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Everything posted by G-type

  1. This article illustrates a perfect example of whats wrong with this country. 17,000 workers laid off in March while 3 million is paid to 3 people.
  2. Not my thing, by I can respect how influential they were.
  3. I enjoy their music, but a lot of their songs sound very similar... especially any song with the word "California" in the lyrics.
  4. G-type

    RPG Thread

    My son is going through Earthbound right now. He's really gotten into it. He's currently in the Winters area.
  5. This was my first too. Classic Queen, (The green one). I bought it with a Sam Goody gift certificate. It came in one of those tall boxes, (because all the music shops were still using the bins sized for vinyl records. I probably got it in 92, because I think Wayne's World had just come out.
  6. I'll play. Maybe I won't be first boot 3 times in a row.
  7. when just considering the set as a collection of artifacts, I would probably go for the Oddysey 2, because I find the box designs appealing in their 70s retro-futuristic color schemes and graphic designs
  8. Scientists is funded! Still a couple more hours on the clock.
  9. We just need about 20 more backers. Sharing it facebook and Sharing it on Twitter are a couple ways to help get the word out. I've got a list of people I will be contacting directly too.
  10. @SuperJimtendo Here's your kickle pic
  11. Thanks man. I'm happy to answer your questions. (and send me your picture request too)
  12. @Ferris Bueller @littlesamson @Fleck586 I'll draw you guys a custom profile pic if you'd like. Just let me know what you want!
  13. it matters in the sense that one I feel wants me to take it seriously, where the other one is just being pure fantasy so its a little easier to just go along for the ride.
  14. Mike Winterbauer, the artist and model for power blade is kickstarting a portfolio of power blade prints
  15. I'm the guy who started a "hypnosis is bullshit" thread, so I'm probably biased, but I think voodoo magic > hypnosis as a horror mcguffin.
  16. I thought it was good. Jordan Peel is a good director, and his follow up, Us was even better. Get Out is a little overrated, considering Skeleton Key had the exact same plot (but made more sense)
  17. I find the nu-metal era fun and nostalgic and a bit cheesy.
  18. There's some violence and mild profanity. I'd rate it PG. I let my kids read it.
  19. I've been working on this thing for 15 years (off-and-on) It's on Kickstarter until March 6. If you mention you came from VideoGameSage when you back this, I'll draw you a custom profile picture.
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