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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. 2212. Tupac song is over rated. Last one was unfamiliar and 1 listen didn’t help. Coin flip.
  2. 6. I’ve never intentionally put on REM but I do like their songs.
  3. Really? Cuz we just spent the last 4 years having chosen a would be autocrat, who is a long time known swindler - who’s made billions from it - because he “gets us”. Or maybe let’s discuss Iraq. Better yet, let’s talk about the actual practical US - China relationship? The one where our bloated consumerist husk has been reliant on Chinese goods for a long ass time? The world will not implode if the US is not in charge. That’s complete jingoistic nonsense. Continuing to exist as a people is not dependent on our hegemony. To quote Daniel Tiger, “Sometimes things are different, and that’s ok”.
  4. I personally think a decline in American power and influence would be a nice thing for a while. Maybe cruising somewhere back in the pack for a while would really give us a chance to focus on US. The chest pounding American exceptionalism crap gets old.
  5. I’m a proponent of pushing friends down to escape a bear attack. Hey hey hey.
  6. I cared when Chris and Phil and Otaku guy from PSM went in 1998. I was 14. That was the last time.
  7. This is new to me. Here’s hoping it goes well. https://www.ebay.com/itm/PlayStation-1-PS1-Games-Lot-15-Game-Lot-Fantasy-VII-Bushido-Blade-2-/124749025396?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286
  8. Quick and easy to identify. But — but but but I’ve made it clear before how I feel about southern Ohio. 3.
  9. When he was a student at Harvard. Just trying to illustrate what a dopey point code monkey was making.
  10. In edit: i also don’t know what it is. But that didn’t stop me joining the other game.
  11. I am always on the search for the perfect storebought chip / salsa combo. There’s more pitfalls than you’d think because apparently some companies can’t tell the difference between salsa and tomato sauce.
  12. 8. I can really get behind a movie where you get to watch Tom Cruise die repeatedly.
  13. Tortilla definitely. Tortilla is more versatile and salsa crushes onion dip or whatever. Also. Guacamole .
  14. The only game I really could say I kept coming back to was Wii sports. But I really liked that game. Who doesn’t want to box their friends? 7. oh and Mario Strikers was a good time too.
  15. Does the Dreamcast game have big fake....inserts? Ba dum tss
  16. Is it unacceptable to replace the save battery in a cart?
  17. I really think the scale of this sort of thing is being way exaggerated. Newer collectors collecting them? Who? Where? On Reddit? That post got like 6 mixed responses. Also a copy of snow brothers is not a 57 Chevy. Not even kind of.
  18. It is my favorite game that I have played on PS4. I generally find open world pretty annoying but this worked really well. It probably has the best, most thought out and meaningful side quests of any game I can think of
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