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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Can anyone tell me if DS and 3DS boxes are the same size?
  2. This completes my US set. Was something I’ve put off for too long. Kind of want some of those Japanese releases.
  3. Thought maybe from first 2 pics that your second letter is like country of manufacture? But third doesn’t support that.
  4. Debated between 9 & 10. At one point in my life this would’ve been a 10. It’s like 9.5 now. So good. There’s still Tarantino I like more even though this is probably the more masterful movie. He is simply the best at dialogue. That breakfast scene? Oh man.
  5. I was an NES SMB. I don’t recall which other games we got at the same time. Would’ve been some time in 89.
  6. Haven’t watched Charlie’s Angels. Love some MASH. Alan Alda is a beast. 9. I always thought Sanford and Son was very entertaining you big dummy.
  7. Pretty sure a decade of near constant sleep deprivation has tipped me over the edge into madness. Naps just mean I get to wake up twice a day with not enough sleep.
  8. No. Not since my Amazon tinfoil hat arrived. Now it’s just dragons and Bigfoot I have to worry about.
  9. I just didn’t know it was possible to have never seen either. Also 40 isn’t that far from 50. (35 is basically 40. 30 is basically 35)Maybe if it was drawn by Akita Toriyama?
  10. Huh. I did not know that. We lost the sound on the one we had in the bedroom about 2 years ago and replaced it with a new one. I’ll get back to you in 8 years or less to update
  11. Couple of decade-ish old Vizios. Waiting for the older one in the basement to die so I can buy a new…Vizio.
  12. How is providing an example of how it’s weird changing the subject? It’s still conceptually weird. And it’s also weird that you feel so strongly that it’s not weird. It’s like nature or something.
  13. Whoever could have taken that 20million and literally transformed an entire community but instead you bought a rock scribbled on by some dude. Nope. Totally not weird.
  14. Im not a big Star Wars guy. I don’t think I’ve seen all the movies. I liked the SNES ones. I thought the N64 one with the snowspeeder bit was cool. Battlefront 2 on ps4 is my current mindless time game where sometimes I get to be Luke Skywalker.
  15. Nope. All those things you said are fuckin weird. What we do here is weird. I like it, but it’s weird. Most of what societies do is weird though.
  16. Man, the way I pour mixed drinks that thing‘s gonna end up a huge drink.
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