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Everything posted by MeganJoanne

  1. Today, Wild Arms and Legend of Legaia, both really great RPGs and really good soundtracks too.
  2. ↑ One of those Sonic wannabes ! I avoided nearly all of those furry mascot character games back then. Nearly all of those type of characters suck, and yeah, Bubsy is at or near the very top.
  3. State of Decay, the breakdown mode, beat it well over a hundred times. I played it enough to gather up over 4500+ random names (yeah, I actually have a massive list of survivor names, not just the heroes, never much liked using the hero characters). There were times I rushed through it in short time doing only the minimum, what was need to move on and get the RV, other times I cleared every location, but most games I tended to focus on a certain part of Trumbull, be it Spencer's Mill, Marshall or Fairfield depending on where I was placed to start. I'm sure I done played probably over a thousand hours of State of Decay and the many times beating that after a time I had to invent knew ways to play it and even wrote short stories to keep me going or spending many hours trying to find a way out of bounds to get off of the map or climb that mountain that I'm not really supposed to climb but damn I'm going to find a way. The only other game that I played that much is Skyrim, while Fallout 3 and Just Cause 2 come dragging in after those, but each of those I've only beaten once or twice, but then beating them wasn't where the replayability shined, it was just in the whole everything, everything one can do, roaming around exploring every little inch and just doing whatever I wanted to the extend of what the games allowed. I never thought I'd get into the whole open world thing but once I did I couldn't even get myself to play anything else, that is replay and addiction. If wanting something even more old school, Castlevania, I have come back to that game more than any other NES or SNES game, it's short and sweet, offers a challenge but not overly frustrating, done in about a half and hour or so, so I can play again or move on to something else. If I need just a quick old school fix without too much commitment, this is one of the few that I go to again and again. Castlevania is the perfect hack 'n slash platformer, keeps everything basic and does it all right. And if thinking something with more exploration, that would be Metroid, the original. There were a lot of addicting games over the years as well as other games that I revisit from time to time, but I think many are past their prime, because the revisit is the thing, I don't stay with them anymore, thus even the great NES ones that I return to time and again or a few of the very addicting PS1 games such as Twisted Metal 2 back in the day, they don't hold up the same way anymore, not since the old days when I was repeatedly playing them over and over and it seemed they were the best and most fun games ever. Still all and all, State of Decay is the ultimate champion of replayability for me because I know if I got another 360 I would be back at it again killing zombies for hundreds of hours before even considering anything else, which is good that I am taking a break from it because there were days that I felt sick just from gaming too much, and then even after I got tired of that would move over to Skyrim, and then back again.
  4. Finished up hours of listening to FFVIII soundtrack. Really, I wonder if any FF games ever had suck music? Haven't played but a small handful of them. I did enjoy FF8, never got to ever finish the game though.
  5. This assclown. There are a lot of characters that I hate in Skyrim, probably far more than any game, but this guy takes the cake. Cicero. So many times I wished I could kill this clown but the game never allows it because he's special, yeah like every unlikable character.
  6. Yesterday I listened to Final Fantasy IV's soundtrack, today Final Fantasy VI which is probably the most beautiful emotional masterpiece of game music ever. Finishing up the whole ending theme now.
  7. ↑ Red Arremer, not so bad, I actually don't mind them. What I hate are pretty much everything else, ghosts that appear sometimes right where you are, the other little flying devils, the big men, I really hate them, blocking my ladders and making time run out.
  8. Was listening to the soundtrack for Bloodstained Ritual of the Night earlier in the morning. Never played the game and maybe never will, though did watch a few minutes of it on youtube. And it does have a nice OST.
  9. From a character standpoint, not annoying enemies... Navi, "Hey! Listen!" No, I don't want to listen, I just want you to go away and stop bothering me! Never did complete Zelda Ocarina of Time, not because of Navi though she didn't help matters but because I just couldn't get into it. Mario from Super Mario 64 onward. I've hated this character since then. He tries to be too cute and I can't stand all the Woo, wooh, wah, yippie every time I friggin jump! The only sound I ever liked that he made was when he died, I'm like good you stupid bastard. Crash Bandicoot now. I never minded the character a long time ago on the original Playstation but it was when they tried to make him ever more cool and failed that I hated him and his games. Characters that try to hard to be cool or cute, of course end up failing and being annoying or douchebags, which happen to be in too much abundance thus in hating them I have a hard time enjoying the game, connect begins with the character. I used to hate Sonic the Hedgehog but he's actually cool. I used to hate Zero from the Megaman X games. At the time I thought those characters to be too much hype in the try to act cool sense, but there's so much worse now, they just had a little bit of attitude but aside from Zero's ridiculously unnecessary long hair, they aren't badly designed. Been a lot of copycats since Sonic but none come close to achieving genuine bad assness, they all try too hard instead of doing their own thing. And since mentioning Megaman X, his original design was cool, still much like the original Megaman, but more details, but then every new game his got a new and more ridiculous looking armor, even used a Dustbuster at one point for an arm cannon. It's the same when I think about Dragon Ball Z, love Goku as a character but then comes along the blonde hair which somehow says he is even more powerful, okay, fine I can deal with that, but then next upgrade, the hair is now longer, and next, let's change the color again, and it starts to feel stupid. Nothing wrong with the original, he was cool without having to try to look cool. Dante from the Devil May Cry games. Now I've only briefly tried these games out so no comment on that the games might actually play well or not, but as a character design standpoint he's just horrible, though I don't mind the DMC redesigned version. He feels like a copycat among many others that plays at the whole cool thing with the outfit choice and the hair. For some reason the white hair turned into a thing, you got white hair you're one of the badasses. I was okay with Alucard from Castlevania SotN but then once I saw Juste Belmont I was like, that is just horrible, seriously the dude looks like Alucard's little brother who is trying to be like him, thankful his game is really good, but still the character design is so uninspired and generic. Female character that try to hard at being tough are sometimes annoying, especially worse is if they are scantily clad, I can't take these kind of characters seriously, they are just stupid and unnecessary. I like me some eye candy but it has to make sense. But men walking around with shirts or jackets opened with their chest exposed or female character with huge boobs with hardly anything but a dot or something covering the nipples are just the kind of characters that as much as they try to get attention it is the wrong kind, it's like, come on what's wrong with you, put some clothes on and show some respect to the gamer and yourself. Might be good to look at for some, but they just appear trashy, and made that way because the designers had nothing good to come up with so let's try to make them cool or sexy, yeah, that'll help sell the game! Like I played the demo for one of those Ninja Gaiden games on the 360 a while back, forget which one (think it was NG3 Razor's Edge), I used the female character and upon seeing her I was shaking my head and laughing my ass off, not so much the outfit alone, it's not as bad as some, it was everything about the character, and how they presented her, she was made with sex on the mind, and plays at being tough in the whole action segments, but with the cutesy noises and the, I dunno, she just didn't seem to fit in with everything that I was up against. Whatever happened to Irene Lew, she was a good character (I know, different Ninja Gaiden games).
  10. Alright fuck it. Rage quit without the rage. It was building up. The reason I've only ever beaten Actraiser 2 twice ever (once in easy and once on normal) is because it pisses me off more than Ghosts & Goblins, at least that one had some sorta screwed up addictive quality to it that made me want to endure the pain just a little bit more. Yeah, the hesitation between moves sucks as does the fluttering. Still think the speed is worse though so much that sometimes there's no strategy, you just mash and hope to kill them before they can get too close otherwise hit, then you try to get away and hit again, and raaahhrrrww!, dead. To hell with this, trade blows until one of us dies, heck with strategy, it's not worth the hassle if I at least have some hit points to take a few blows. I hate slow characters, this one feels sorta the same as those Gameboy Castlevania games, like my character is trying to walk through glue. I thought after all these years to give it another chance because it has so many awesome qualities but they fucked it up with speed, reaction and control mechanics. I could've went back to my save game for the easiest mode, but no point because like some other stupid choices other games have done the same, one off the top of my head, Double Dragon II, you don't get to play the whole thing, so it's more a warm up mode, not the real deal. The easiest mode of Actraiser 2 is not too bad, but who the hell wants to play a mode that doesn't allow you to even fight the final battle. Anyway, I got better games to play. The Master can go to hell.
  11. Not the healthiest but mom came home with pizza, so that's what we are having. It was on sale at grocery store, pizza called Wild Mike's Ultimate Pizza (nothing extraordinary, it's just pizza), uncured pepperoni no artificial ingredients. I had to break it in half along the edge of the counter because it wouldn't fit in the toaster oven. Heck I don't care so long as it taste good (it does) and doesn't give me too much digestive issues then I'm good with whatever. But I always try to add a lot of veggies, my way of trying to balance out garbage food with good food.
  12. Playing Actraiser 2, PAL version en français. Cleared so far Industen and Benefic. Tortoise Island and Altheria. Death Field and Almetha. Palace, both. Been playing this on normal difficulty. I haven't used a continue yet, but also they give me 7 lives at the start of every stage regardless if I didn't have many left in a previous one, plus 5 magic. This one on normal is more like easy in the US. But even hard mode on the PAL version is still easier than normal mode US, still giving more lives. It only cranks up the difficulty significantly on expert where it's three hits and I'm dead. Thinking if I intend to play all the way through I may start over and play it on hard mode, because if I remember right on the US version you don't get to fight Tanzra unless you play on a higher difficulty than the easier mode. Looked it up, yeah, just as I remembered, need to play on a higher difficulty. So I may start over and up the difficulty a notch even though I like it where it's at, I may not be able to see it through to battle Tanzra. At least there are more lives, that's a plus. The Master moves like a slug, but in playing it according to his slowness, slow and steady, it's not too bad, not the kind of game to have a rush type play style. Anyway finding it easier overall than a long time ago, other than the sometimes cheap boss fights, because that is when you could use a little more speed to avoid getting hit numerous times. And see that's the thing, the one thing that could have made this game be more playable for everyone, faster walking, even just a tad bit would've made a big difference. The dude walks like he has weights strapped to his boots. But now that I've had some practice, maybe I will do even better once I get back to it.
  13. Ufouria - main theme. Someone here was kind enough to put it in my head with mention of the game, thus had to listen to it.
  14. Such a great game, Ufouria! Now you done got the main theme in my head. Its a good thing.
  15. Just noticed that SFC and PAL games won't be part of the normal list, bonuses tracked separately, but since I was asked to check in here for Soulblazer, played that in french thus PAL, will do the same for Mystic Quest (Mystic Quest Legend - france) just so it is noted, if it will be, if not disregard.
  16. Beat Soulblazer a little while ago. First time since over 2 decades ago. Had me teary at the end, what a good adventure should do. Realized in recording this that the bottom of the screen is clipped, same with Mystic Quest, probably the few others I'd done too, need to make sure to get rid of that game bar at the top, that should fix it for the next recording. Deathtoll wasn't so tough, one of the easier bosses of the game, the bird gave me the most trouble losing several lives to that, but then I did also have that phénix magic for the final battle which was necessary, as is no magics seemed to had worked at all with any of the other bosses. Had forgotten about the conclusion of the ending after the credit roll, that it wasn't over yet, and got me all emotional all over again after having already gotten teared up.
  17. SoulBlazer. Beat it just moments ago. Damn, ending had me all teary-eyed and sniffling, and I forgot there was more to it after the credit roll, so glad. I had to look up where three emblems were, not that I needed them, because I didn't even use the bell at all, just wanted to know where they were and get everything done. Going back over these SNES games again after so many years and taking my time, mostly, I gained a new relove for them. And to think if I hadn't been studying french and that I didn't destroy my 360 I wouldn't even have played this, I would still be sitting around doing the same things I did every day with Skyrim or State of Decay and as much as I enjoyed those at times, I was miserable most days, then after too many freezing up as those games were prone to do I had enough, smashed it. But there was more to it than that, I needed a fresh start and try to put some part of myself back together again, even if just a few little pieces, thus got me to get up the courage to get back online and talking on the game forums again about gaming and whatever. Now, I just have to keep with the positives, gaming, learning, socializing for what little of it I do. And try to better deal with my anger when it happens.
  18. Wow, about the whole come back thing, until recently I've been in the dark about it all, then see topics on here about vinyl and now cassettes. No way for me, certainly not to the hassle of tapes, all that fast forwarding and rewinding just to find a spot you want to hear or in the case of movies to watch, so time consuming, good for the time because that's all there was, but then CDs came along, and now, internet, downloading, though even that comes with the price of sometimes not working as it should or internet going out and those are times that I wish, damn I wish I still had my movies I had on CD. I didn't own any music until CDs and even then only had about a dozen of them, youtube opened me up to more variety, before that it was mostly just game music, turn game on, enter sound test, listen to music or play game, listen to music while playing, hum tunes whenever. My best option for playing music has always been off of my own memory, tunes pops up in head, hum or sing it, entertainment until I get tired of it.
  19. Sometimes I can do exercise, other times I can't, depends on if my body can handle it that day or not, but always after even just a little bit I get so tired that I can hardly stay awake, then sometimes next day feel sickly, but there is that thyroid issue so that's most likely why I can't ever feel consistently good, mostly not much. A couple years ago I was able to do up to 500 squats a day, 50 at a time, and then repeat the very next day, but since then, health has been on the decline and energy levels even more inconsistent and couple that with too much depression and I only rarely exercise now. I can still do it, but my stamina isn't so good anymore.
  20. Silver Surfer was the ultimate thumb breaker for me. I struggled with that one trying to get off those shots rapidly enough to kill any single enemy.
  21. There was a time when graphics wowed me, jumping for NES to SNES did that, as did from that to Playstation, after that even though every console thereafter the games were even more beautiful, yes I love them, I didn't get as excited over them. I see most games nowadays and just shrug, yeah looks nice, but will the game be enjoyable and play without being plagued with a ridiculous amount of bugs, or am I going to get bored within short time before even finishing it? Maybe it's my age, but also perhaps expectations, no more surprises. The SNES had a lot of effects that the NES just did not have but still it was sorta the same just a superfied version of it even if it did wow me at first that probably had to do with my age and the times, and the Playstation was something totally new for me with 3D environments and fmv and lots of voice and other stuff, it blew me away like no other console ever did from those before to those of now, but after that, while everything has improved greatly visually as well as how much stuff there is going on and how much smoother the games play, I dunno how to say, the wow is gone, but replaced with just an easing in and accepting it for what we are used to with advances in technology and gaming, it's a jump up from the last, obviously going to be better, more stuff, smoother playing, better graphics, but been there done that. What we need is that drastic change like what happened from the SNES to the Playstation, if done right. I do like my graphics when it comes to higher end games though, because having tried the 360 with the original cables that came with it and an hd cable, massive difference in quality that it is painful to look at if not in the highest quality picture. And now looking back and remembering how awed I was over original Playstation graphics after having played 360 for over 3 years, wholly shit, example Lara Croft Tomb Raider, any of the games on the PS1, pointy boobs, blocky ass, the elements are there but the beauty not so much because even then graphics still had some ways to go, even if they were a wow factor then, but that was only because they were so new to the eyes, but fast forward to Underworld on the 360, Lara Croft in that wetsuit at the beginning, damn I can look at that all day. Yet, aside from details in the environment that really make a game come to life, a pretty picture alone is not enough to really draw one into the game without still a little bit of imagination on gamer's part. I can drawn in immediately to the visuals of Tomb Raider Underworld or Resident Evil Revelations 2 but for others like Skyrim, Fallout 3 or State of Decay because sacrifices have to be made to have that openworldness minuscule details in the environment are lacking thus find yourself not interacting with many objects instead passing through them as if they are holograms, so thus rely on the imagination of the gamer to fill in the blanks and draw themselves into it with whatever other content is available. And if a game can't play without hiccups, constant choppiness or freezing up, then it don't matter how pretty it looks because it done just pissed me off yet again because they didn't program that shit right to make it run smoothly on the console it is made for. Graphics do make a difference, I used to never think so, but nowadays, yeah. I can still play and enjoy PS1 games or PS2 or whatever, because a good game doesn't suddenly become bad just because graphically it does come close to what is out now or in my case last gen since I've yet to be able to keep up completely with the times, but also there are other things like the controls, games now have far better control over everything from character to camera, I can run smooth circles around anything without suddenly stopping to have to turn my character again and don't feel like I'm controlling a tank instead of a person. Yet, when it comes to the older games of yor, or any 2D game really, simple pixels of various colors on screen doesn't matter, which is why I can easily play NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, DS, whatever, pretty much any generation and not really be bothered by the differences in the graphics, the difference is noticeable for sure but it's not really a big deal, at least for me.
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