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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Beavis and Butthead - 7. Was hilarious when I was a kid and I like the video game but I don’t know that I’m ever going out of my way to pop it on. The whole things going to be pretty dated and more novelty. Bojack - I’ve never seen it. Anyone remember the Tekken character Bojack? South Park - 10. easy 10. Brilliant and biting for how many years now? I still look forward to having a new season to watch. Please don’t compare it to that Simpsons trash. If it was 1999 we could talk but unfortunately for my ability to pick up Nintender tapes off the street it’s not. South Park has managed to stay relevant and the Simpsons just makes me want to turn it off and put on Futurama reruns.
  2. 8. Debated giving it a 9 but...if I’m honest I pretty rarely choose to watch Back to the Future over a good number of its contemporaries. It’s pretty awesome but it will never be in the same league as war games or Beverly Hills cop or the goonies for me.
  3. Cant remember why I picked it up originally but my MATIC is killing it.
  4. Of course not. Don’t want to be distracted while parroting talking points from your chosen side of the argument.
  5. Listen buddy I’m just trying to help you out. You’re gonna want to hire somebody else to do all that for you because I don’t know that your puny British arms could properly hold the gun. Arms that are puny withered socialist from not holding guns all day. Murica!
  6. Hey! I don’t want no backsass from somebody who eats baked beans with breakfast. Don’t you know we are the divinely chosen rulers of the world? We’ve got Jeesus on our side.
  7. I thought @somebody here guaranteed Bitcoin would be worth $1 billion a piece by now? Must be the Mandela Effect.
  8. Has the average on PS2 sub $10 stuff come up at all from last summer? I’ve got a bunch of stuff I’ve accumulated over the years and I’m waiting for it to be worth my time.
  9. Bump for helping cover late night purchases from japan
  10. Man those display shelves are really cool. I want one.
  11. Matzo is criminally underrated in the cracker world. Very versatile. Certainly the best religious cracker.
  12. I simply don’t feel I’ve thoroughly enough expressed my love of Cyndi Lauper.
  13. I like it. I was wondering have you ever considered revisiting some of the artists from the early debates? I mean that was a different website.
  14. My experience comes from Donkey Kong Classics on the NES. Played a lot of it when I was a kid. I probably prefer DK Jr actually. I liked the vine climbing. DKs a good time though and one of the better examples of that era of gaming. It is something I’ll pop on from time to time on the Switch but the allure probably isn’t enough to get me to pull out the cart. 8
  15. Hell yeah. Just discovered them and very impressed. Darker Iced Earth kind of feel back when Iced Earth was good and not Nazis. I’ve been doing a lot of discovering new bands lately which is something I haven’t done in years. You guys will get harassed by my discoveries.
  16. Dang. I had no idea. Well this is fantastic. America’s turned into one giant pyramid scheme. Well more than it already was. Collectibles as a whole bout to get Rekt.
  17. You should have to have completed every game in the library. Otherwise you may have missed the most awesome games. Or have played almost none of the system. If I drink something nasty I don’t have to keep drinking it to know that it’s awful.
  18. I would like the opportunity to shit all over the Doors. Please make it happen.
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