then they have a bunch of main characters and no-name girl getting coated in blood to go out into the horde. She might as well have been wearing a Star Trek red shirt. -The horde had been built up as this ultimate weapon of the Whisperers, yet when it was finally deployed it seemed to have no effect whatsoever! It probably killed more of the whisperers than the main group. Everyone already knows about the zombie blood camouflage trick, so I don't know why they were even concerned. Especially when all you need to lead it away is a cart blasting some Talking Heads... speaking of which... -The Talking Heads!!! Is this the first time in 10 years that The Walking Dead acknowledged the existence of any pre-apocalypse pop culture?!! Normally, when there's music, its some unknown folk song, or an in world celebrity, (like they were building up Beta to be... which had its ultimate non-payoff in this episode where Neegan recognizes him, and Daryl says he's "nobody" -I guess the big fancy special effects of the horde plummeting over the cliff was one of the reasons why this episode was so delayed. (it did look cool) -Eugene's quest for pussy has got to be the dumbest, lowest stakes subplot of the entire series, and that includes the major events of Season 9 being built around whether or not the groups can successfully organize a fair. But at least it led to them introducing a potentially interesting new main character, Princess.
  15. The Goonies was really the prototype for "a group of kids go on an adventure" movies. For that, it gets a lot of credit with me. Especially considering I made a comic book which followed that same model. The parts I found most interesting: kids doing Indiana Jones-style exploring, only took up a relatively small portion of the movie. The subplot about the mafia family chasing the kids I enjoyed less.
  16. I love Battletoads. It is a TMNT ripoff, but somehow it still manages to carve out its own identity. The NES game is an amazing but flawed game. Levels 10 and 11 both have game breaking glitches. The 2 player experience is pretty bad (they shouldn't stop the game if someone dies, friendly fire is really hard to avoid on certain levels, and on level 11 the second player simply can't play). The extreme difficulty level is perhaps exaggerated. Yes, it IS incredibly difficult, but this is par for the course for a ton of NES games that people don't seem to complain about so much. Put it this way: I beat the game, and I'm average skill level at best. The game's high difficulty, is part of the reason it has remained relevant. It does require incredibly precise gameplay, but mostly it requires memorizing every level, because there just isn't enough time to react to some of the obstacles unless you already knew they were coming. The graphics and music are very good. The level variety is great: They got beat'em up, rhythm game, 2d platforming, racing/obstacle dodging, psuedo 3d levels. Its constantly introducing cool little touches to charm and entertain you (eating flies to regain health, space invaders that literally attack your life bar, fists that get giant when you punch, transforming into a wrecking ball when you are on the rope, your eyes cartoonishly bug out when you see a big boss, fight seen from a boss POV, infectious beats on the pause screen)
  17. my kids enjoyed my NES and Atari games. I remember my son (5 yrs old) was really into Dragonfire for a little while and even wanted to submit a high score for it.
  18. I haven't had any personal experience with the Retron 77, so I can't weigh in that. The route I opted for (and recommended to @Jeevan) was a 7800 system with an RGB mod. This way you can play the 2600 library with 99% compatibility and you also get the 7800 library which while small, still has quite a few excellent titles.
  19. bought Scott Pilgrim for xbox 360 when it came out and still play it. The disc drive on our 360 broke, so digital is pretty much all we can do.
  20. Check out The Getaway. That's got a very accurate recreation of London in a GTA style game
  21. The rogue idiot defense depends on how the group responds to said idiot. Are they disavowed and banned? or are they tolerated and defended with excuses ("they were just joking") with others even joining in. I've heard the "rogue idiot defense" employed when people call Comicsgate a hate group (the comic community's version of Gamergate), but a casual browsing of the comments section of any pro-comicsgate video with dozens of "Heil, Comicsgate!" comments, belies their proclamations of good faith intentions.
  22. G-type

    Wizard Gladiator

    thanks! Learning Scratch has been a lot of fun.
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